Wow! The Psychonauts game has a rating of 12+. I'm wondering if that isn't too young for some of the comments in the game play. I was a little surprised by some comments here and there but overall it's not really a big deal. There is usually a load of inuendo built into these types of games (and movies) so it appeals to both kids and adults. But I have to say I was shocked when these lines came up!
"My husband may lose interest in me sexually but he will always love my apple pies."
"I have relied on the use of prescription medication to get me through the day for many years."
"When my husband drinks excessively I may threaten him with this rolling pin, though we stil love each other intensely."
"Look at that woman's breasts, they are huge."
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/22/2007 13:33 #41249
psychonauty!Category: video games
09/20/2007 17:58 #41217
my name in arabicCategory: potpourri
I learned how to write my name in Arabic today!

Once in a while I just like filling these things out.
Four things about me.
Four jobs I have had in my life - not in order:
1. Tour guide at Historical Fort Niagara
(complete with dressing up in period clothing).
2. Video store clerk.
3. Baker/fruit sorter/cookie decorator/cashier at a fruit farm.
4. Teaching Assistant for graduate intellectual assessment course.
Four places I have lived
1. Buffalo, NY
2. Youngstown, NY
3. Boston, MA
4. Corpus Christi,Texas
Four places I have been on vacation
1. Egypt
2. Rome
3. Zimbabwe
4. Puerto Rico
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Grilled cheese with tomato
3. Eggplant parmesan
4. Spinach
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In my old bed with my dog
2. Anywhere my friends are
3. At a top notch amusement park
4. Russia

Once in a while I just like filling these things out.
Four things about me.
Four jobs I have had in my life - not in order:
1. Tour guide at Historical Fort Niagara
(complete with dressing up in period clothing).
2. Video store clerk.
3. Baker/fruit sorter/cookie decorator/cashier at a fruit farm.
4. Teaching Assistant for graduate intellectual assessment course.
Four places I have lived
1. Buffalo, NY
2. Youngstown, NY
3. Boston, MA
4. Corpus Christi,Texas
Four places I have been on vacation
1. Egypt
2. Rome
3. Zimbabwe
4. Puerto Rico
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Grilled cheese with tomato
3. Eggplant parmesan
4. Spinach
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In my old bed with my dog
2. Anywhere my friends are
3. At a top notch amusement park
4. Russia
09/18/2007 17:03 #41181
the castlemansion bombsCategory: dreams
When I become aware of the dream, I am sitting at a desk in some large mansion. Maybe it was more like a castle. It was veeeeeery big, stone, lots of dark ornate woods with intricate carvings on them. Spooky looking demon children charubs here and there, carpet the colour of blood. Perhaps it was Vlad Tepes' old digs.
Anyway, Im sitting at a desk writing out a note. My friend stands by my side. A butler entered the room with a small package, placed it on the desk, bowed, and exited the room. It was a small package about the size of a shoe box, wrapped in funny type of light brown wrapping. Suddenly the box began emitting a strange sound that shouldn't have been audible to the human ear.
Oh Shit Batman, someone set us up the bomb!
I grabbed her arm and starting running through a door to the next room. BOOOOOOM! That shit blew! She fell gracefully onto a bed while I face planted a wall. Then I heard it again. Someone had set a trail of these bombs all over this castlemansion. I don't know if she was the target or myself, but then my duty phone rang for another fire alarm and I woke up.
I wonder who was trying to kill me this time?
Anyway, Im sitting at a desk writing out a note. My friend stands by my side. A butler entered the room with a small package, placed it on the desk, bowed, and exited the room. It was a small package about the size of a shoe box, wrapped in funny type of light brown wrapping. Suddenly the box began emitting a strange sound that shouldn't have been audible to the human ear.
Oh Shit Batman, someone set us up the bomb!
I grabbed her arm and starting running through a door to the next room. BOOOOOOM! That shit blew! She fell gracefully onto a bed while I face planted a wall. Then I heard it again. Someone had set a trail of these bombs all over this castlemansion. I don't know if she was the target or myself, but then my duty phone rang for another fire alarm and I woke up.
I wonder who was trying to kill me this time?
fellyconnelly - 09/18/07 23:14
crazy dream! very vivid too!
crazy dream! very vivid too!
09/17/2007 04:13 #41147
happy birthday carey!Category: birthday
Dear Carey,
It's your special day. I wanted to convey just how much it pains me that I cannot be there to help you celebrate this weekend.

