Ours was at La Cigale, some new fancy shmancy hotel. It had a lovely entrance and very helpful staff, but I didn't like that I spent my entire meal bouncing up and down everytime someone walked past me. You see, I was seated so carefully on a plexiglass floor bridging two sides of an indoor pool. I guess we were 'lucky' to have this prime locale looking over the entire space. I was just hoping it didn't buckle under the weight and send me plundging into the pool with a big fat table on my head.
3 photos for ya'll. 1. I tried a new fruit. They look like olives but have the texture and flavor of not quite ripe apples. No one was able to explain what they were. 2. the 'floor' i was seated on 3. a rather cool view of that floor via the mirrored ceiling

Paul, I thought it was a shark at first too. It's a mosaic tile work on the bottom of the pool of two marlins.
No, they were not fresh dates. The ones here, palm dates, are yellow. While some other types of dates can range in colours from browns and reds, this particular fruit was not a date. That's what I thought at first but was corrected. However they were unable to translate to an English word what they were. If I ever find out, I'll update!
You were between the devil and the deep blue sea. LOL
Hmmmm... I remember fresh dates as being lighter brown.
Is that a shark in the pool? And they look like fresh dates.
Are they fresh dates? I have never had them but they are supposed to taste similar to apples.