Category: friendship
04/19/13 06:03 - ID#57548
I really would like children one day. :( I wonder if it'll ever happen?

Permalink: babies.html
Words: 54
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/19/13 06:03
Category: work
04/18/13 03:31 - ID#57545
yesterday was ridiculousness
at the laundromat i normally go to, the water was off. luckily i got a ride to a close-ish one, but i still had to carry it all back a farther distance than i normally would have. my hands killed from the plastic basket digging into them.
so i was going to be late for work because of that set back, but then as i waited at the bus stop, calling to let work know i was going to be late, the bus came.... and went. without me on it. it just whizzed by! i guess it was so full they couldn't stop. so i walked, and was even later than i thought.
no one seems to ever care? i guess i'm lucky that way.
but then workwas just all kinds of weird. I ate something that sent me to the bathroom multiple times during important parts of service ( i was on a banquet, not normal dinner service) and no one could really seem to get it together. service went really weird and jumbled up, people got yelled at, former mayor Giuliani gave a speech that had me in a rage while only having heard about less than 5 minutes of it... his speech was basically "capitalism helps the poor, and we need to be fracking more, or else the US is gonna get left behind! there's no contamination, and we can clean the streams and it doesn't cause earth quakes!" seriously?! i had to leave the room so i could find somewhere to laugh. if i didn't laugh, i would have called him out. the US getting left behind? tell me more about this, as more countries around the world ban this practice while we allow it to destroy the fabric of communities and the environment nationwide. ugh, i wanted to slap the waddle right off his stupid neck. I knew a lot of people disliked him, but i had never really looked him up and discovered his stances on things. some woman basically fellated as he stood at the podium while she stood up to praise him for the way he handled the 9/11 situation. I don't know much but i know that since that happened, civilian volunteers as well as firefighters and police officers who rushed to the scene to dig out survivors, etc are still without basic healthcare (now, not all of them. i'm sure plenty have healthcare to deal with medical expenses, but i've heard the testimonials of those who do not) as they struggle with the adverse health effects of having breathed in all that debris and toxic smog.That's how we take care of courageous people who rushed to the aide of those in desperate need, without a second thought to their own well-being. Good job, indeed, giuliani. good job.
eventually, the weirdness ended and i visted tanya across the street from work once i got out. We talked about her new job and how training was going. she gave me yummy, yummy tea.
(feel free to call me out on anything i wrote. i mean, i could be plenty out of date on the struggling volunteer stuff.)

Permalink: yesterday_was_ridiculousness.html
Words: 544
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/18/13 03:31
Category: friendship
04/18/13 12:13 - ID#57544
found these on le Facebook. first one is from when jenn visited just before Toronto... the next two are silly times square shots. clearly we're sexy as hell.

Permalink: Jenn_Tanya_Robert_3.html
Words: 34
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/18/13 12:13
Category: weather
04/17/13 02:44 - ID#57540
joyous springtime loverliness!
yesterday was another Spanish filled day of craziness and busy times. i hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. i suppose i could walk around while my laundry is finishing up.

Permalink: joyous_springtime_loverliness_.html
Words: 50
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/17/13 02:44
Category: travel
04/15/13 07:51 - ID#57529
weekend biznass
happened to have off saturday. i went to pearl st. for a coworkers birthday and had this amazing black bean burger. it was topped with jalepeƱo lime hummus. yum! x) then we met more work people at founding fathers. my friend was working and hooked me up <3 was not expecting that.
later i went home, packed, walked back downtown and boarded the megabus at 2:45am. i almost missed it. being drunk on a bus is interesting ...
i stayed at jenn's place in Brooklyn and wandered around sunday until she got out of work... then to the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert (YouTube Pon Pon Pon if you're curious.) it was probably the most fun and entertaining concert I've ever been to. i also feel like I've fulfilled some kind of life goal?? ha... I've always wanted to go to a jpop concert. it was certainly an experience. i couldn't take any photos because my phone had died, but also, they were really after people taking pictures. silly.
the weather was pretty nice yesterday. Now I'm waiting on a megabus to depart... there's some guys fighting to get on.
I'm tired, but happy. there's a cute elderly Filipino couple sitting across from me chit chatting and making small talk with me.

