Pardon this rant, but this weather is pushing my anti-Buffalo sentiments over the edge.
I mean WHAT THE FUCK. Why does anyone live in a place that snows from halloween to easter? That's SEVEN MONTHS of the year. We have snow for more than 50% of the year. It's ridiculous.
Everyone around here loves to go on and on about how amazing Buffalo is. All I can think is 'if you think this is awesome, you have obviously never lived in a 'real' city, and I feel badly for you.'
It's crap. The only good thing I have here are some friends. woohoo, we have some pro sports teams. That doesn't do it for me. In fact I'd probably like Buffalo better if we had no sports. I am sick of hearing nothing but "sabres sabres sabres bills sabres bills."
Ugh. I can't wait to leave.
I mean I can handle winter. I can handle cold, and I can handle snow. But not SEVEN MONTHS of snow.
Thank god I have vacation in a couple weeks. Maybe that will lift this crappy mood of mine. Too bad I have no one to travel with, and will probably end up spending it sitting on my ass in Buffalo. In the snow probably. In May.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/05/2007 14:53 #38756
dammitCategory: weather
04/03/2007 19:15 #38733
Not muchCategory: potpourri
Did you all see the guy on the news yesterday- the prisoner who went to the hospital, then beat up two guards, held a nurse hostage, stole a gun, escaped from the hospital, stole a car in the parking lot, robbed two banks, busted into a CPA's office, and held two more women hostage?
On top of his 46 year sentence for theft/assault/drugs?
what a fucking winner. It was all over crappy fox news yesterday. I kept seeing a loop over and over of a chick jumping out the window of the office he was in.
And two clues that this guy is a loser:
-one, his name is Billy Jack. Really. How do you name your kid Billy Jack and expect him to add up to much? I know that's bitchy, but it's true.
-two, he's a member of the Aryan Nation.
Apparently they got his mom on the phone, and she said not to shoot him. Oh, gee, ok.
And I'm also so fucking sick of hearing about anna nicole smith. It makes me a little sad that we as americans care so much about this. And fucking Sanjaya.
This is why I don't watch the news. Work was slow today so I spent half the morning doing the crossword puzzle and sudoku in the paper and watching horrid fox news b/c I couldn't reach the tv to change the channel/turn it off.
A friend told me the other day that he read my journal (which I didn't think he did, so that was weird/embarrassing), and he said "I can't believe some of the stuff you write. Do your parents read it?"
Oy. I hope not!
My ex continued to text-flirt with me again yesterday. How strange. And I think then his GF calls or he goes home from work or something b/c all of the sudden it just STOPS, mid-sentence.
And today I told a friend "I had a dream last night that you moved to Europe." (I really did). And he replied "Feels nice to be the man of your dreams". hehe, I thought that was kinda cute.
And he's some rockin' news.
So every year we have to get a "physical" at work. Which consists of checking 'no no no no no no' on a list of "have you had.... in the past year", then telling them your weight (they don't even weigh you), having your blood pressure checked, and then the key- the TB test.
Now, it's fairly common (some would say inevitable) for people in health care to "convert"- i.e. have a positive TB test eventually. And I spent time in New Orleans, aka the third world. So... this year it happened.
For the record, that just means I have been exposed. I do not HAVE TB. I am not contagious or anything like that. But once you test positive, you have about a 5% chance of developing active TB (which I think is the number one killer disease, worldwide). TB can be treated, but it's a long course of like 5 antibiotics. So once you convert, they recommend you take prophylactic antibiotics. Of course you don't HAVE to, but it's the responsible thing to do, public-health-wise. And it takes your risk down to like 0.001%, and apparently gives you 20 years of protection.
So I had my required chest xray (negative), and made my appointment at the Erie County Infectious Disease Clinic at ECMC (what a lovely experience.) And she said there are basically 3 options: take the risk and don't take abx. Take INH for 9 months. Take rifampin for 4 months.
