it's making me think that i am either a) a bad friend or b) i choose the wrong people to trust
i honestly think its the latter... i'll give in any relationship until i am pushed away.
anyway, i can get over most of it because i realize on a daily basis there are tons of loyal and caring people in my life. i'll have people randomly reach out to me and it's touching to know people care about you. for instance, these people i nanny for found out it was my bday last week and gave me a visa gift card. i think that's pretty nice... they pay me well already and feed me.
my cousin is avoiding me and i have no clue why. she's turning 21 soon, and i thought she would want me to take her out. she also lives a few minutes from me, and we never see each other. oh well, i tired to make plans and she brushes me off so i feel like it pointless to push someone to want to be around you when they obviously don't.
maybe i am just to honest for most people. i say the truth, and people say i'm being mean. but is the truth really mean or just something people hide from? i'll be the first to admit my flaws... i'm over-sensitive, picky, bratty at times, and no good at saving money....
i let a friend of a friend borrow money a few months ago. she is a single mother and she needed help. big mistake. now, i am out my money and won't ever get it back. annnd no longer have that friendship because i was honest and told my friend i didn't think it was cool she was letting her still married with a kid bf move in with her and her friend who has a child.
why do people bring children into this world and not care for them and give them the best??? if i had a child, i would change my lifestyle completely and want to make sure they had the best life possible... i wouldn't leave them in another city and state to go live with a person when i was still married to my supposed ex.
i guess i have too many opinions... but i am not changing that anytime soon. i just think people should be less afraid of holding the mirror up because then maybe we could all have normal loving relationships instead of hiding behind our behind and pasts that we don't deal with.
just saying.
i'm well on my way to getting all a's this semester and while i am knee deep in work, it feels goods to be accomplished. that and graduating magna cum laude well look good for grad school.
almost two days of staying off my feet has done wonders for my leg. maybe i should start doing the jillian micheals ab video to prep for vegas while i wait for my leg to completely heal? (e:paul) and (e:terry) will be there in a month and im going out to meet them. words can't express the excitement i have... almost like my heart will burst from having too much love for them!!!!!!!! i get so excited when people come out here because the only who ever does is my sis.
if you are still reading, you're a fool because at this point i am just blabbing. i have to work until 3am and staying awake is super hard because i am usually in bed by 10.
i just watched suckerpunch and i really liked it. the makeup and costumes are so cool. i want to be one of the girls from the movie... they are all so pretty and they do awesome stunts. i love this makeup... i want to do mine like this in vegas.
she really has the prettiest face.

All the friend stuff I have no idea about really... But what I will say is that Sucker Punch is a great movie and yes that blonde sure is pretty....
Just curious. How do you define a bad friend?
\Expectations are a SURE way to paint any relationship in a bad light because they often fall short. The best relationships and friendships are ones where there are no expectations and when you do encounter little gifts of spirit, thoughtfulness and kindness (I certainly don't mean gifts with a monetary value), you are grateful that you have those people in your life.
In fact, I am sometimes obnoxious and super weird on purpose to people who I don't want to waste time on. It usually has a 100% success rate. The more annoying ones are those who think you owe them your time after you have decided you have had enough of their drama. I just stop caring about them.
Hmm... why do you want idiotic friends who will annoy you? I seldom repent not having more friends because seriously, at some point, most are not worth your time and effort. Call me a snob, but I am grateful that I don't have more yucky people in my life who bore me to death or make me cry or hate myself (or all the above).
I know it feels good to receive material things but sometimes, friendship is just about being on the same frequency.
I barely have any friends either. I must also have the defect. I am excited about Vegas too. Will it be warm there at Thanksgiving?