So at the site I went to I only found one nude one but I'm guessing there are more. The reason I put it under sex instead of pictures is that it really is about sex. I say if you want to take nude pictures that is fine and can be fun and if they are sex pictures even better. But if you are an actor you should at least know that only you should have them and have them locked up so only you can see them. Posting them online though can be fun if you are part of an adult site or if you are in an amature sex contest for a magazine or something. I think that people should look at this how it is as a boyfriend and girlfriend having fun, and there is nothing wrong with that. If some kid asks about the pictures all a parent has to say is that, the actor is really an adult playing a kid and that is an adult thing some adults do.
Hmmm... I read somewhere that Jet Li's movies are usually banned in China and he is unhappy about it.
Christopher Walken is great in it. Hopefully I'll get to see super bad next weekend but who knows, it really looks funny glad you enjoyed it mike.
Super bad had me laughing my fool head off
Balls of Fury is on my list. I waited all summer for it to hit the theater. I hope to actually go soon. Anything with Christopher Walken should be good!