You know I love you! Have a spectacular day and a mischievous party! Photos REQUIRED :)
It's your special day. I wanted to convey just how much it pains me that I cannot be there to help you celebrate this weekend.
- note you can't view this clip through estrip, but just click on it again and it will take you to youtube to view it*

You know I love you! Have a spectacular day and a mischievous party! Photos REQUIRED :)
metalpeter - 09/17/07 18:33
I will admit I knew (e:theecarey)'s birthday was coming up but than I forgot the date (I'm horrid with dates sorry) so sorry. Hope your Birthday Carey is awesome.
I will admit I knew (e:theecarey)'s birthday was coming up but than I forgot the date (I'm horrid with dates sorry) so sorry. Hope your Birthday Carey is awesome.
theecarey - 09/17/07 15:05
Thank you so much! You rock! I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish you were here to get all crazy with!!! xo!
Thank you so much! You rock! I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish you were here to get all crazy with!!! xo!
09/16/2007 17:01 #41128
more peep postersCategory: potpourri
Here are a few more posters for your entertainment. Don't worry, if you haven't been targeted yet, you will ;) Maybe more than once....oh the horror!
I have some cool news on the building front. Today I attended a presentation/meeting with the winning bid architects and collaborating companies for our future residence halls. They wanted to hear remarks from the end user, a.k.a. myself and the rest of the residence life staff. Before this presentation I had only been given bits of information on the project.
I am SO pleased to learn that QF will be breaking ground on 2 new sites that will become LEED certified platinum student housing. That rocks my socks! Here I am bitching about them not recycling paper (and yes I'm trying to change that) and now we're going to get to promote sustainable living!
Now on to our regularly scheduled programing and a lovely cup of hot cinnamon sunset tea.....

I have some cool news on the building front. Today I attended a presentation/meeting with the winning bid architects and collaborating companies for our future residence halls. They wanted to hear remarks from the end user, a.k.a. myself and the rest of the residence life staff. Before this presentation I had only been given bits of information on the project.
I am SO pleased to learn that QF will be breaking ground on 2 new sites that will become LEED certified platinum student housing. That rocks my socks! Here I am bitching about them not recycling paper (and yes I'm trying to change that) and now we're going to get to promote sustainable living!
Now on to our regularly scheduled programing and a lovely cup of hot cinnamon sunset tea.....

tinypliny - 09/22/07 22:08
Loving the posters! :)
Loving the posters! :)
metalpeter - 09/17/07 18:42
Even with out really understanding the LEED Program I understand that based on the levels that you will have the highest level of inviromental friendlyness (yeah my spelling blows). So congratulations. Great posters by the way.
Even with out really understanding the LEED Program I understand that based on the levels that you will have the highest level of inviromental friendlyness (yeah my spelling blows). So congratulations. Great posters by the way.
theecarey - 09/17/07 03:04
ps, mine cracks me up. "Menu" teehee!
ok, they are all too funny. I said that already. done now.
ps, mine cracks me up. "Menu" teehee!
ok, they are all too funny. I said that already. done now.
theecarey - 09/17/07 03:00
oh hell these are hilarious!! brilliant! nicely done. DO MORE!
oh hell these are hilarious!! brilliant! nicely done. DO MORE!
mrmike - 09/16/07 20:32
Those are great, but I'm with Jenks in the nervousness camp
Those are great, but I'm with Jenks in the nervousness camp
fellyconnelly - 09/16/07 19:01
haha this is funny!
haha this is funny!
jenks - 09/16/07 17:29
Haha, these are awesome. But I'm getting nervous for when/if I pop up! :)
congrats on the new dorm, sounds rad. Will it be done in time for you to live in it?
Haha, these are awesome. But I'm getting nervous for when/if I pop up! :)
congrats on the new dorm, sounds rad. Will it be done in time for you to live in it?
Ah Russia, the most scenic despotic state you can visit with a good chance of not getting shot.