The catch with INH is that it (can be) liver-toxic, so people freak out and are like "if you have a sip of alcohol while you're on it you will die." That is not true. (believe me, I asked.) It's more like "if you are an alcoholic, we will have to check your liver function tests every month". B/c yeah, I can go without drinking. But 9 months is a pretty long time to not even be able to have one sip of champagne. At a wedding. That I am IN.
So the alternative is rifampin. Makes you more sick to your stomach, apparently, and has this lovely side effect- it turns ALL of your body fluids orange. You pee orange. You sweat orange. You cry orange. They said it stains your contacts orange. How freaky.
So, I guess I'll be a good little girl and take the stupid INH. the perk- I never have to have another TB test again.
Ok, I guess that's about it.
Later peeps!
-rambly J
Did you all see the guy on the news yesterday- the prisoner who went to the hospital, then beat up two guards, held a nurse hostage, stole a gun, escaped from the hospital, stole a car in the parking lot, robbed two banks, busted into a CPA's office, and held two more women hostage?
On top of his 46 year sentence for theft/assault/drugs?
what a fucking winner. It was all over crappy fox news yesterday. I kept seeing a loop over and over of a chick jumping out the window of the office he was in.
And two clues that this guy is a loser:
-one, his name is Billy Jack. Really. How do you name your kid Billy Jack and expect him to add up to much? I know that's bitchy, but it's true.
-two, he's a member of the Aryan Nation.
Apparently they got his mom on the phone, and she said not to shoot him. Oh, gee, ok.
And I'm also so fucking sick of hearing about anna nicole smith. It makes me a little sad that we as americans care so much about this. And fucking Sanjaya.
This is why I don't watch the news. Work was slow today so I spent half the morning doing the crossword puzzle and sudoku in the paper and watching horrid fox news b/c I couldn't reach the tv to change the channel/turn it off.
A friend told me the other day that he read my journal (which I didn't think he did, so that was weird/embarrassing), and he said "I can't believe some of the stuff you write. Do your parents read it?"
Oy. I hope not!
My ex continued to text-flirt with me again yesterday. How strange. And I think then his GF calls or he goes home from work or something b/c all of the sudden it just STOPS, mid-sentence.
And today I told a friend "I had a dream last night that you moved to Europe." (I really did). And he replied "Feels nice to be the man of your dreams". hehe, I thought that was kinda cute.
And he's some rockin' news.
So every year we have to get a "physical" at work. Which consists of checking 'no no no no no no' on a list of "have you had.... in the past year", then telling them your weight (they don't even weigh you), having your blood pressure checked, and then the key- the TB test.
Now, it's fairly common (some would say inevitable) for people in health care to "convert"- i.e. have a positive TB test eventually. And I spent time in New Orleans, aka the third world. So... this year it happened.
For the record, that just means I have been exposed. I do not HAVE TB. I am not contagious or anything like that. But once you test positive, you have about a 5% chance of developing active TB (which I think is the number one killer disease, worldwide). TB can be treated, but it's a long course of like 5 antibiotics. So once you convert, they recommend you take prophylactic antibiotics. Of course you don't HAVE to, but it's the responsible thing to do, public-health-wise. And it takes your risk down to like 0.001%, and apparently gives you 20 years of protection.
So I had my required chest xray (negative), and made my appointment at the Erie County Infectious Disease Clinic at ECMC (what a lovely experience.) And she said there are basically 3 options: take the risk and don't take abx. Take INH for 9 months. Take rifampin for 4 months.
The catch with INH is that it (can be) liver-toxic, so people freak out and are like "if you have a sip of alcohol while you're on it you will die." That is not true. (believe me, I asked.) It's more like "if you are an alcoholic, we will have to check your liver function tests every month". B/c yeah, I can go without drinking. But 9 months is a pretty long time to not even be able to have one sip of champagne. At a wedding. That I am IN.
So the alternative is rifampin. Makes you more sick to your stomach, apparently, and has this lovely side effect- it turns ALL of your body fluids orange. You pee orange. You sweat orange. You cry orange. They said it stains your contacts orange. How freaky.
