We are now half-way through Ramadan. Woohoo! Not that I mind sneaking into the kitchen and hiding my bottled water in my bag to take back to my office - I miss my tea boy. I mean he's hanging out in the kitchen with nothing to do all day. I promised him I'd buy him a book so at least he can entertain himself. Maybe I'll hit up the Virgin Mega Store this weekend.
I've been playing Pscyhonauts here and there during my unnaturally super busy week. I'm loving this game more and more with it's smart comments. However there is one level that really knocked my socks. It's glow in the dark! I had a flashback to the days of Tron!

I recently commented on (e:Mrmike)'s post concerning pumpkins; I was wondering if they would import them for Halloween/Thanksgiving. I got my answer today. They at least import itty bitty ones with faces painted on them. But you'll never guess how much they cost! For a pumpkin about the size of a bocce ball they want $17!!!
all hail the boca burger gods...
haha tiny- a woman at work was complaining the other day... and she was like "i mean.... they just stuff themselves before dawn, and then eat all night after they get home-- what's the big deal? my husband [who is not muslim] does that every day!"
Honestly now, it's not such a BIG sacrifice as its made out to be. They simply GORGE the whole night. I mean how could you even bear to look at food when you have been eating non-stop after sunset and through the night??
only halfway? man i'd be hiding under the desk with a trail of cookie crumbs leading to me!
back in the day people used to carve turnips and potatos.