Ladycroft's Journal
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10/13/2007 15:16 #41628
shennanigansCategory: pranks
10/12/2007 03:47 #41607
eid mubarak!Category: about doha
Hallelujah! Ramadan is officially OVER! I'm going to eat my lunch by the pool today!!!

janelle - 10/12/07 10:15
Enjoy your day of eating food in public!
Enjoy your day of eating food in public!
10/10/2007 18:13 #41580
what should i be for halloween???Category: potpourri
I need your input dear estripers. If you know me, you know I love Halloween and usually come up with creative and well prepared costumes. I face interesting obsticles on my path to Halloween happiness here in Doha.
1. I cannot be too obscure, or the people here simply won't get it.
2. I cannot dress like any male character as it would be found offensive.
3. I don't do the trashy hooker outifts anway, but I cannot even wear cool outifts that are too skimpy. In other words, unless I do a camo pant or snow version - I can't do Lara Croft (nor do I have the time now to pull off one of those versions).
4. I don't want to be too generic, i.e. a witch, zombie, vampire, etc.
5. I don't have access to thrift stores.
The things I have going for me are:
1. If it's simple enough, I can sew it.
2. My creativity can help me find alternate materials for producing the costume.
So what do you think? Suggestions!?
1. I cannot be too obscure, or the people here simply won't get it.
2. I cannot dress like any male character as it would be found offensive.
3. I don't do the trashy hooker outifts anway, but I cannot even wear cool outifts that are too skimpy. In other words, unless I do a camo pant or snow version - I can't do Lara Croft (nor do I have the time now to pull off one of those versions).
4. I don't want to be too generic, i.e. a witch, zombie, vampire, etc.
5. I don't have access to thrift stores.
The things I have going for me are:
1. If it's simple enough, I can sew it.
2. My creativity can help me find alternate materials for producing the costume.
So what do you think? Suggestions!?
tinypliny - 10/10/07 23:37
You could go as Trashie from the Fraggle Rock? I may be going as Trashie to the PMT party - but you are on the other side of the planet so we can be Trashies in parallel universes!
You could go as Trashie from the Fraggle Rock? I may be going as Trashie to the PMT party - but you are on the other side of the planet so we can be Trashies in parallel universes!
orchidiamond - 10/10/07 22:20
is there anyone that would do a group outfot? I mean like...one year 4 others and myself dressed as a deck of cards (4 queens-1joker) you could do a fork,spoon,knife--that kind of thing? or perhaps a super monket?! hehe
is there anyone that would do a group outfot? I mean like...one year 4 others and myself dressed as a deck of cards (4 queens-1joker) you could do a fork,spoon,knife--that kind of thing? or perhaps a super monket?! hehe
metalpeter - 10/10/07 19:50
So you can't dress as a male and as a women it can't be revealing that really cuts out a lot of ideas. I was going to suggest something along the lines of a Video Game Character but I don't know as there are any with those two guildelines you could dress as How about someone from the Wizard of oz either Dorthy or either of the witches. Yeah I know those are kinda lame but that is all I can think of, off hand in terms of actual people as opposed to an idea or concept costume.
So you can't dress as a male and as a women it can't be revealing that really cuts out a lot of ideas. I was going to suggest something along the lines of a Video Game Character but I don't know as there are any with those two guildelines you could dress as How about someone from the Wizard of oz either Dorthy or either of the witches. Yeah I know those are kinda lame but that is all I can think of, off hand in terms of actual people as opposed to an idea or concept costume.
10/07/2007 14:33 #41535
my first sohourCategory: about doha
The big cheese boss invited everyone in the education division to a sohour this past weekend. Sohour is usually the last meal of the night/day for those fasting during Ramadan. A lot of the hotels make a big deal about the Iftars and Sohours.
Ours was at La Cigale, some new fancy shmancy hotel. It had a lovely entrance and very helpful staff, but I didn't like that I spent my entire meal bouncing up and down everytime someone walked past me. You see, I was seated so carefully on a plexiglass floor bridging two sides of an indoor pool. I guess we were 'lucky' to have this prime locale looking over the entire space. I was just hoping it didn't buckle under the weight and send me plundging into the pool with a big fat table on my head.
3 photos for ya'll. 1. I tried a new fruit. They look like olives but have the texture and flavor of not quite ripe apples. No one was able to explain what they were. 2. the 'floor' i was seated on 3. a rather cool view of that floor via the mirrored ceiling