So, I guess I'll be a good little girl and take the stupid INH. the perk- I never have to have another TB test again.
Ok, I guess that's about it.
Later peeps!
-rambly J
jason - 04/05/07 14:26
Do Crooks and Liars understand the difference between FNC and some random local Fox affiliate? Based on the link I'm inclined to say no. That's as ignorant as blaming CBS News for some ridiculous poll that shows up on Channel 4.
Also does this station have some kind of undue fondness for OJ Simpson, placing him below Mel Gibson AND Paris Hilton even though the poll results say he is more foolish than both?
Do Crooks and Liars understand the difference between FNC and some random local Fox affiliate? Based on the link I'm inclined to say no. That's as ignorant as blaming CBS News for some ridiculous poll that shows up on Channel 4.
Also does this station have some kind of undue fondness for OJ Simpson, placing him below Mel Gibson AND Paris Hilton even though the poll results say he is more foolish than both?
ajay - 04/05/07 12:49
"Fox News" is neither Foxy nor "News".
I believe "Faux News" is the actual spelling.
Here's their latest wonder: :::link:::
"Fox News" is neither Foxy nor "News".
I believe "Faux News" is the actual spelling.
Here's their latest wonder: :::link:::
museumchick - 04/05/07 10:05
I hope the INH doesn't cause you any side effects besides having to take the liver functioning tests. That antibiotic sounds so strange.
I hope the INH doesn't cause you any side effects besides having to take the liver functioning tests. That antibiotic sounds so strange.
joshua - 04/04/07 14:05
Normally I simply wouldn't be able to help myself here, but I'm going to ignore it.
Normally I simply wouldn't be able to help myself here, but I'm going to ignore it.
mrmike - 04/04/07 09:08
Shit, I'm 43 and that would be something that could fascinate me. But back to your first paragraph, it's just proof that FOX News can wreck your day without actually saying a thing. Imagine if they actually brokered information....
With you the Anna Nicole. I couldn't give a rat's ass as to who the father is, where she's buried, if Sanjaya is her love child.
Which may explain why I'm not a lot of fun at parties....
Shit, I'm 43 and that would be something that could fascinate me. But back to your first paragraph, it's just proof that FOX News can wreck your day without actually saying a thing. Imagine if they actually brokered information....
With you the Anna Nicole. I couldn't give a rat's ass as to who the father is, where she's buried, if Sanjaya is her love child.
Which may explain why I'm not a lot of fun at parties....
zobar - 04/03/07 21:09
If I were nine years old I'd think that was the most awesome thing ever. [Actually, I'm 27 and I still think that's pretty keen.]
- Z
it turns ALL of your body fluids orange. You pee orange. You sweat orange. You cry orange. They said it stains your contacts orange.
If I were nine years old I'd think that was the most awesome thing ever. [Actually, I'm 27 and I still think that's pretty keen.]
- Z
03/31/2007 19:07 #38703
Chase rules.Category: music
Ok, so this week at work has been super crazy/busy/shitty, and it has put me in a terrible, sleep-deprived mood. Have barely slept since wed night, and had to miss jackdaw last night, and am missing roller derby tonight since my 2 hour day turned into 12-
but somehow now I don't care about that and feel like some sort of special VIP rockstar.
My brother in law always turns me on to cool new music, including The National, whose CD "Alligator" is one of my faves. They have a new album coming out in May, and are touring (will be in Toronto in June actually- anyone?).
But so the other day he sent me an email that said 'do you still like the national? Do you have this yet?' and attached was a folder full of songs. I figured it was like their first album "before they got big" or something obscure and random like that.
It took me a few days to get around to checking it out, and I just opened it-
And it's their new CD. Due to be released May 22. I have no idea how he got his hands on it, but it made my week.
Three cheers for Chase! Yay!
Unfortunately all the songs are too big to post as user sounds, so instead I've put up "baby we'll be fine", another fave, from Alligator.
but somehow now I don't care about that and feel like some sort of special VIP rockstar.
