Ladycroft's Journal
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10/04/2007 15:49 #41493
henna tattoosCategory: potpourri
Man I was really dragging my ass through the day today. I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights. TGIT! My night is over and I can finally go to bed. Before I do that though, I wanted to share my lovely new henna tattoos. We had a Ramadan Bazaar on campus tonight so I got my hands done. It's so pretty!

10/03/2007 15:11 #41474
phone call with erikCategory: potpourri
I just got off the phone with my friend in Sweden. It was SO great to hear a friendly voice. I've made tentative plans to visit him in May. He says it's the best time of year for Sweden as tourist season hasn't started yet but the weather is nice. Word! I'm just so excited to have a job I love that pays me enough to pursue my passions! It also allows me to stay in touch with my friends :)
that's him :)

that's him :)

10/02/2007 07:51 #41447
pay that fine!Category: about doha
A message from my US Embassy today (how's that for advance warning?):
WOW. Now that's gonna hurt a lot of people! They have cameras set up on several roads, so you don't even know you got a ticket unless you check the website. I just did, since I'm driving a rental car. Last thing I'd need is for the former driver to have a ticket and I'm the one that gets screwed!
The U.S. Embassy in Doha has learned that starting October 2, 2007, people who have not paid fines for traffic violations will not be allowed to travel out of the country.
WOW. Now that's gonna hurt a lot of people! They have cameras set up on several roads, so you don't even know you got a ticket unless you check the website. I just did, since I'm driving a rental car. Last thing I'd need is for the former driver to have a ticket and I'm the one that gets screwed!
lilho - 10/02/07 16:42
CRAZY! they have mad radar here too, but no one pays the fines. its kinda a joke.
CRAZY! they have mad radar here too, but no one pays the fines. its kinda a joke.
10/01/2007 08:45 #41426
yessssssssssssssssssss!Category: vacation
I got in! There was room enough for me on this little island hopping cruise! I was also lucky enough to bag a last minute airplane ticket. I'll be spending an extra night in Athens so I managed to find a decent looking youth hostel to hole up in for the night. Close enough to the subway so I can get myself to the airport cheaply. I'll fly into Athens and spend 2 days there. Then I'll hit up Mykonos, Patmos, Kusadasi (Turkey), Rhodes, Crete, and Santorini.
I can't wait!
P.S. Eid ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday which marks the end of Ramadan.
I can't wait!
P.S. Eid ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday which marks the end of Ramadan.
orchidiamond - 10/01/07 21:55
ohhhh I wish i was traveling with you!! take a ton of photos please =)
and yes of signs too!
ohhhh I wish i was traveling with you!! take a ton of photos please =)
and yes of signs too!
metalpeter - 10/01/07 19:42
That's great hope you have an amazing time traveling to the Cruise and on the cruise also.
That's great hope you have an amazing time traveling to the Cruise and on the cruise also.
mrmike - 10/01/07 08:59
That sounds awesome
That sounds awesome
09/30/2007 13:56 #41421
cruise on the horizon?Category: vacation
My original plans for my Eid vacation fell through. This means I back at square one for planning, and the Eid holiday week is October 14-20! Not much time left.
I found a really cool treck through China that I would love to do but the dates are about 1 week off. I've been digging and searching online for something, anything, during the actual Eid holiday week so I can get out of here for a change of scenery.
I came across a Greecian cruise that falls precisely within the dates I require. I don't know if there's still room on the trip. Of course flights from Doha/Athens are only on select days so I would have to stay an extra night. I looked and found some great hostels that have space available, so that would be reasonable enough for me to do. The flights are at great times too. I really hope it works out. it will suck having a week off and not getting to enjoy it anywhere. Everyone else has already been on vacation or has plans, I need one too!
I found a really cool treck through China that I would love to do but the dates are about 1 week off. I've been digging and searching online for something, anything, during the actual Eid holiday week so I can get out of here for a change of scenery.
I came across a Greecian cruise that falls precisely within the dates I require. I don't know if there's still room on the trip. Of course flights from Doha/Athens are only on select days so I would have to stay an extra night. I looked and found some great hostels that have space available, so that would be reasonable enough for me to do. The flights are at great times too. I really hope it works out. it will suck having a week off and not getting to enjoy it anywhere. Everyone else has already been on vacation or has plans, I need one too!
leetee - 10/01/07 06:48
What's Eid?
I hope you find the *perfect* vacation. Cheap, easy to get to... and fun fun fun 'til your daddy takes the t-bird away.
Maybe our scrabble game will even be over by then... if i can make a word with the crap letters i have left!
What's Eid?
I hope you find the *perfect* vacation. Cheap, easy to get to... and fun fun fun 'til your daddy takes the t-bird away.
Maybe our scrabble game will even be over by then... if i can make a word with the crap letters i have left!
jbeatty - 09/30/07 21:18
Would you get time on the mainland? Or is it mostly an islands type deal? Either way I'm sure that it is bound to be cool.
Would you get time on the mainland? Or is it mostly an islands type deal? Either way I'm sure that it is bound to be cool.
I don't know why, but everytime I got henna'ed back home, I always ended up having the most ridiculously runny-nose cold. :/
That is just beautiful! :)
felly, it is a tradtional design here in qatar. traditional would really just depend on where in the world you are as to typical designs.
lilho, you can find the real stuff at middle eastern/indian markets. you'll find it in the frige, they are little cone shaped tubes. you shouldn't pay more than $10 for a tube either.
wow, i want some! (e:hodown) painted some on me many a year ago and she did a great job. where can i buy some?
hehe i was trying to picture (e:drew) doing henna on himself.
those are really great henna though. it looks non traditional though, right?
Wow, those are some really pretty ones. Usually I don't like Henna tattoos but those ones are great.
That's hot
Oooh, that's so cool. I tried to do henna on me once and it did not look like that!
-Janelle posting as Drew...ooops.
very nice!
Those are cool - I have a friend whose girlfriend does henna. I have to show him this picture!
Wow thats so pretty!