Lilho's Journal
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10/14/2011 23:14 #55300
swoon.10/14/2011 01:23 #55292
the differencehow is it than we start off as such innocent precious beings and somewhere along the line we end so differently?
as adults, we make choices which shape up as and we become who we are.
i swear no matter how down i am, i will never be the kind of person that is a liar, or a cheater, or someone who constantly lets other down.
it's my birthday this weekend, and i don't even want to celebrate. i'll likely do lots of homework because it's productive and when i'm done with it, i always feel a sense of relief and pride.
i am going to be an advocate for telling the truth. i promise to teach my students to tell the truth, and what it means to be honest.
i can't wait to be a teacher. i think it's going to be amazing, positive, and life-altering.
me at the j. cole show a few weeks ago.... i regret to say his live show was a big let down. ironically, it goes with the general theme of my life lately so i suppose it should have been expected.

annndm my friend or not really friend because she disappears. she has these manolos from the first satc movie. they are the ones carrie goes back to the fancy apartment for and big is there and they reunite... her husband bought them for her. he paid around 1,000- that's love people. anyway the last time i saw her she said i could borrow them and i didn't big mistake they could be mine now since she disappeared. they were kinda beat up, and if i had those shoes i would have treated them right... who abuses designer items?! not me, well not that i have any, but i wouldn't if i did.

this rant is ova. farewell.
ps. now i have two precious nieces to spoil. princess zooey and bebe kyla. swoon....
as adults, we make choices which shape up as and we become who we are.
i swear no matter how down i am, i will never be the kind of person that is a liar, or a cheater, or someone who constantly lets other down.
it's my birthday this weekend, and i don't even want to celebrate. i'll likely do lots of homework because it's productive and when i'm done with it, i always feel a sense of relief and pride.
i am going to be an advocate for telling the truth. i promise to teach my students to tell the truth, and what it means to be honest.
i can't wait to be a teacher. i think it's going to be amazing, positive, and life-altering.
me at the j. cole show a few weeks ago.... i regret to say his live show was a big let down. ironically, it goes with the general theme of my life lately so i suppose it should have been expected.

annndm my friend or not really friend because she disappears. she has these manolos from the first satc movie. they are the ones carrie goes back to the fancy apartment for and big is there and they reunite... her husband bought them for her. he paid around 1,000- that's love people. anyway the last time i saw her she said i could borrow them and i didn't big mistake they could be mine now since she disappeared. they were kinda beat up, and if i had those shoes i would have treated them right... who abuses designer items?! not me, well not that i have any, but i wouldn't if i did.

this rant is ova. farewell.
ps. now i have two precious nieces to spoil. princess zooey and bebe kyla. swoon....
10/11/2011 10:03 #55276
moms rulewhen i go far away next year i'll really miss this lady...
we had a little happy hour a few weeks ago with some wine and a cheese board... very enjoyable.
she's just the cutest little lady ever and my best friend, she never lets me down.
and to the creepers who send me messages, they aren't wanted. thanks.