My brother in law always turns me on to cool new music, including The National, whose CD "Alligator" is one of my faves. They have a new album coming out in May, and are touring (will be in Toronto in June actually- anyone?).
But so the other day he sent me an email that said 'do you still like the national? Do you have this yet?' and attached was a folder full of songs. I figured it was like their first album "before they got big" or something obscure and random like that.
It took me a few days to get around to checking it out, and I just opened it-
And it's their new CD. Due to be released May 22. I have no idea how he got his hands on it, but it made my week.
Three cheers for Chase! Yay!
Unfortunately all the songs are too big to post as user sounds, so instead I've put up "baby we'll be fine", another fave, from Alligator.
mrmike - 03/31/07 19:10
That's awesome...a little exclusivity.
That's awesome...a little exclusivity.
03/29/2007 20:36 #38686
haircut reviewCategory: boring
this is a boring post but someone was asking about hair places the other day...
so I usually get my hair cut at the Aveda place in the Galleria. Which is definitely a pleasant experience... herbal tea, scalp massage, etc. But it's $40 + tip, and it's a trek to the galleria. So i figured I'd try my local place- Parkway Haircutting- right next to Coles.
They have a big fancy sign and look from the outside like a pretty classy salon.
Well, they're not as nice on the inside.
Sort of barber-ish with a guy doing guy haircuts in the corner. Just two chairs, and they're not selling your usual super-expensive fancy name shampoo etc. But I figured what the hell, I don't do anything too fancy with my hair, how much can she fuck it up.
So I told charlene I wanted to take a couple inches off and gave her my rules-
that I can't be bothered with a blow dryer and that it has to be able to go in a pony tail.
And she went to town and cut all these crazy layers- I was a little nervous, but let her do her thing. She blew it dry, and it didn't look great when I left, but like I said my hair doesn't like the blow dryer.
So I went home and washed it, and so far it seems like a decent haircut.
And best of all- I was in and out (shampooed, cut, dried, etc) in 30 min flat.
And it was $20 with a UB ID.
So certainly not a Chic Salon/Spa Experience- but not bad for $20 and 30 min.
so I usually get my hair cut at the Aveda place in the Galleria. Which is definitely a pleasant experience... herbal tea, scalp massage, etc. But it's $40 + tip, and it's a trek to the galleria. So i figured I'd try my local place- Parkway Haircutting- right next to Coles.
They have a big fancy sign and look from the outside like a pretty classy salon.
Well, they're not as nice on the inside.
Sort of barber-ish with a guy doing guy haircuts in the corner. Just two chairs, and they're not selling your usual super-expensive fancy name shampoo etc. But I figured what the hell, I don't do anything too fancy with my hair, how much can she fuck it up.
So I told charlene I wanted to take a couple inches off and gave her my rules-
that I can't be bothered with a blow dryer and that it has to be able to go in a pony tail.
And she went to town and cut all these crazy layers- I was a little nervous, but let her do her thing. She blew it dry, and it didn't look great when I left, but like I said my hair doesn't like the blow dryer.
So I went home and washed it, and so far it seems like a decent haircut.
And best of all- I was in and out (shampooed, cut, dried, etc) in 30 min flat.
And it was $20 with a UB ID.
So certainly not a Chic Salon/Spa Experience- but not bad for $20 and 30 min.
ladycroft - 03/30/07 14:12
I always have lilho do mine. I will be so sad when she leaves.
I always have lilho do mine. I will be so sad when she leaves.
joshua - 03/30/07 11:34
Yeah, I think so - I believe that its right across the street from Wilson Farms, a door or two away from Blockbuster. Or maybe I'm on crack.
Yeah, I think so - I believe that its right across the street from Wilson Farms, a door or two away from Blockbuster. Or maybe I'm on crack.
leetee - 03/30/07 00:13
Isn't there an Aveda concept salon on Elmwood? Michele something that's on the same block as Spot but a bit further north?
I am totally looking for somewhere to get a good haircut for a decent price. I'm picky as shit, though.
