This is probably the fastest easiest recipe I have ever made and it was right there on top in terms of how mouth-wateringly tasty it was!
Total cooking time is around 6-7 minutes.
1. Heat some peanut oil in a pan. Meanwhile wash and chop a good amount of garlic into fine pieces.
2. Saute chopped garlic till it is light brown. Meanwhile wash and chop Brussel Sprouts into lengthwise quarters.
3. Add chopped Brussel Sprouts, a dash of salt and pepper powder.
4. Saute on medium-high heat till Brussel Sprouts are lightly caramelized (~3 min).
5. Eat immediately and float away into gastronomical heaven!
these were fabulous to watch and listen to. My ears love classical music and as much as I don't care to watch people dance, the period pieces of dress and dance style was way too much fun to not love. Great find!