I cannot believe at Roswell, they still make employees carry those stupid 16 lb, chunky 1980s, green screen text pagers. Looks like Kaleida uses them too as
(e:jenks) was carrying one today too. How is it that the device can only text page when a cell phone that big is capable of video chat. Seriously, it is so backwards. I feel like it shouldn't have to be any bigger than an ipod shuffle clip. Its like that company make them way back when and just never upgraded technology as everything else got more advanced and smaller.
The new vendor system they bought for the phones is supposed to let you forward your pages to another user when you are out, but after of a bunch of terrible ( in my opinion) decisions and huge amounts of resource and time waste, no one knows about the new vendor system or how to use it, it doesn't properly integrate with our in house systems (that people actually use and
(e:enknot) created). The escalation feature that it has could have been implemented much more efficiently in house. I wish that was my project.
I know for a fact that some people just don't get pages from our directory and no one seems to care, hm. Seems important to me.
What set this off. Seeing
(e:imk2) in the hall carrying two stupid pagers around. She said sometime she ends up with four. That just blows my mind. It must weigh more than a laptop.
I wonder how anything really gets done in big organizations.
On another note, for the first time ever I saw Wegmans parking lot nearly deserted on Halloween night. i guess it is the kind of holiday that no one is really cooking a meal for. Why is that? Isn't there some special Halloween fare besides candy? Next year I am just going to make it up and eat a halloween goat - that sounds like the appropriate animal for such a Holiday.
cheetovegas! you need to copyright that now! oh my pauly, i miss you so!
I was in Orchard Park on Tuesday (not willingly) and it was snowing buckets. I saw a car spin out of control and two accidents on my way back to Buffalo.
Buffalo, where there was no snow to speak of.
We so have the wrong reputation.