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11/19/2007 08:59 #42193

My soon to be, new phone
Category: mobile
I think I found a replacement for my current phone. Finally, a 3G phne with gps. Too bad ATT doesn't have 3G here in Buffalo yet. At least the phone will be ready when it arrives and with ATT I can use multiple phones and just port my SIM card around. My nokia 7710 will once again have life.

It has a 500Mhz processor, tethers via bluetooth, has windows mobile 6 (for work stuff), 3G, GPS, 3MP camera, keyboard, video chat, instant messaging, push email with outlook sync. I also imagine it should be ready to run the new google OS android once it is officially out. My only complaints are flash player 7 (that's adobe's fault) and the fact that it does not have a standard headphone connector.

It is normally $599 but as a new ATT customer I can get it for $179 on amazon

You have to love cell phone subsidies. Poor iphone users who actually had to pay face value for their phones. Not only is it only $179 but you can choose two additional phones for 1 cent each on the family plan. The phones on that list are pretty good too, so (e:terry) and (e:matthew) will be happy.


11/18/2007 18:32 #42189

Fairies In The Garden
Category: gifts
I was randomly searching for gay on ebay and then sorting by most expensive to try and find some crazy gift for (e:matthew) when I came across these fairies I kind of thought there would be more gay "antiques" of some sort.

It seems like this woman makes them by hand and can even do requests for likenesses. I admit, it is a little creepy but they are quite well crafted and totally original.



They make girl ones too.

metalpeter - 11/19/07 18:00
Yeah I was going to say the same thing as (e:imk2) they are limp and there penis is down to the half way point of there legs, well unless they are midgets, do they do porn movies as well as protecting people.
james - 11/18/07 19:44
Everyone knows than an anatomically correct faeries have two dongs.
imk2 - 11/18/07 19:41
wow, they have really big dongs.

11/17/2007 22:01 #42180

Gowanda Psychiatric Center Cemetery
Category: cemetaries
Last Monday, (e:matthew), (e:terry) and I went to Zoar valley to climb down and back up point peter. It is so fun climbing down it. I really miss climbing bigger things out west. On the way there we saw the sign for the Gowanda Psychiatric Center cemetery.


All the graves are just labeled with numbers and according to the website (e:matthew) was reading they lost all the records associating the names with the numbers back when the hospital was taken over by the correctional facility.

Here are some random links for it
janelle - 11/17/07 22:48
I mean to mention too, that there are organizations who try to track down the records of these numerically marked graves and replace them with new grave markers with their names as a way of bringing respect to the individuals. Interesting...but I'm more concerned with the individuals with MR who are alive.....
janelle - 11/17/07 22:47
This is incredibly common for mental retardation/mental health/prison institutions. It's really sad and creepy.

I had a client who was born and raised in an institution by her mother. Her mother died and was buried in the institution cemetery. My client at some pointed had wanted to go back to her grave site, but it wasn't possible to locate the actual grave.

11/17/2007 21:36 #42177

Korea House, Laughlins and Ruh Franklin
Category: food
Korea House
Went back (e:paul,32617) to Korea House today for some yummy lunch. I really think Korean food is superior to other asian foods. Accept for maybe Japanese Sushi.

We orded Bulgogi (WIKIPEDIA - Bulgogi) which comes with a million side dishes that you mix with rice, roll in lettuce leaves and eat. It is so super yummy but a little steep at $22.00. Seriously, it is enough for three people though. So maybe not steep but, considering we ordered it as an appetizer, it was a little steep.

I wish I had my real camera


We also all ordered a meal each which turned out to be way too much food.

When I ordered the clam soup the Korean lady, who was the friendlist , most matronly waitress ever, asked me if I was sure I liked soup. I was totally confused. I mean you think she would have asked if I was sure I liked clams.

It was so good. It has squid, clams, mussels, octopus, fish cakes, and scallops in it. Eating it was like fishing. I am sure that I like octopus the best now that I got to taste them all at the same time, although each part was delicious.