I would rather walk than have to bus it or bum a ride from my better half. Not that he is not willing, but it's not exactly fun for him, watching me get a haircut or colour...
i've been going (when i bother, it has been months, hell, probably a year since my last cut) to Studio 806 on Elmwood and getting cuts from a woman named Lauren. But the vibe there is totally snob fest and i HATE the brand of colours they use (Redkin reds seem to be the worst, why does anyone bother with them?). I am thinking of making an appointment next week...
But i would so rather go elsewhere if anyone has any suggestions!!
I just googled Now Salon, and an archive from Buffalo Rising had good bits about it... maybe i will check them out... shame we don't live at Linwood and Summer anymore!!
Isn't there an Aveda concept salon on Elmwood? Michele something that's on the same block as Spot but a bit further north?
I am totally looking for somewhere to get a good haircut for a decent price. I'm picky as shit, though.
I would rather walk than have to bus it or bum a ride from my better half. Not that he is not willing, but it's not exactly fun for him, watching me get a haircut or colour...
i've been going (when i bother, it has been months, hell, probably a year since my last cut) to Studio 806 on Elmwood and getting cuts from a woman named Lauren. But the vibe there is totally snob fest and i HATE the brand of colours they use (Redkin reds seem to be the worst, why does anyone bother with them?). I am thinking of making an appointment next week...
But i would so rather go elsewhere if anyone has any suggestions!!
I just googled Now Salon, and an archive from Buffalo Rising had good bits about it... maybe i will check them out... shame we don't live at Linwood and Summer anymore!!
chico - 03/29/07 21:20
chica here!
chico and I go to Now Salon down on Elmwood near Allen street. John is the owner and he's good. I like him a lot and I've had really good cuts since we moved to Buffalo. Prices are reasonable and he gives discounts with student ID. Cool vibe there too.
If you got a good cut at this place, that's awesome - it's hard to find someone to cut curly hair!
chica here!
chico and I go to Now Salon down on Elmwood near Allen street. John is the owner and he's good. I like him a lot and I've had really good cuts since we moved to Buffalo. Prices are reasonable and he gives discounts with student ID. Cool vibe there too.
If you got a good cut at this place, that's awesome - it's hard to find someone to cut curly hair!
lilho - 03/29/07 20:45
ummm. i went to beauty school with that chick.
ummm. i went to beauty school with that chick.
03/24/2007 19:31 #38607
Internet creepsSo I was playing with voip stuff this afternoon (I think I'm going to switch to Vonage- anyone have anything bad to say about them?) when this ichat window pops up, from someone not on my buddy list. I always wonder how random people I don't know find me. But I always feel rude to just totally tell them to fuck off, so I usually answer, but with minimal, one word replies.
The guy goes on and on. Tells me his name is Kyle. I don't care. "Fantastic Kyle" if his screen name is to be believed, except that he can't spell and is "FantasicKyle345" [not his real address] Asks how I am, I say fine. Then he's like "will you do me a favor? I want to try something". And I knew what was coming... "I want to try my isight camera, I never have" (yeah right). I say no. He admits that he's an exhibitionist (gee, you think?) and asks if I want him to send me pix. I say I don't care. Then I say I have to go take a shower. He says "wow! I'm in a towel! I just got out of the shower! Isn't that crazy?" No, not really. Keeps asking if I want to see his pix. Now, I am not opposed to seeing pix of attractive men. But first off I doubt he's attractive, and I'm also not into random internet exchanges with people I will never meet. So the last thing I am going to do is inflate his ego and beg him to see his pix. But he starts sending them anyway. First a face shot. He's not (that) bad looking, but it's a weird double-chin webcam pic. And then another one....ohohohoho I couldn't stop laughing at that one. And I totally wanted to post it, and then felt badly to. But then thought "no. If he is going to send his pix to random people on the internet, he deserves to have them posted randomly on the internet."
So then he keeps asking me if I like the pic and if i want to see more, and I finally tell him I have to go. And he says "no fair, I want to see your pix". And I just said "Yes, I bet you do. Goodbye." Then I went to shower and came back to a whole mess of "why did you leave?" "I'm sorry if I offended you" "will you talk to me again?"
