some people declared they could eat it at various intervals ranging from every second (of their lives? in hell? who knows?!) to every other day (in jail? on mars? in a geriatric ward?), and yet some others admitted to tossing 2/3rd of whatever they took discreetly into trash, and the rest were poisoned.
The point is, this recipe is not without its risks. With such variation in human reaction (and there were quite a variety of us at the potluck - from 7-ft palm trees to politically incorrect short pygmies to a graduate horticultural-establishment-management student from Cornell [who knew?!] - and of course the one normal person who threw 2/3rd in the trash, btw), there is a slim chance that you may meet some grotesque fate if you tried it.
Ah, disclaimer out of the way, time for the recipe. Really its just 5 steps.
1. Chop vegetables (Just pick something from across the colour spectrum and you will have a good mix. If you don't have a good knife, the acorn squash can turn into a hand-stuck-in-snowblower-like disaster.)
2. Toss in peanut oil, coarse ground cumin, salt and coconut shreds. Put into oven at around 150 - 175 degrees C (For you non-metric weirdos :


) Wait for the onions to turn very very slightly caramelized at the tips. Don't let the veggies burn - keep a watch. Roast the garlic cloves whole. (What? You couldn't spot garlic in that picture? Look again!)
3. Chop a bunch of fresh coriander (Sorry,
(e:Paul)!), smash the roasted garlic into it. Mix in garam masala (Dry-roasted and ground: 5 (coriander seeds): 2 (black peppercorns): 2 (cumin): 2-3 cloves: Dried red chillies to taste: 2 (unroasted cardamom): 1 (dried mango powder/amchur) Mix in chopped green onions, and cooked garbanzo beans (Canned garbanzo is just gooey - you need to go the dried-beans-soak-6hrs-and-cook way. I heard that some canned garbanzo packs come with an additional risk of botulin sometimes - so its up to you).
4. Mix it all in with the roasted vegetables and give it another go in the oven - same temperature, till onions are a bit more caramelized, maybe 10-15 more minutes (Or you could skip the roasting-again bit, because its really murdering the veggies a bit more at this point).
5. Sprinkle with a mixture of toasted nuts (peanuts and cashewnuts) and crispy potato shreds with red chillie powder and salt). Serve.
666. Step back and watch the ill-effects on your unsuspecting victims.
PS: Heh, yes, the garlic cloves were not really visible in that picture. I figured you deserved at least a nice headache for reading the recipe, especially considering the wealth of emotions the people at the party ended up with. You are welcome.
PPS: No, I am SO not sorry.
I think there are some ways NFTA could make more money.
I think the train should be expanded. There should be a line (yes a bus does this) that goes to the airport. You get off switch trains and it goes out there. Yes there is a mall shuttle. But you know what would be cool if you could hope on the train and go from mall to mall and get off at a stop and walk up steps and be at the mall, kinda like Toronto. I Include the the downtown mall in this. Yes I know there isn't much left other then the food court. Yes there is a bus that you can take to different schools UB, Canisius and Buffstate but why not have more connections.
I also wonder about if 24 hour service to all stops is possible. I get off work at 3am there is a bus. I know I would pay $3 to walk out of a bar stagering and I walk a block to the #3 or what ever and then it shoots to my part of the city.
thanks for the article (e:libertad) . Apparently, RGRT has no debt. That is a very major difference with the NFTA. The NFTA has debt because of the airport and the harbor (and probably mismanagement and corruption - this is Buffalo after all). One of the interesting things mentioned in the NYT article that it costs over $2 a passenger to provide bus service. And if the fare is $1 no matter how many people ride the bus, the farebox will never cover the costs of services provided. Other sources of funds are needed and apparently found.
Hmmm... so do you really think that having the metro light rail raises the cost justifiably for Buffalo? Can you think of some means that might actually be better than the existing system for the metro rail?
How about charging all those high schools and colleges that subsidize NFTA's services for their students so heavily, a bit more - just like RGRT? How about cutting some trains? Instead of running every 8/12 minutes, could they run every 15 minutes? Over time, such small measures are bound to add up.