Has lunch with (e:terry), (e:matthew), and (e:flacidness) at Laughlins the other day.

My sandwich was so good and the prices are reasonable. I had the steak and Dandelion sandwich. I think it was around $12 but there have much cheaper sandwiches too. It is located at the corner of Franklin and Edward.

The decor is amazing. Once again, I wish I had my real camera with me.

On the way home I saw the menu for Ruh Franklin. I am definitely sure to go there sometime soon. Maybe for my birthday.


leetee - 11/18/07 11:46
i love korean food... and that place in general... even though it doesn't tend to be veggie friendly... :O(
jbeatty - 11/18/07 10:14
I really miss working in a Korean restaurant, but I don't miss bring forty dishes to a table of six! I am going to have to try Korea House. Do they have Korean BBQ tables there or is it all cooked in the kitchen? I pass that Rue Franklin menu a few time a week and drool over it. The squab, lamb and foie gras dish all sound so freaking delicious. They have one of the best cookbook collections in their kitchen too, they must have like 200 or so. I agree the dining room at Laughlins is really nice, not so much for the work spaces because they are beyond cramped, but the copper everywhere is pretty cool. Personally I think the beer list is the best part of that restaurant. Having 70 beers definitely brings in the beer snobs, but its still nice to be able to "sample" such an extensive list.
jenks - 11/18/07 00:17
I finally ate at rue franklin a while ago when my mom was here...

yum yum yum.

Still haven't been to laughlin's though...
lilho - 11/17/07 23:30
i seriously love that korean place, so freakin yummy!
james - 11/17/07 22:55
Korean food is so delicious. I would colonize their peninsula too if I was an Asian warlord.

11/15/2007 00:46 #42131

Some random facts...
Category: random
I am still so sad over the gay boys that got killed in Iran for being gay


I think that is what their president meant when he said they had no gay people in Iran.

From wikipedia - Sodomy is a crime for which both partners can be punished by death, if the participants are adults, of sound mind and consenting; the method of execution is for the Shari'a judge to decide. A non-adult who engages in consensual sodomy is subject to a punishment of 74 lashes. (Articles 108 to 113) Sodomy is proved either if a person confesses four times to having committed sodomy or by the testimony of four righteous men. Testimony of women alone or together with a man does not prove sodomy. (Articles 114 to 119). "Tafhiz" (the rubbing of the thighs or buttocks) and the like committed by two men is punished by 100 lashes. On the fourth occasion, the punishment is death. (Articles 121 and 122).

If two men "stand naked under one cover without any necessity", both are punished with up to 99 lashes; if a man "kisses another with lust" the punishment is 60 lashes. (Articles 123 and 124). If sodomy, or the lesser crimes referred to above, are proved by confession, and the person concerned repents, the Shari'a judge may request that he be pardoned. If a person who has committed the lesser crimes referred to above repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, the punishment is quashed. (Articles 125 and 126).

As of 2007, teenagers accused of engaging in sodomy have been executed, although the official rationale for the hangings is debated.

I feel so bad for this lard ass. I mean really, their picture shows up in every single google news article about obesity. I wonder if he/she is on an obesity clipart CDROM somewhere. Has anyone else noticed this?


I was talking with (e:libertad) the other day and telling him this usb vaccuum I wanted for my vaccuum collection.

They dug up king Tut and unwrapped him. He has buck teeth. I am not sure exactly why someone would not just leave him alone. Isn't the whole point of being a mummy to be mummified and left alone. I kind of feel and for him too.

This is a new mp3 player for dogs . (e:jim) and (e:james) - you guys totally need ot get this for ben, although maybe it is too prissy for him.
jenks - 11/15/07 05:49
Well what do you expect from a country whose capital punishment is "lashes"?
Sad sad sad.

(and Mike, how is it that everything you say makes me go "mike, you're awesome"?)

mike - 11/15/07 00:54
how do you get that fat? And yes I am talking to you, dog with the ipod!