we had a little happy hour a few weeks ago with some wine and a cheese board... very enjoyable.
she's just the cutest little lady ever and my best friend, she never lets me down.
and to the creepers who send me messages, they aren't wanted. thanks.
tinypliny - 10/12/11 00:48
Moms are the best. It's so awful when you have to part with them over and over. :(
Moms are the best. It's so awful when you have to part with them over and over. :(
10/08/2011 11:35 #55265
ok so...i just found out this week that i have student teaching everyday for two semesters, as opposed to one. this is freaking me out because it means i will be working what is a full time job for free and i'm not sure what kinda of job if any i'll be able to get.
student teaching is tons of work and pretty much everyone has advised me against work. let the search for a rich boyfriend begin.... jk. i guess i have to go back to customer service type jobs like serving. i loathe this. i only like going to restaurants and being served, not serving others. i don't like working around food unless i'm cooking at home and it makes me upset that i have to give up my education related job that i love.
i suppose it will be worth because in one year, the world is my oyster and i plan on moving to nyc or abroad. it will break my poor mother's heart but i feel like i've experienced az and my time here has been swell but the excitement and vanity has worn off and left only von dutch type douches and dames which i have zero interest in. also, it's highly conservative and thus little money is allotted for education and the incentives and pay for teachers here is dismal at best. it makes me so angry to see so many cuts when education is what fuels the next generation.
so, as my family is all in buffalo together awaiting the arrival of the newest and brightest baby girl i shall spend the week with school. i magically picked up tons of hours at work and will be buying a plane ticket to come out right after xmas. i guess i should save for some warm clothes???? or just plan on wearing hoodies everyday. hehe!!!! who wants to go skiing? and iceskating? and sledding??? i want to make it a winter sports vacation of sorts with ribbons for the best in show.
thanks for the kind words peeps about the whole father thing... i am doing much better. i decided i am going to write a letter and close that chapter.
off to work. ;O)
student teaching is tons of work and pretty much everyone has advised me against work. let the search for a rich boyfriend begin.... jk. i guess i have to go back to customer service type jobs like serving. i loathe this. i only like going to restaurants and being served, not serving others. i don't like working around food unless i'm cooking at home and it makes me upset that i have to give up my education related job that i love.
i suppose it will be worth because in one year, the world is my oyster and i plan on moving to nyc or abroad. it will break my poor mother's heart but i feel like i've experienced az and my time here has been swell but the excitement and vanity has worn off and left only von dutch type douches and dames which i have zero interest in. also, it's highly conservative and thus little money is allotted for education and the incentives and pay for teachers here is dismal at best. it makes me so angry to see so many cuts when education is what fuels the next generation.
so, as my family is all in buffalo together awaiting the arrival of the newest and brightest baby girl i shall spend the week with school. i magically picked up tons of hours at work and will be buying a plane ticket to come out right after xmas. i guess i should save for some warm clothes???? or just plan on wearing hoodies everyday. hehe!!!! who wants to go skiing? and iceskating? and sledding??? i want to make it a winter sports vacation of sorts with ribbons for the best in show.
thanks for the kind words peeps about the whole father thing... i am doing much better. i decided i am going to write a letter and close that chapter.
off to work. ;O)
tinypliny - 10/14/11 04:38
I am confused. Are you going to be taking up the 2 semesters of teaching then or not? Isn't practical training mandatory for the masters?
I am confused. Are you going to be taking up the 2 semesters of teaching then or not? Isn't practical training mandatory for the masters?
09/26/2011 17:26 #55198
still got itmost of the melodramatic feeling i had yesterday have resided... still feel the same way just not as intense.
took this stunna pic to show me and the world that yea, i still got it.

i decided im going to look for another p/t job to work on the weekends because i want to save so i can finally come to blo.
took this stunna pic to show me and the world that yea, i still got it.

i decided im going to look for another p/t job to work on the weekends because i want to save so i can finally come to blo.
jason - 10/03/11 16:11
I just logged in to say God. Damn. Sarah. Yikes. By the way - if you feel like yelling, screaming, crying, or whatever....it is a necessary part of the healing process. Got to purge the emotional toxins from your system. Your story reminded me of my mother. Not about me so I'll shut up. BUT. BUT. Please do feel as shitty as you need to, but not forever.
I just logged in to say God. Damn. Sarah. Yikes. By the way - if you feel like yelling, screaming, crying, or whatever....it is a necessary part of the healing process. Got to purge the emotional toxins from your system. Your story reminded me of my mother. Not about me so I'll shut up. BUT. BUT. Please do feel as shitty as you need to, but not forever.
paul - 09/26/11 22:27
Whoa that is a really good pic.
Whoa that is a really good pic.
libertad - 09/26/11 21:29
You are beautiful. Your father didn't leave cause of you. I'm sorry you are having a hard time right now, can't wait to see you again.
You are beautiful. Your father didn't leave cause of you. I'm sorry you are having a hard time right now, can't wait to see you again.
oh wow, that is so cute.
What you are saying is you could have had a lucrative career at Marvel?
That bearded French girl is me! I made cartoon versions of like 20 estrippers at one point and (e:lilho) used it for her userpic.
of course everything should be given to the baby. it is the newer younger fresher model
Is that a french-bearded girl icon top right on your new avatar? Are you trying to say something?
@(e:tinypliny) well being a girl you could wear boys clothes but if it was the other way around might not work... Well some clothes would but not like dresses and pony stuff.....
Hmm... I don't know how I feel about being brought up on hand-me-downs. Being a different sex didn't prevent my parents from bringing me up on hand-me-downs from my brother.
I can she she already has zooey's doggie toy. Little does she know this is the beginning of all of her stuff being given to the baby.
Oh, how cute!
Very cute. :) Congrats!