Permalink: weekend_biznass.html
Words: 244
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/15/13 07:51
Category: daily life etc
04/12/13 02:15 - ID#57508
we went back to her place and chatted away ove some beers. she started at fedex today and should be getting home any moment, now. she's going from 16k to 30k a year! that bitch is middle class now! leaving me in the dust, haha...
i ended up staying up so late... i ended up having strange, strange dreams about people i've never even met.
today started lazy, and then i worked... now i've got an essay due tomorrow morning. won't be too hard...

Permalink: derp_.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/12/13 02:15
Category: hair
04/11/13 02:03 - ID#57505

Permalink: dundundun_.html
Words: 11
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/11/13 02:03
Category: friendship
04/10/13 01:52 - ID#57500
seriously, though

Permalink: seriously_though.html
Words: 17
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/10/13 01:52
Category: friendship
04/10/13 01:30 - ID#57499
Letters from BrandyLee

Permalink: Letters_from_BrandyLee.html
Words: 22
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/10/13 01:30
Category: daily life etc
04/09/13 10:54 - ID#57495
today was kind of long and busy. i only got 3ish hours of sleep. i had to accompany my sister to court today only to find out i didn't have to... so i was up and awake at 7am for no reason at all :D but i guess it as a nice, productive day. class went fine and i got a lot done for it. spanish group was canceled... le sad.
I thought of maybe stating to garden here, but i really don't know if i should bother. i may choose to live alone, come the end f this lease. i love michael and april but i am sick of hearing april and her boyfriend fight and fuck. i do not want to hear my older sister orgasming... sorry sis. I am also tired of hearing her scream. I've had enough screaming in my life. she's so chaotic. i wish she was the way she is when she's alone with me all the time, because it's like two different people. she's so calm and serene with me. i love that april. i guess i love all of her. she's just tough to live with sometimes. I'm glad i'm such an easy going person, or things would get ugly. I realize that this complaining make me seems a little victim-y but i promise i'm not, i'm just fed up. i know what i wanna do, and that's most likely to just be alone. no one is responsible for any of the ridiculousness you find in your home except for you, and that's such a refreshing feeling - to not blame. to know who did it, and not care. i miss doing that.
i really wish i could have my own garden. to have dirt to dig into, to smell eath, touch green, plant a life, and to watch it grow great and grand, a bit mundane and a bit sacred. pure life, manifested. i want to be in it, around it, touching it, loving it.
hopefully, i'm going to be able to help jodie with her garden projects she does around the city and the one she's starting for O3... i want more of her in my life. she's a positive force, an action oriented person, and i need doers close to me. They give me so much inspiration to be a doer, myself, because otherwise, i fall pray to the sedentary lifestyle.
- sigh* so many things.
i went to a discussion about US-S.korea aggression towards N. korea, the norths reaction, etc...
it was actually a great talk/comment,question session after the talk. Garrett, my friend, presented. it was at the IAC. I went specifically because i am so cautious/iffy about north korea... and i think, more than having opened my mind, the event helped me to make the connection/connect the dots i should have been able to do myself, but wasn't.
I think the biggest factor in all of this, the topic which passes no one's lips in the west is self-determination. it doesn't matter if a people are living under a system we don't like, or are less "free" or this or that, etc - what matters is what THEY are going to do about it. what THEY want. if they don't want something to be there, let them get rid of it. let them change it. it's not our job, it's not our problem, and changing their way of being benefits very few people ever as we see time and time again. i won't go on an endless rant about it, but we all know who i mean. (the aristocracy) i am not us vs them about class warfare, personally, but i can plainly see that it exists. i don't really relate to people as robert the poor person from such and such demographic. I am human d interacting with human f. in so far as i can muster that attitude of being... because it certainly never works all of the time.
why am i still writing?
i had a cleaning fit after going home in the rain. i get claustrophobic around the crowded apartment full of things i do not own, and sometimes i just want to throw everything out and just have a simple home with few possessions
that's my backyard down there V, all those random backyard pics.

Permalink: Hrm_.html
Words: 789
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/09/13 11:30
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