I have some cool news on the building front. Today I attended a presentation/meeting with the winning bid architects and collaborating companies for our future residence halls. They wanted to hear remarks from the end user, a.k.a. myself and the rest of the residence life staff. Before this presentation I had only been given bits of information on the project.
I am SO pleased to learn that QF will be breaking ground on 2 new sites that will become LEED certified platinum student housing. That rocks my socks! Here I am bitching about them not recycling paper (and yes I'm trying to change that) and now we're going to get to promote sustainable living!
Now on to our regularly scheduled programing and a lovely cup of hot cinnamon sunset tea.....

Loving the posters! :)
Even with out really understanding the LEED Program I understand that based on the levels that you will have the highest level of inviromental friendlyness (yeah my spelling blows). So congratulations. Great posters by the way.
ps, mine cracks me up. "Menu" teehee!
ok, they are all too funny. I said that already. done now.
oh hell these are hilarious!! brilliant! nicely done. DO MORE!
Those are great, but I'm with Jenks in the nervousness camp
haha this is funny!
Haha, these are awesome. But I'm getting nervous for when/if I pop up! :)
congrats on the new dorm, sounds rad. Will it be done in time for you to live in it?