On the same note, I wonder how many fare checkers and police the NFTA employs... Can't they simply install swipe gates at stations like NYC/Delhi and get rid of the checkers altogether and make more money in the long run?
What (e:uncut)... Says is correct but see it gets more complex then just that.
In Rochester they let the cops police anything that goes down on the buses. But see here we have and underground train system and NFTA has to pay the people who check for fares. They have to pay the nfta cops and their cars and all of that stuff. Yeah if they wanted to be dicks they could pass that onto the city. Who can't even pay everything now. The other issue is it being underground you think the cops really are going to go down to the underground station.
Back to the ticket checkers since it is on the honor and then they check them, I'm sure people only going a couple stops cheat all the time.
All those other things NFTA is dippid into raises costs so that raises fares.
@(e:libertad) I have read that before too - I think you must have posted it before. :)
Someday, you need to explain over lunch about the cultural disdain for long sensible coats here! If you cross the pond, you will find that the sexiest and the most masculine men are often in the longest warmest coats. ;-)
(e:uncutsaniflush) - RGRT is making a lot of revenue from charging $1 instead of the $0.25 for each and every transfer! I was talking to an RGRT employee on the bus when I went to Rochester a couple months back. He told me that bus usage is up nearly 40% since they lowered the fare.
Apparently, the $1 fare came at the right time - just before the depression hit the city and many people lost their jobs. He said that at peak hours, there was sometimes no place to stand in the buses and the bus drivers don't even stop at designated stops because they are under instructions not to go beyond a dangerous limit of passengers. Some routes have 2x frequency now because of so many people taking the bus. He said that in the morning, he often sees people dressed to the nines on the bus - headed for their offices at UofR or downtown.
I was in the city at an off-peak afternoon hour and a route that I knew wasn't crowded 2 years back was overflowing in the afternoon! I think I expressed surprise at this and that is why the employee (who was recording passenger statistics on his digital counter clipboard) told me how it was all working!
The NFTA needs to take economics and business lessons from the RGRT.
Since you asked uncut, I searched for this article I had read some time ago. Did you post this before tiny? I think someone did, maybe it was even me but I just can't remember.
As far as winter apparel tiny, I don't think I could wear what you wear and not get beat down. There has to be a better way! BTW, I mean no offense to your coat, for you it works and I imagine you are never cold in it.
From what I've heard, one of the reasons NFTA fares are what they are is because it's not just a bus/rail service. They own and operate the airport and the harbor as well. I would love to know how the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority can manage a $1 fare.
You totally dangled the celebrity carrot here yesterday, how could I have ignored that?! Imagine. I was probably within 5 metres of the Matrix man... and he didn't know. *Cue creepy music*
@(e:libertad): You need a heavy-duty down-filled snowcoat reaching your knees or even longer. It keeps you warm and toasty and has enough air trapped to prevent sweating when you are walking fast.
I was talking to one of my officemates today and he told me that there is a cultural barrier against wearing longer coats here. Apparently people think longer coats are only worn by older women. Is that true? That really sounds ridiculously vain.
good grief woman, I told you there would be nothing to see downtown!:)
The news had some shots and I guess some people made their way in to have a look. Bank robbers coming out of the bank was something that was shown.
That is true! I really could use better clothing for the weather. Today I wore two jackets and was both cold and sweating at the same time!
It took us 40 minutes to get from the Theatre stop to the Allen/Medical campus stop on the train today. I don't know why we even bothered taking the train back. I wouldn't have, had I gone alone. I always prefer walking as well. :-)
As the Scandinavians say, there is no such thing as bad weather, only insufficient clothing.
They don't realize that more people would take the bus if it were $1. Its all about psychology of paying just a dollar. McD's has it down to a fault. Dollar-menu, 0.99c food etc. NFTA lacks business acumen. They probably might have more than made up their massive deficit if they had actually brains in their executive branch thinking about what goes on in their consumer's heads.
NFTA ridership is way down since increasing fares. I rarely ride the bus and walk almost everywhere even when it is cold. I would probably ride it more if it were less and I didn't have to wait longer than it would take me to walk myself.