A proposal I wrote with two of my co-workers was accepted for the 2008 NASPA (National Association of Student Personell Administrators) conference. That's crazy. It's so competitive to get something accepted to be a presenter, we never really thought it would fly. I think the appeal is that the work we are doing over here is literally the first of it's kind in the whole world. I wonder how many people will show up for it. Presenting is not my favorite thing to do. Maybe I can do all the power point leg work and let my co-workers do the talking.
The bad:
This week was International Education Week. I was on the planning committe undertaking this task of collaboration with all 5 branch campuses and QF to have a finale event tonight. After all the work, I didn't get to go as I'm confined to my sofa with my leg propped on a pillow.
The ugly:
The reason my leg is propped on a pillow is because I have a severe foot disfunction going on. My right foot started hurting about a month ago. Just here and there, usually in the morning. I knew I had occassional bouts of pf because I have overflexible arches. However this pain got to the point I started limping. So I had it checked out today. Got examined, got blood work, got an x-ray and BAM.
There was my foot lit up on that little white box and a bizarre bone growth jutting out. It was creepy. It looks like some demonic bird claw parasite clinging to the underside of my heel. I wish I had a photo of it. Anyway, my podiatrist says I have a severe case of pf and the largest spur he's ever seen. Oh joy! To fix the problem requires surgery, however due to the size of it he is afraid the scar I'd be left with may cause just as much pain as I'm in now. Hmmm. Dilema. So in the mean time he prescribed some anti-inflamitory and then....I got an injection.
For the love of gummy bears I never thought I'd have to take a needle in the bottom of my foot! I've had needles and tubes stuck in every part of my body, and I mean every part, except the bottom of my foot. I have a strong constitution but this hurt like a mother fucker. Plus now my foot is swollen on the heel, so it kind of hurts twice as much as when I went in there. I'm supposed to lay low for 3 days and stay off my feet as much as possible.

owie! i hate having painful feeties... which is almost all the time for me. i have sympathies. hope you foot is better by now!
ouch, that sounds horrible. when do you have to decide as to what you want to do?
what was your proposal about? what are you guys doing that no else is?
pf = plantar fasciitis
i was feeling lazy and didn't want to look up the correct spelling at the time.
Sorry about your foot. Some people would say that when you get hurt or sick it is because your body is tired out and that is what causes you to get sick. So maybe even though your foot hurting is a bad thing you will get to rest for a few days.
Your poor foot, it looks so painful!