Just wanted to add that even though a lot of the pictures so far have been in the kitchen that there will be some out side on the porch, backyard and out front. I'm thinking I may do a part 2 but not sure yet.

See there are some out side pictures I know some of them may come out dark but hopefully they will all be viewable.

The porn brings up something that I don't know as I should admit to on here but I admitted it at the party so since I don't know who knows who I might as well give my version. I was never asked if I was stright at a party before and my answer to the lady was mostly then I was asked what that means and I said in porn I like dick. There is just something about a hot lady giving head. Now what I should have expanded on is only in porn well other then my own of course. But guys do nothing for me at all. I love checking out ladies breasts and asses and faces and oh yeah and if they have piercings and tats that is a bonus. Oh and thanks for the porn I put it to good use allready. Ok back to the pictures.

If you are still looking at the pictures you might remember that I said some of the out side pictures look like they might be dark well here we go here is the start of some of them.

Yeah I did the limbo and did better then I thought but couldn't keep my balance and was out quickly but it was still fun. I guess this is were I will cut part one never sure were a good place to make the cut is though. Hope everyone had a great time and likes the pictures.
thanks peterazzi! it was nice to get to see everyone's happy faces, it's been a long while for me. you didn't earn the nickname peterazzi for nothing!
I couldn't be at the party because I had to visit relatives in Canada. Thanks for documenting the debauchery for me, (e:metalpeter).
I didn't get to talk to those girls much but they did seem pretty nice. I have some more pictures to put up still that will be part 2 some of them are the fire pictures. I couldn't tell in person or in the photo what you where looking at well now I kinda know.
i'm glad you shared all your pics and so quickly too. I really like the one where im looking at the 'mail sac' and that blond girl is standing there with her mouth open. I forgot her name, but she seemed nice. Nice candid shots
Thanks for taking pics. I got to see parts of the party I missed. I can't believe the fire got so big. I am glad I turned on the sprinkler.