our pirate ship

the circle of islands are made from a blown out volcano

climbing it was tough because it was a fine layer of volcanic ash
(and it turned my socks yellow)

i claimed the top...'croftapalooza'

it was like being on a martian planet

plato wrote about 'atlantis' in terms of it once being the island of santorini. here you can see his description of the black, red and white cliffs that once held atlantis before it was buried in the sea during the volcanic eruption

we climbed back down the volcano and sailed our pirate ship to a cove where we jumped off the boat! argg.

we swam through the brilliant emerald water, as cold as it was, to find a sulfur hot stream,a little volcanic action hot tub :)

the water was blood red, which was a little creepy, but at least it didn't really smell like egg farts

we enjoyed a lovely sunset on the boat

once we got up the mountain of the mainland, we ate gyros and saddled the donkeys of doom...which we took back down the mountain, while attempting to take photos, while attempting to not fall off as they slip on the cobblestones full of donkey shit
This island is SO worth checking out!
Mmmmmm..... Gelato Gelato Gelato...
It looks beautiful! I'm glad you were able to go to such an amazing place.
I can't stand reading your journal. All these pictures of beautiful places and delicious food. I get so jealous I turn green.
^_^ Thank you for posting. What was that gelato in the front right? It looks like squid/chocolate chip cookie dough flavor.