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11/17/2007 21:36 #42177

Korea House, Laughlins and Ruh Franklin
Category: food
Korea House
Went back (e:paul,32617) to Korea House today for some yummy lunch. I really think Korean food is superior to other asian foods. Accept for maybe Japanese Sushi.

We orded Bulgogi (WIKIPEDIA - Bulgogi) which comes with a million side dishes that you mix with rice, roll in lettuce leaves and eat. It is so super yummy but a little steep at $22.00. Seriously, it is enough for three people though. So maybe not steep but, considering we ordered it as an appetizer, it was a little steep.

I wish I had my real camera


We also all ordered a meal each which turned out to be way too much food.

When I ordered the clam soup the Korean lady, who was the friendlist , most matronly waitress ever, asked me if I was sure I liked soup. I was totally confused. I mean you think she would have asked if I was sure I liked clams.

It was so good. It has squid, clams, mussels, octopus, fish cakes, and scallops in it. Eating it was like fishing. I am sure that I like octopus the best now that I got to taste them all at the same time, although each part was delicious.


Has lunch with (e:terry), (e:matthew), and (e:flacidness) at Laughlins the other day.

My sandwich was so good and the prices are reasonable. I had the steak and Dandelion sandwich. I think it was around $12 but there have much cheaper sandwiches too. It is located at the corner of Franklin and Edward.

The decor is amazing. Once again, I wish I had my real camera with me.

On the way home I saw the menu for Ruh Franklin. I am definitely sure to go there sometime soon. Maybe for my birthday.


leetee - 11/18/07 11:46
i love korean food... and that place in general... even though it doesn't tend to be veggie friendly... :O(
jbeatty - 11/18/07 10:14
I really miss working in a Korean restaurant, but I don't miss bring forty dishes to a table of six! I am going to have to try Korea House. Do they have Korean BBQ tables there or is it all cooked in the kitchen? I pass that Rue Franklin menu a few time a week and drool over it. The squab, lamb and foie gras dish all sound so freaking delicious. They have one of the best cookbook collections in their kitchen too, they must have like 200 or so. I agree the dining room at Laughlins is really nice, not so much for the work spaces because they are beyond cramped, but the copper everywhere is pretty cool. Personally I think the beer list is the best part of that restaurant. Having 70 beers definitely brings in the beer snobs, but its still nice to be able to "sample" such an extensive list.
jenks - 11/18/07 00:17
I finally ate at rue franklin a while ago when my mom was here...

yum yum yum.

Still haven't been to laughlin's though...
lilho - 11/17/07 23:30
i seriously love that korean place, so freakin yummy!
james - 11/17/07 22:55
Korean food is so delicious. I would colonize their peninsula too if I was an Asian warlord.

11/15/2007 00:46 #42131

Some random facts...
Category: random
I am still so sad over the gay boys that got killed in Iran for being gay


I think that is what their president meant when he said they had no gay people in Iran.

From wikipedia - Sodomy is a crime for which both partners can be punished by death, if the participants are adults, of sound mind and consenting; the method of execution is for the Shari'a judge to decide. A non-adult who engages in consensual sodomy is subject to a punishment of 74 lashes. (Articles 108 to 113) Sodomy is proved either if a person confesses four times to having committed sodomy or by the testimony of four righteous men. Testimony of women alone or together with a man does not prove sodomy. (Articles 114 to 119). "Tafhiz" (the rubbing of the thighs or buttocks) and the like committed by two men is punished by 100 lashes. On the fourth occasion, the punishment is death. (Articles 121 and 122).

If two men "stand naked under one cover without any necessity", both are punished with up to 99 lashes; if a man "kisses another with lust" the punishment is 60 lashes. (Articles 123 and 124). If sodomy, or the lesser crimes referred to above, are proved by confession, and the person concerned repents, the Shari'a judge may request that he be pardoned. If a person who has committed the lesser crimes referred to above repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, the punishment is quashed. (Articles 125 and 126).

As of 2007, teenagers accused of engaging in sodomy have been executed, although the official rationale for the hangings is debated.

I feel so bad for this lard ass. I mean really, their picture shows up in every single google news article about obesity. I wonder if he/she is on an obesity clipart CDROM somewhere. Has anyone else noticed this?


I was talking with (e:libertad) the other day and telling him this usb vaccuum I wanted for my vaccuum collection.

They dug up king Tut and unwrapped him. He has buck teeth. I am not sure exactly why someone would not just leave him alone. Isn't the whole point of being a mummy to be mummified and left alone. I kind of feel and for him too.

This is a new mp3 player for dogs . (e:jim) and (e:james) - you guys totally need ot get this for ben, although maybe it is too prissy for him.
jenks - 11/15/07 05:49
Well what do you expect from a country whose capital punishment is "lashes"?
Sad sad sad.

(and Mike, how is it that everything you say makes me go "mike, you're awesome"?)

mike - 11/15/07 00:54
how do you get that fat? And yes I am talking to you, dog with the ipod!

11/15/2007 00:09 #42128

Having Sex With How Many People?
Category: inappropriate
(e:lilho)'s friend had sex with 45 people and he is 37 and asked me if that was normal. She is posting her list too. Feel free to join in. So I tried to think of all the people I had sex with. And seriously, I thought I had sex with a lot of people but I guess when I really counted, 14 over 15 years is not that crazy.

This is actual I put it in there, not just touching naughty parts because that is such a different list that I am not getting into. I feels great that none of these people are secrets or anything.

