05/19/06 11:35 - 54ºF - ID#25745
Adopt a Pig
On a side note, I wish that people would spend more time considering pets before they get them. Like dogs and cats, small animals are often neglected. Once the initial "oh your so cute" wears off they get sick of the constant care they require and get dumped at the local shelter. That is if they are lucky....others just "release" them into an environment they can't live in. I heard one story where this girl didn't want her guinea pig anymore and threw the cage with the pig in it into the trash. Disgusting!

Permalink: Adopt_a_Pig.html
Words: 149
05/16/06 06:13 - 59ºF - ID#25744
Vamos a cruzar la niagara...
As I took a drive down Niagara Street the last day of March I had this saying in my head. I drove all the way to North Tonawanda thinking of the environmental devastation that has occurred along the river. I think about what it must have looked like before, before it became an industrial waste toilet. I thought about how the native people must have admired it's awesome power. I wonder if any of them ever got sucked over the falls while they were in a canoe, or ever used it to kill themselves? Could they even use a canoe on the Niagara?
My pictures are incomplete. Since I was driving by myself, I wasn't able to take many photos. Along the Niagara you can find the GM Powertrain plant, landfills, and numerous other monstrosities with the occasional glimpse of beauty, especially in Lewiston.
Most of the industry is long gone. The question is though, what have they left behind?
I parked my car here on Niagara and Albany. There was a path that leads to some train tracks...

Choo choo!

Check out this satelite image of the bridge

This mural on the side of an abandoned Agway building says it all

This is one of the most economically devastated areas in the country...but we all know that.

Porn along the way

These next two buildings are cool

At this point things got real ugly. I need to take the trip again with someone else to get more of the nastier pics.

My voyage ended here at the River Walk in N. Tonawanda. There were lots of people out that day. The air was incredibly nasty, and I wondered why people go there for fun. In Western New York, like many areas of the world, we do not have the right to breath clean air.

Permalink: Vamos_a_cruzar_la_niagara_.html
Words: 451
05/15/06 03:13 - 64ºF - ID#25743
Went to Rochester Saturday to spend the night with my friend Julie. Each drank a bottle of wine, watched Sex and the City and fucked around with her cat, Slick Rick. I have a video depicting what our friendship is about, but its way too grande, and it won't fit on gather. I even zipped it all up into a bundled winzip file. Oh well. It's great to have at least one real true friend. Somebody that is always there no matter how many years go by. I'm lucky to have many good friends. Julie definitely passes the test of time.
Sunday my Dad and I drove to Deposit NY for dinner at my Aunties and Uncles house. Grandma and Grandpa came as well as another Uncle and my little cousin....what a cutie! Had some ham, spinach salad (So f'n good) and sweet taters. For dessert, homemade ice cream cake with oreos, cherry garcia, coolwhip and chocolate ice cream. Spent many hours in the car with Daddy. (haha, I don't call him Daddy!) Originally, I told him I didn't want to go, because I didn't want to be in the car for 6..7..8...9 hours. I'm glad we went. Dad and I talked for most of the trip there. Communication between us has always been difficult, but times, they are a changin. I can talk about worldly issues with him and even though he doesn't always agree with me he listens and is respectful of my opinion. We have come a long way. Got home late last night and now am being lazy...tomorrow I will look for a job. So just get off my freakin back OK! hehe. Oh, I did good in my five classes this semester...yes! Not all A's like I had wanted, but not bad.
The rest of this post is a rant about computer frustrations, read on if you are so inclined.
Anyways, I don't like Quicktime its being a pain in the ass. Plus I have a printer that came straight from hell. HP DeskJet 1315 all in one. From the moment I got it there has been problems with the software. Now every time I load anything in the CD drives or the USB port the software goes through this configuring process. Someone said to download a new driver....so I guess I will do that again. Sometimes I wonder....are we really better off with computers?

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Words: 435
05/12/06 05:19 - 68ºF - ID#25742
Mystery Man

There is a man who sits at the edge of Hoyt Lake. He seems lonely, like he has lost someone very close to him. I don't think I have ever seen his eyes.

