I had such a great time today sharing my favorite holiday with people who've never heard of it! We held a 'reverse' trick-or-treat program in the halls and it was a big hit. This means some of us res life staffers dressed up in costumes and delivered little treat bags to all the residents rooms. So many of them took pictures of us because they had never heard of Halloween and thought it was really neat. Plus who doesn't like candy!
Last night I did pumpkin carving with my CDAs. None of them had ever done this before so it was a RIOT! It broke my heart at the end, when they were SO proud of their pumpkins and the boys said "Oh man, I'm going to keep mine forever, this is so cool!".....and I had to inform them that it will only last a week or so. I made sure to take a photo of each of them with their pumpkin :)

i found this entertaing candy...take a closer look at the bottom right corner....yeah, nothing like holding a gun to a kid's head eh?

i wasn't feeling good last night, so i made the classic 'sick-o-lantern'

all finished and glow sticks in place

i went as dorothy, so my supervisor decided to be the wicked witch

a lot of kids don't know the wizard of oz and kept thinking i was alice from wonderland....with a dog for rabbit

toto was a BIG hit

because he floated with i walked!

Happy Halloween everyone!
Awesome, wish I was there instead o here