Last night I did pumpkin carving with my CDAs. None of them had ever done this before so it was a RIOT! It broke my heart at the end, when they were SO proud of their pumpkins and the boys said "Oh man, I'm going to keep mine forever, this is so cool!".....and I had to inform them that it will only last a week or so. I made sure to take a photo of each of them with their pumpkin :)

i found this entertaing candy...take a closer look at the bottom right corner....yeah, nothing like holding a gun to a kid's head eh?

i wasn't feeling good last night, so i made the classic 'sick-o-lantern'

all finished and glow sticks in place

i went as dorothy, so my supervisor decided to be the wicked witch

a lot of kids don't know the wizard of oz and kept thinking i was alice from wonderland....with a dog for rabbit

toto was a BIG hit

because he floated with i walked!

Happy Halloween everyone!
Reverse trick or treating is a cool idea. I think we should have one here, for adults... with adult delivery... like a beer a household? *grin*
You look good as Dorothy! :O)
That sounded like a great time! I love your costume.
aww.... looks like you made a great day for them. :) And I love toto too!
Looks like a fun time. Happy Halloween to you also.
did josh just say cute? Oh my gawd. Glad you are having fun where you are. It looks like a great place.
HA! That costume is cute - and I never say cute!