08/21/06 12:56 - 75ºF - ID#21968
Panos restaurant ending overnight shift
The tradition for Buffalonians, who are able to enjoy drinks at the bars and clubs until 4:00 a.m. will end sometime at the end of August or September, according to overnight manager Wendi Dittmar and resturant accountant Roseanne Jones.
"We will be starting the closure of the overnight shift sometime in the next 2 weeks to a month," said Dittmar in an exclusive interview with Wikinews.
Jones told Wikinews that owner Pano Georgiadis is "just fed up" with the "destruction, the walk-outs of bills and fights that the 'drunk' people cause" to his resturant.
Pano's opened in 1977 on the day of the blizzard of '77' and has "remained open for 24 hours since then", only closing for an hour at a time on the weekends to clean up and prepare the restaurant for breakfast, said Georgiadis.
Artvoice who holds the "Best of Buffalo" competition every year where readers vote for their favorite Buffalo place, has listed Pano's as the Best of Buffalo for best brunch, best Greek restaurant, best patio and best super-cheap breakfasts for 2006.
Georgiadis is expected to make several radio announcements within the next few weeks.
Copyright: Wikinews, Article:

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Permalink: Panos_restaurant_ending_overnight_shift.html
Words: 248
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
07/16/06 12:17 - 83ºF - ID#21967
Oppose to supporters
OPPOSE the Elmwood Village Hotel proposal
When: Monday July 17, 2006
Time: 5:00pm
Where: Elmwood and Forest
Hope to see you there.

Permalink: Oppose_to_supporters.html
Words: 39
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood hotel
07/13/06 06:52 - 84ºF - ID#21966
Opposers of Hotel launch counter protest
Opposers say that the protest of the hotel will be peaceful and be isolated to opposite the side of of the street from the supporters of the hotel. They are asking anyone who is AGAINST the proposal to attend.
WNYmedia.net is calling the opposers "Banannas" and "Nimby's" (Not In My Backyard).

The opposers of the hotel have not once called names of those who support the project and to this day have respected those who support the project and their stance. They have never subjected to name calling and or any kind of rotton names etc... We fought for our cause without the severe defense mechanism that this support group is.
My question is, where were they when we opposed? Why is this the FIRST support rally they had? And most important, how many of them live in the city? I respect those opinions of those who live in Derby, Cheektowaga, Amherst, etc...But I do not support them telling the opposers what's best for their neighborhood/community.
Lets not forget that the only reason why this proposal came about was because of one person. Hans Mobius. If he was not such a "slumlord" and kept his proerties up to code and looking at least halfway decent, then there would be no proposal. He neglected them for many years and continues to do so. And all the crime and violations disappear in to thin air, and he gets a hefty 3 to 4 million dollars for his crimes.

Permalink: Opposers_of_Hotel_launch_counter_protest.html
Words: 297
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
07/13/06 01:14 - 79ºF - ID#21965
Elmwood Village Hotel proposal withdrawn
The hotel would require the demolition of at least five properties, 1109-1121 Elmwood and would cause the closer of several businesses. Already, two businesses, Skunk Tail Glass and Six Nations Native American Gift Shop have relocated, outside the Elmwood Strip. Don apparel, H.O.D. Tattoo and Mondo Video still remain on Elmwood; however, Mondo Video is planning on moving to a new location. The hotel will be 72 rooms and will cost at least 7 million dollars to build.
"We're lovers, not fighters. Our energies should be spent on developing a really wonderful project, not wasted in court. We'll start over with a clean slate and take as much time as necessary to hear people out and end up with a very positive project for the neighborhood," said President of Savarino Construction, Sam Savarino.
The hotel will not undergo any major changes in its design says Savarino. "We would anticipate little if any physical change to the plans." He also alleges that the issues with the hotel were not with the design or the proposal and also says that the hotel is still right for the intersection.
"The perceived problem was with the process, not the proposal itself. We believe this is the right thing to do on that corner," added Savarino.
According to the Buffalo News, the projects resubmission is aimed to "shed the lawsuits" against the proposal. The Buffalo News also claims that the Common Council members are all still "in favor of the project." The proposal was unanimously passed by the council on March 21, 2006.
Attorney Arthur J. Giacalone who represents the plaintiffs, Nancy Pollina and Patricia Morris, who operate Don Apparel (a vintage clothing and collectibles shop at 1119 Elmwood Avenue), Angeline Genovese and Evelyn Bencinich, owners of residences on Granger Place which abut the rear of the proposed site, Nina Freudenheim, a resident of nearby Penhurst Park, and Sandra Girage, the owner of a two-family residence on Forest Avenue less than a hundred feet from the proposed hotel's sole entrance and exit driveway, says that the hotel proposal was "inappropriately rushed," but some council members disagree. Defendants in the lawsuit against the hotel are, Buffalo's Common Council and Planning Board, Mayor of Buffalo, Byron W. Brown, Savarino Construction Services Corporation, Hans J. Mobius and his son Hans S. Mobius owners of the properties at stake, Pano Georgiadis, owner of Pano's Restaurant on Elmwood, and Cendant Corporation, the parent company of Wyndham Hotels, which will be, according to Savarino, the hotel operator. Attorney David State is representing the city, Planning Board, Mayor Byron Brown and the Common Council.
"I don't think it was a rush job," said Dominic J. Bonifacio Jr., the council's Majority Leader. He also alleges that the only way to make "it [the hotel] a better project and ease the concerns of some neighbors would be to find a way to provide more parking."
In an exclusive phone interview with Wikinews, Giacalone states that the lawsuit against the hotel and the city "will not be moved [withdrawn] unless the Common Council resins their [prior] decisions in passing the proposal." Giacalone also says that Savarino has yet to sumbit any new plans for the proposal to the city. He also says that he "still plans to represent all plaintiffs" if they wish to continue with the suit and the use of his services.
Giacalone rescheduled the preliminary hearing which is "still in place" for July 27, 2006. When asked if the properties are still owned by mobius, Giacalone replied "yes" and that according to attorney Bob Knoer, the Lawyer representing Hans Mobius, the owner of the properties that could be demolished, there is "no contract between Savarino" and that Mobius "plans to put the properties back on the market." Mobius has not returned phone calls or e-mails and has not yet commented on the situation or the proposal itself. The city denies these claims.
Area councilman Joseph Golombek also states that the reason for the resubmission of the proposal was due to "a mistake in the Planning process" and that none of the council members have "indicated that they have changed their opinions on the hotel" and still remain in favor of the project.
"I still think the Hotel is a good idea for that part of Elmwood. For Elmwood to stay strong and vibrant it must continue to grow and adapt to change. It is a different community than it was twenty years ago and will be different in another twenty years. The opponents of the Hotel have the opportunity to challenge it and are doing that. Even though I disagree with them I am glad there is a safety mechanism for people who disagree with government. We need to keep moving forward," added Golombek.
Supporters of the hotel proposal are planning on holding s rally to support the new development. WNYmedia.net claims that the first rally will be held to support the hotel proposal on July 17, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. on Elmwood and Forest, on the site of the proposed location. According to WNYmedia.net they "are tired of the anti development crowd in Western New York." They also blast opposers of the hotel proposal calling them "banannas" and "nimbys." Opposers of the hotel proposal are planning on "counter attacking" with their own protest on the same day and time.
Copyright Wikinews.org
Liscense: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License unless otherwise specified (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/)

