The point is, this recipe is not without its risks. With such variation in human reaction (and there were quite a variety of us at the potluck - from 7-ft palm trees to politically incorrect short pygmies to a graduate horticultural-establishment-management student from Cornell [who knew?!] - and of course the one normal person who threw 2/3rd in the trash, btw), there is a slim chance that you may meet some grotesque fate if you tried it.
Ah, disclaimer out of the way, time for the recipe. Really its just 5 steps.
1. Chop vegetables (Just pick something from across the colour spectrum and you will have a good mix. If you don't have a good knife, the acorn squash can turn into a hand-stuck-in-snowblower-like disaster.)

2. Toss in peanut oil, coarse ground cumin, salt and coconut shreds. Put into oven at around 150 - 175 degrees C (For you non-metric weirdos :

3. Chop a bunch of fresh coriander (Sorry, (e:Paul)!), smash the roasted garlic into it. Mix in garam masala (Dry-roasted and ground: 5 (coriander seeds): 2 (black peppercorns): 2 (cumin): 2-3 cloves: Dried red chillies to taste: 2 (unroasted cardamom): 1 (dried mango powder/amchur) Mix in chopped green onions, and cooked garbanzo beans (Canned garbanzo is just gooey - you need to go the dried-beans-soak-6hrs-and-cook way. I heard that some canned garbanzo packs come with an additional risk of botulin sometimes - so its up to you).
4. Mix it all in with the roasted vegetables and give it another go in the oven - same temperature, till onions are a bit more caramelized, maybe 10-15 more minutes (Or you could skip the roasting-again bit, because its really murdering the veggies a bit more at this point).

5. Sprinkle with a mixture of toasted nuts (peanuts and cashewnuts) and crispy potato shreds with red chillie powder and salt). Serve.
666. Step back and watch the ill-effects on your unsuspecting victims.
PS: Heh, yes, the garlic cloves were not really visible in that picture. I figured you deserved at least a nice headache for reading the recipe, especially considering the wealth of emotions the people at the party ended up with. You are welcome.
PPS: No, I am SO not sorry.
It was so good, I wish I had some right now.
I still have my limbs after your knife wielding antics, so I suppose there wasn't unconscious inducing poison in it after all.
LOL at step "666", "non metric weirdos" and "If you don't have a good knife, the acorn squash can turn into a hand-stuck-in-snowblower-like disaster"
Well I knew of your addative and luckly it didn't knock me out and a few others because of our toast to Tony's Birthday, so I survived but not sure about those who left after me, is that (e:theecarey) posting or is it (e:tinypliny) signed in under her name? Or maybe it is really the giant spider using (e:tinypliny) as an marient, HA.
That looks SO good!
Thanks Tiny. It was so freakin' good I am dreaming of it today.
Everyone loved it but me :)
And I was just not in the mood to try new food, I'm just kind of a boring eater.
Not fair, I am trying to go to bed and I just HAD to read your post; and now I laughed so hard my gut hurt. Oh yes, I have more to say, but I have to get to sleep.