Ours was at La Cigale, some new fancy shmancy hotel. It had a lovely entrance and very helpful staff, but I didn't like that I spent my entire meal bouncing up and down everytime someone walked past me. You see, I was seated so carefully on a plexiglass floor bridging two sides of an indoor pool. I guess we were 'lucky' to have this prime locale looking over the entire space. I was just hoping it didn't buckle under the weight and send me plundging into the pool with a big fat table on my head.
3 photos for ya'll. 1. I tried a new fruit. They look like olives but have the texture and flavor of not quite ripe apples. No one was able to explain what they were. 2. the 'floor' i was seated on 3. a rather cool view of that floor via the mirrored ceiling

ladycroft - 10/10/07 03:40
Paul, I thought it was a shark at first too. It's a mosaic tile work on the bottom of the pool of two marlins.
No, they were not fresh dates. The ones here, palm dates, are yellow. While some other types of dates can range in colours from browns and reds, this particular fruit was not a date. That's what I thought at first but was corrected. However they were unable to translate to an English word what they were. If I ever find out, I'll update!
Paul, I thought it was a shark at first too. It's a mosaic tile work on the bottom of the pool of two marlins.
No, they were not fresh dates. The ones here, palm dates, are yellow. While some other types of dates can range in colours from browns and reds, this particular fruit was not a date. That's what I thought at first but was corrected. However they were unable to translate to an English word what they were. If I ever find out, I'll update!
tinypliny - 10/10/07 00:45
You were between the devil and the deep blue sea. LOL
Hmmmm... I remember fresh dates as being lighter brown.
You were between the devil and the deep blue sea. LOL
Hmmmm... I remember fresh dates as being lighter brown.
paul - 10/07/07 16:41
Is that a shark in the pool? And they look like fresh dates.
Is that a shark in the pool? And they look like fresh dates.
jbeatty - 10/07/07 15:35
Are they fresh dates? I have never had them but they are supposed to taste similar to apples.
Are they fresh dates? I have never had them but they are supposed to taste similar to apples.
10/04/2007 15:49 #41493
henna tattoosCategory: potpourri
Man I was really dragging my ass through the day today. I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights. TGIT! My night is over and I can finally go to bed. Before I do that though, I wanted to share my lovely new henna tattoos. We had a Ramadan Bazaar on campus tonight so I got my hands done. It's so pretty!

tinypliny - 10/10/07 00:31
I don't know why, but everytime I got henna'ed back home, I always ended up having the most ridiculously runny-nose cold. :/
I don't know why, but everytime I got henna'ed back home, I always ended up having the most ridiculously runny-nose cold. :/
tinypliny - 10/10/07 00:28
That is just beautiful! :)
That is just beautiful! :)
ladycroft - 10/05/07 07:25
felly, it is a tradtional design here in qatar. traditional would really just depend on where in the world you are as to typical designs.
lilho, you can find the real stuff at middle eastern/indian markets. you'll find it in the frige, they are little cone shaped tubes. you shouldn't pay more than $10 for a tube either.
felly, it is a tradtional design here in qatar. traditional would really just depend on where in the world you are as to typical designs.
lilho, you can find the real stuff at middle eastern/indian markets. you'll find it in the frige, they are little cone shaped tubes. you shouldn't pay more than $10 for a tube either.
lilho - 10/05/07 00:00
wow, i want some! (e:hodown) painted some on me many a year ago and she did a great job. where can i buy some?
wow, i want some! (e:hodown) painted some on me many a year ago and she did a great job. where can i buy some?
fellyconnelly - 10/04/07 23:13
hehe i was trying to picture (e:drew) doing henna on himself.
those are really great henna though. it looks non traditional though, right?
hehe i was trying to picture (e:drew) doing henna on himself.
those are really great henna though. it looks non traditional though, right?
paul - 10/04/07 20:16
Wow, those are some really pretty ones. Usually I don't like Henna tattoos but those ones are great.
Wow, those are some really pretty ones. Usually I don't like Henna tattoos but those ones are great.
mrmike - 10/04/07 18:09
That's hot
That's hot
drew - 10/04/07 17:43
Oooh, that's so cool. I tried to do henna on me once and it did not look like that!
-Janelle posting as Drew...ooops.
Oooh, that's so cool. I tried to do henna on me once and it did not look like that!
-Janelle posting as Drew...ooops.
leetee - 10/04/07 16:01
very nice!
very nice!
joshua - 10/04/07 15:52
Those are cool - I have a friend whose girlfriend does henna. I have to show him this picture!
Those are cool - I have a friend whose girlfriend does henna. I have to show him this picture!
hodown - 10/04/07 15:51
Wow thats so pretty!
Wow thats so pretty!
that's so awesome!
haha great joke!
yeah i too hope that he has a good sense of humor...
and that he isn't one of those 'don't waste office supplies' kind of guy...
Nice, when I worked at the repair shop every now and then we used to glue one of our coworkers tools to his bench for amusement.
Hope he has a good sense of humor. But more importantly I hope he has time to fix that or work around it. A few people at my place do stuff to each other but I don't. For two reasons. 1) I don't have the time to do pranks on other people and can't have them prank me back and then take more time away from me from working. 2) Where do the pranks stop, eventuly as they get bigger and bigger someone may cross a line that they shouldn't. I'm not saying don't do them. I'm saying I kinda wish I had the free time (not that I would) to do them. In any event that is funny.
I once covered a friend's car with post-its on a particularly bad day at work...he was NOT pleased with this "joke" we played. We also wrote funny messages on them. Someone from his office asked him if he had pissed off some girl and she was getting revenge.