At least I have techno4ever

This is what I look like programming, I guess everyone else has probably seen it but it was new for me.
I really wish I could move back to Germany sometimes. I miss living in europe. Today I looked at the Italian Citizenship site again and I really just need to go to New York to deal with it. I think maybe in January? I just need to drag my mother and brother with me.
Don't worry, I am not going anywhere. I just want to have it all together so I can ditch this country when the chinese come and claim it.
The rules are very specific. In my case, my grandfather was an italian citizen still when she was born in italy. She moved here when she was 5 and he took american citizenship after that. So that while he renounced his Italian citizenship to become American, she never renounced hers by becomming an american citizen through him. Basically she inherited his citizen ship and I inherited it from her.
haaaa. i want to ditch this country too. do you remember when you blogged about everything??? i miss that. i miss you.
do you just need Italian heritage? I am 25% though I look like an anglo. My mother, however, looks like she should be gesturing with her hands and weeping before a statue of Mary.
at first i thought you were just droning to the music, lol -- then i realized that it was probably just the code-checking or whatever.
I love the ways my eyes move near the end, when I am obsessively comparing data on two monitors.
kinda, only it's from the back and the music's self-contained in your headphones.