Girl - D
Girl - E
Girl - J
Girl - H
Guy - G

Guy - C
Guy - M
Girl - S
Guy - J
Guy - Terry
Girl - E

Guy - (only random) Redhead, I have a thing for redheads and jumped at the chance.

late twenties
Guy - Matt
Girl - T

Well that is my life sex story. Now there are only two regular players in the story.
metalpeter - 11/15/07 17:06
I admit I wont say my number cause it is a small number. What I will say is that 45 sounds like a lot. But again it depends on the circumstances (no red line that is how it is spelled wow). If the person goes out to bars like say "The Chip Strip" as an example for a few years just as a way to "Hook Up" (however you define it) ok get laid then that number might not be so high comparatively.
paul - 11/15/07 00:18
I can hear the blog censorship whip cracking.
james - 11/15/07 00:15
Jim wont let me post a real response to this.

But just let me tell you, there is not an orphanage without one of my kids in.

11/14/2007 21:52 #42126

Monday night
Category: computers
I am getting so sick of working on the new server - DNS, php, apache, mysql, email all set. Next I am gogin tot move the new site over from my dev machine.

At least I have techno4ever

This is what I look like programming, I guess everyone else has probably seen it but it was new for me.

::Download Flash Video::

I really wish I could move back to Germany sometimes. I miss living in europe. Today I looked at the Italian Citizenship site again and I really just need to go to New York to deal with it. I think maybe in January? I just need to drag my mother and brother with me.

Don't worry, I am not going anywhere. I just want to have it all together so I can ditch this country when the chinese come and claim it.
paul - 11/15/07 00:26
The rules are very specific. In my case, my grandfather was an italian citizen still when she was born in italy. She moved here when she was 5 and he took american citizenship after that. So that while he renounced his Italian citizenship to become American, she never renounced hers by becomming an american citizen through him. Basically she inherited his citizen ship and I inherited it from her.
lilho - 11/14/07 22:23
haaaa. i want to ditch this country too. do you remember when you blogged about everything??? i miss that. i miss you.
james - 11/14/07 22:23
do you just need Italian heritage? I am 25% though I look like an anglo. My mother, however, looks like she should be gesturing with her hands and weeping before a statue of Mary.
mrdeadlier - 11/14/07 22:13
at first i thought you were just droning to the music, lol -- then i realized that it was probably just the code-checking or whatever.
paul - 11/14/07 22:11
I love the ways my eyes move near the end, when I am obsessively comparing data on two monitors.
mrdeadlier - 11/14/07 22:09
kinda, only it's from the back and the music's self-contained in your headphones.

11/12/2007 12:15 #42095

One Laptop Per Child
Category: computers
While I never had a laptop as a child and survived. I do believe having an internet enabled laptop will open up possibilities for lots of children in other countries.


For $400, you get one, a child in a dis-adantaged country gets one. You get a $200 tax deducation and you get 1 year free access to tmobile wifi hotspots which is normally like $19 a month.

Seems like a good deal, especially if you have friends that needs a laptop that can probably survive a beer spill. Oh ya, and it runs a flavor of linux.

The main screen is very simple to navigate and select what you want to do.

Thee is a visual logo interface

estrip works great on it.

It has a fedora backend and can easily be run in vmware if you want to test it out.

You can use it as an ebook reader too. That is not my laptop in the background. I took the picture from

jacob - 11/14/07 21:28
It's too bad they couldn't make it for the original $100. But, I like the incentives that they're giving out to induces us "rich" overprivileged consumers to help out. Still @ $200 that makes it difficult to make it readily available to children in third world countries. I mean $200 is ALOT of money in the third world. Maybe they'll be able to lower production costs once they've been out for a while.

Sounds like a good Christmas gift.
lilho - 11/12/07 23:32
wow, thats really super amazing! if i had some extra cashola id do it. maybe i will....
tinypliny - 11/12/07 18:26
(e:uncutsaniflush), The sale opened up today.

I have been debating about getting this laptop for a very long time, but a few factors prevent me from taking the leap. The software that I use regularly (SAS) is known to have big issues in Linux. (and of course, my university won't pay for a Linux SAS). I am trying to transiton to R, but my own mediocre programming skills are dragging me down. Learning S Plus is not an easy thing to do, unfortunately. I worry about networking this laptop to the windows one that I currently have. I am not sure that this laptop has enough memory or space to run Windows.

The specs are as follows:
Linux-based, Dual-mode Display (Full-color/Sunlight-readable B&W), 500MHz processor, 128MB DRAM, 500MB Flash Memory, 3 USB ports, SD-card slot, Wireless broadband/LAN, No hard disk.

The whole thing also makes me think about my childhood. I didn't have a computer, not to mention, a laptops till I was in College! What will be the effect on these children who will get the laptop? Would they be hooked on to ridiculous video games instead of healthy games in the sunlight soaked fields? I guess I am just being cynical but this unhealthy obsession with some artificial anti-social games that kids have today is very disturbing to me.
museumchick - 11/12/07 15:35
Very cool. I'm glad they have something like that.
uncutsaniflush - 11/12/07 15:32
I've been following the progress of OLPC since it was just a proposal for a $100 laptop. It's good to see it happening despite the significantly higher price. I find the damn thing fascinating. I've been debating about getting one since last month when I heard that they would be for sale to North American gringos in November.
paul - 11/12/07 13:55
I am able to surf estrip from it right now using a vmware simulation of it. The browser seems eally good. It also a a visual logo editor, for those of you that remember logo (the turle) from back in the day.
mrmike - 11/12/07 13:06
That view makes it look like electronic Battleship