10/29/2011 21:44 #55404
whoopie!My brother sent me a giant whoopie pie for my bday. It just arrived, and its 5 whole lbs of yummy.
I actually froze it because a) I need a houseful of people to help eat it and b) I am not on a giant dessert diet.
10/27/2011 23:24 #55393
day 2so i cheated a bit today because i had some drinks, i'll be better tomorrow
here it is:
coffee with hazelnut creamer
salad with mixed greens, hummus, roasted red pepper, tomato, goat cheese, hummus, grilled pita
2 skinny margaritas
2 mojitos
handful fries
bowl of roasted red pepper soup
10/27/2011 01:14 #55386
food diary day 1in an effort to undo the harm i managed to do in a month... i am going to blog my daily food intake for a whole 30 days.
not only do i need to get back in shape, but i need to hold myself accountable for eating bad things and make my health a priority. plus if i write it down, i can't deny that it entered my system.
i want to look amaze for vegas in a month, and it's a great motivator and also will encourage me to exercise and eat right!
i also have some digestive issues that seem to flair up when i don't eat right. veggies and whole grains, here i come!
zone fudge graham protein bar
1/4 cup hummus with organic carrots
cup strawberries
organic beef hotdog on slice of whole wheat bread with a bit of organic mayo, mustard, ketchup, pickles
handful pita chips
bowl of roasted red pepper crab bisque- surprisingly not laden with fat
coffee with hazelnut flavoring
1 string cheese
so i probably had too much salt, but i think that's a good start.
tomorrow i start the workout plan... i really think i can lose 10 lbs in 30 days because i tend to lose weight fast if i try but i wouldn't mind if i just toned up a bit and had more energy after 30 days. wish me luck!
i shall report tomorrow evening.
10/26/2011 01:02 #55379
paperless pledgei received an email today about pledging to use less paper @ asu.... which i am totally fine with. however, the instructors need to all get on the same page with this. i think it's so insane that some of my professors won't accept electronic assignments. i actually think some of them just don't know how to use technology all that well and this is their reasoning.
i have a professor who is near 80 and she can use blackboard just fine... people need to git wit it.
i am becoming friends with a lot more people on campus than before but sometimes it's frustrating because all of the women in my program are engaged, looking to get engaged or already married at a young age. this is odd to me... i am not interested in owning a home or having children at this point. as modern women don't owe it to ourselves to have a bit more lofty dreams?!
one of the cool things about being an educator is the ability to teach from so many places... i plan on taking full advantage.
i started my diet today and then the mom's bf bought me a sandwich, soup and cookie. not as bad as fast food but just as many calories.
a friend invited me to sleepover but i don't like going to her house because she has so many pets. i have such difficulty finding friends who don't have/ don't like animals in the home. a fish or turtle here and there is fine, but dogs and cats no way...
i am also picky because i have really nice sheets pillows, and a great mattress. so what then is the point of a sleepover? i'm like a boring grumpy old lady. with the face of a young lady.
i've spent at least 250 this month so far on gas... which is hard earned money gone to such a waste. this valley is too big... too big and too many suvs.
10/23/2011 04:05 #55365
this house makes noisesevery once in a while this house i'm nannying at makes random noises. i think someone is home, and then it's just this creaking noise.
i hate being scared.
i also hate that paranormal activity commercial with the little girl who is standing in the room looking creepy. i am so scared of it that when it comes on tv and i don't have time to grab the remote i run out of the room or close my eyes and cover my ears.
i want a filter on my t.v. that will bypass all things scary and only allow me to watch bravo programs and the kardashians. and abc, because they have the best shows.
From wikipedia:
The whoopie pie is the official state treat of Maine (not to be confused with the official state dessert, which is blueberry pie).
So you could potentially not be on dessert diet and yet have this pie as a "treat". Just think of Maine when you are eating it.