Look at (e:jim) happy about leopard.

They not only gave you a stuffed leopard for buying the OS, they also had this giant one on display.

And premium leopard meat burgers too!

Then we went home and installed. It wouldn't let me upgrade so I had to install from scratch which took most of the weekend to complete and get everything back to how it was.

Afterwards, we went danicng. Well not the other computer dorks, but (e:flacidness), (e:mike), (e:terry) and I. They met some girls from ohio who were celebrating a birthday and took them out for the night.

Looks like OPM lounge is closed. I mean it was on Saturday night.

Looks like TK likes to dance as much as me.

dragonlady, i'm sure metalpeter will have plenty of pictures of your costume. i can't wait for those pics.
Why am I not suprised that Geoff got wasted, spilled a drink then tried to snort baking soda off the carpet. It's sad in the same way that Brit Brit is sad now..
Oh p.s. I forgot my box of cigarettes upstairs on your coffee table.
I don't really need them back. Just letting you know that's what that weird box is. Mostly they're clove cigarettes anyway, so if you feel like putting on black eyeliner and acting like you're fifteen again, enjoy them.
I had so much fun. I'm glad we're not boring bloggers. Maybe we're not socially relevant but at least we're social.
Man I don't know if there are any photos of my costume. I forgot to take any. Oh well! Merry Titsmas!!
That *was* good punch, too.
Well thanks for having us over. We love parties.
I so wish I had stayed longer!!!!!
I MISSED (e:Jim)'s roasted pumpkin seeds!!! I just can't believe it!
I just had a bout of hysterical laughter. You totally missed the context. LOL. But believe me, you are better off. Hearing it in context ruined beaches for (e:jbeatty), and fishes for someone else (that was the original intention). Additionally, some fishy secrets might or might not have been wheedled out of someone else who was in the room...
Loved the party! Thanks so much for putting up with me, (e:PMT).
Matthew, I totally enjoyed the halloween theme. My favourite was the spooky little spiderweb coated candle on the end table complete with the tinny laughter. Added that spirited punch to the decor. And oohh, that cross in the bathroom AND the dream with the rose bushes. I got totally spooked! They could have been true, that's what makes it all the more astonishing!
Terry, you are the best dancer in the whole wide world!
The party just rocked from start to whenever the finish was, and I didn't even have to get drunk to feel the spirit!!
I got my 700th comment in! Yay!