Permalink: Mystery_Man.html
Words: 36
05/11/06 06:23 - 63ºF - ID#25741
Oprah said...

Good bye old friends!

Also got a new a/c unit for Coco. Rabbits need to be cool in the summer months. In the wild they burrow into the earth for coolness. This should also be better for breathing/allergies.

Permalink: Oprah_said_.html
Words: 81
05/10/06 06:49 - 81ºF - ID#25740
These Days
I think i'm gonna go back to library downtown again quick. Need more movies. Returning my all time favorite singer, Celia Cruz. Must get more Celia! ¡Azucar! Also gotta hit Latina for some groceries. That place is so fun. Vegetables are stank, but always interesting things going on. I think they are cheaper than Wegmans. Luckily we got Guercio just around the corner for veggies, they have excellent prices.
My bike gets out of surgery on Sunday. Who wants to go for a ride?

Permalink: These_Days.html
Words: 174
05/09/06 11:27 - 63ºF - ID#25739
My Buddy


This is my doll of choice

Oh dear

Permalink: My_Buddy.html
Words: 87
05/09/06 07:42 - 73ºF - ID#25738
Parking Tickets
I'm pleading not guilty. The cars are supposed to switch sides at 6pm two times a week. We should have at least an hour before or after six to move our cars. I suppose if they wanted to do street cleaning they could do it at any other time during the week. The cops are being stupid thinking that if they write more tickets they will get what they want. They should write NO tickets and then every freakin politician from city hall will be all over them giving them what they want, kissing their hot tight asses.
Oh, I decided to get a masters in ranting.

Permalink: Parking_Tickets.html
Words: 227
05/08/06 04:39 - ID#25737
My summer time employment demands
make like at least $10/hr. Temp work, whatever. Give me money and lots of it. I also would like the hours of between 9-3 m-f and maybe odd jobs at other times. I would even consider house cleaning, cause even though my house gets messy, I'm a damn good cleaner. I want to use the cleaners I want to use, I don't like using vinegar. If you want to use earthy products that's cool. Yes, vinegar is earthy, but it smells funny. Would also be great at pet sitting, yard mowing, bush wackin and things not involving ladders over three steps. I can do indoor painting as long as you don't have existing lead paint. Don't be bossy, ask me "Libertad, would you do this for me?" I almost always say yes. Money talks. I'm very trustworthy and have the references to back that up. I usually never call in, but if I do then its none of your business. Tips of course are always welcome. I wouldn't mind getting paid in services either, like I'll clean your basement (maybe) if you clean my teeth. I'll clean your house for an hour if you give me an hour long massage (nothing kinky, I prefer professionals). I clean fish tanks and swimming pools (maybe clogged gutters depending on the height). My experience includes:
3-5 years of customer service. (inbound telephone, I will not do outbound unless they are already a customer) I'm good at this i can even get total bitches to chill out.
2-4 years of retail--especially
knowledgeable in pet products
3-4 years of barista experience
Spot, Cafe Aroma and Starbucks out of the question for varying reasons. Spot is OK, but I don't want to work there, I would rather go there.
I'm also educated, so give me lots of money.
There are other places especially nasty corporations like Walmart or PETsMART that can go to hell. You must make decisions that I feel aren't damaging America or any region of the world for that matter. Monopolistic type companies, such as, ATT and Adelphia, PETsMART included are particularly despised. We are all human beings and all need to be treated with respect. Every human being deserves basic rights and corporations that interfere with these rights are evil.
These are my demands for summer time employment. I can change my demands at any time I feel is necessary. Oh and I will need days off, but I can be rather flexible.
If you know of any job that fits my demands, let me know.

Permalink: My_summer_time_employment_demands.html
Words: 448
05/07/06 05:34 - 60ºF - ID#25736
The many faces of e:mike

Permalink: The_many_faces_of_e_mike.html
Words: 18
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Then that 30 year old needs lessons in empathy and cruelty...
I use the term "girl" loosely, often I am speaking of adult women. She is almost 30 actually, but mentally she really is a child.