Rudy Guilliani
No matter how diverse our political feelings are here on estrip. I think that we can probably agree that no one likes Rudolph Guilliani, right? I just can't get over his inability to pronounce the "th" in eleventh.
Check out this mp3
I got it from the september 11th remix site.

The iphone in Germany
I would also like to point out today that German law triumphed in a way over Apple when tmobile in Germany was forced to sell the iphone unlocked (although very expensively).
T-Mobile's new unrestricted phone option will cost €999 ($1,477), versus €399 (US$590) for a locked phone purchased with a two-year T-Mobile contract.
However, what makes it even better is that anyone who already bought the iphone there is getting them unlocked for free. How, the Euro has gotten so expensive or the dollar has gotten so cheap.
Who looks at these advertisments?
I frankly cannot believe that web advertisments work. It seems like every site is having more and more of them, so are the ones they have less sucessful. I find it so easy to totally ignore the advertisments. Like who click on the Garnier advertisment way the frick down at the bottom of the christian science monitor of all place
Look how far down it is. It is even further down on the real non-zoomed out version of the site

Here's a link from way back in May about Giuliani slamming Ron Paul for talking common sense.
Also, here's a great YouTube link as well: :::link:::
Rudy is hoping to ride 9/11 all the way to the White House. Come on, if that event had never happened he would be fighting Ron Paul in bottom tier of Republican candidates right now.
Web advertising is in complete turmoil. Some of the best advertising people in the world have no clue how the web works or who is looking at their ads. Apple and VW are exceptions, of course-being the very best of the very best and knowing what it's all about. But most ads are built by local agencies with dinosaur creative/art directors making these billboards for the web and putting them wherever some AE tells them to put them and how to put them there while years of experience in print advertising goes completely out the window. It's sad.