Permalink: Elmwood_Village_Hotel_proposal_withdrawn.html
Words: 971
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/03/06 09:51 - 60ºF - ID#21964
Rooms for rent
I need someone(s) to move in with me or I will have to move myself. My roomie had a root canal done and is moving back to her parents house. I really do not want to move and I love the place. Its nice, clean and its right by everything on Elmwood and kiddy corner (5min walk or less) to Buffalo state College.
If anyone can help let me know :)

Permalink: Rooms_for_rent.html
Words: 117
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/21/06 08:04 - 44ºF - ID#21963
I thught I was going to get past the being depressed and stuff part, but today, it hit me. I have taken a drag or 2 from a ciggarette here and there, but have not had a full one in days.
Quitting is easier said than done. I have patches, but its just not enough. When I get bored, I want to smoke. After a few hours of working, I want to smoke. If I am on the computer, I want to smoke. Its really hard and today, just not too long ago, it hit me and I am now startig to know what withdrawls feel like. I hate it and it feels as if I was a heroin addict, and have not shot up in 4 days. I don't like it, but I hoipe it will pass soon.

Permalink: Cigarettes.html
Words: 153
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: 9/11
05/17/06 09:17 - 52ºF - ID#21962
9/11 Pentagon Video

JudicialWatch.org Filed a lawsuit in Deceber of 2004 to request that security footage be released through the Freedom of Information Act. Although the DOD released the security tapes from the Pentagon, Officials stated that other tapes from the Citgo Gas station, the Sheriden Hotel "DO NOT EXIST"
What a load of crap. you mean to tell me out of all the what 100 cameras pointed at the Pentagon (the same exact spot where the plane hit) that only 2 cameras recorded te event? I highly doubt it.
Judicial Watch has posted the new video released yesterday and the other video that has recently been featured in the Google Video: Loose Change.
What is different from these videos? Any comments are welcome.

Permalink: 9_11_Pentagon_Video.html
Words: 144
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: lost and found
05/13/06 11:08 - 62ºF - ID#21961
Found Pig
Found: Pano's Resturaunt
WHEN: May 12, 2006

Actually its a tiny rubber pig about the size of a quarter or smaller :) If you lost a pig let me know ;)

Permalink: Found_Pig.html
Words: 32
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/11/06 10:58 - 68ºF - ID#21960
Sorry I am not around much. I work a lot and am writing a lot too.
Drunk people suck. Especially when they steal a bopttle of wine from the resturaunt and then get cought by the cops :) That happened last night among a near fight that also required the police. I a so glad I am not working tonight, because if the Sabres win, I do not want to be in that resturaunt when they do :)
Not much has been going on with me. As I said, my sis will br fine. Thats a relief. My Mom just had her birthday and I am loving this sunny warm weather. Boy have I missed it.
I noticed a news feed now. Sweet. How about adding Wikinews to it ;)
Anyone going to Dunn Tire park today, or to the Sabres party? let me know, I want to tag along :)

Permalink: WoW.html
Words: 162
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
04/24/06 10:38 - 44ºF - ID#21959
Lawsuit filed against City of buffalo.

Arthur J. Giacalone, an attorney representing Nancy Pollina, Patricia Morris, who operate the Don Apparel, a vintage clothing and collectibles shop at 1119 Elmwood Avenue, Angeline Genovese and Evelyn Bencinich, owners of residences on Granger Place in Buffalo abutting the rear of the proposed hotel site, Nina Freudenheim, a resident of nearby Penhurst Park, and Sandra Girage, the owner of a two-family residence on Forest Avenue less than a hundred feet from the proposed hotel's sole entrance/exit driveway, have filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against the city of Buffalo's Common Council and Planning board, alleging that the proposed Elmwood Village hotel was approved "without giving meaningful consideration to either the impact on the adjoining residential neighborhood, or the unique character of this section of Elmwood Avenue," according to Giacalone.

Permalink: Lawsuit_filed_against_City_of_buffalo_.html
Words: 166
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Actually I'm happy for Pano. He is right about not wanting to/having to tolerate the late night bullshit. Its just a shame that the hooligans forced Pano's hand.