Get over it dude.
So, here is Fantastic Kyle, for your viewing pleasure.

The guy goes on and on. Tells me his name is Kyle. I don't care. "Fantastic Kyle" if his screen name is to be believed, except that he can't spell and is "FantasicKyle345" [not his real address] Asks how I am, I say fine. Then he's like "will you do me a favor? I want to try something". And I knew what was coming... "I want to try my isight camera, I never have" (yeah right). I say no. He admits that he's an exhibitionist (gee, you think?) and asks if I want him to send me pix. I say I don't care. Then I say I have to go take a shower. He says "wow! I'm in a towel! I just got out of the shower! Isn't that crazy?" No, not really. Keeps asking if I want to see his pix. Now, I am not opposed to seeing pix of attractive men. But first off I doubt he's attractive, and I'm also not into random internet exchanges with people I will never meet. So the last thing I am going to do is inflate his ego and beg him to see his pix. But he starts sending them anyway. First a face shot. He's not (that) bad looking, but it's a weird double-chin webcam pic. And then another one....ohohohoho I couldn't stop laughing at that one. And I totally wanted to post it, and then felt badly to. But then thought "no. If he is going to send his pix to random people on the internet, he deserves to have them posted randomly on the internet."
So then he keeps asking me if I like the pic and if i want to see more, and I finally tell him I have to go. And he says "no fair, I want to see your pix". And I just said "Yes, I bet you do. Goodbye." Then I went to shower and came back to a whole mess of "why did you leave?" "I'm sorry if I offended you" "will you talk to me again?"
Get over it dude.
So, here is Fantastic Kyle, for your viewing pleasure.

jacob - 03/27/07 03:08
I bet that hair on his shoulders connects to some on his back. Fantasic!!
I bet that hair on his shoulders connects to some on his back. Fantasic!!
joshua - 03/26/07 12:16
Wow - for once I don't know what to say. At least from this point out you probably won't take into consideration the feelings of people on AIM that you've never met or talked to.
Wow - for once I don't know what to say. At least from this point out you probably won't take into consideration the feelings of people on AIM that you've never met or talked to.
metalpeter - 03/25/07 10:23
There is one thing that I don't get if he is an exhibitionist then why did he have a towel on. All he would have had to say was oops it music have fallen off before I took the picture or something like that. I don't think the guy was truthful he was most likely just trying to get you to send a pic of your self.
There is one thing that I don't get if he is an exhibitionist then why did he have a towel on. All he would have had to say was oops it music have fallen off before I took the picture or something like that. I don't think the guy was truthful he was most likely just trying to get you to send a pic of your self.
imk2 - 03/25/07 08:22
wow.....that is too funy! fucking sucker! i love it!
wow.....that is too funy! fucking sucker! i love it!
mrmike - 03/24/07 21:54
Wow, "quite" the catch he is. Wonder who the second guy is. On the Vonage front, I hear mixed reviews. Some love it or hate it. I've had to read up as TW is launching digital phone in May so one more thing for the people to give me shit about. You might be able to get a deal with them at that point, since both got to talk to the cable might as well save a buck or two
Wow, "quite" the catch he is. Wonder who the second guy is. On the Vonage front, I hear mixed reviews. Some love it or hate it. I've had to read up as TW is launching digital phone in May so one more thing for the people to give me shit about. You might be able to get a deal with them at that point, since both got to talk to the cable might as well save a buck or two
Hey everybody. I had to step over some pretty bloody corpses to get into this room. I hope you kids are playing nicely.
Ok...Buffalo is cold, and small, and there's not too many people here, but LA is hot, and expansive, and there's so many people that there's not enough space at outdoor festivals.
I think (e:paul) got it right when he pointed out that it's not so much where you're at, but who you're with and how you got there that counts. Feeling trapped anyplace your mind can find it's way outside of that while your body can't no matter how large feels like prison. Unplesant conditions don't help either.
Personally I like snow. I didn't till I started snowboarding. It's also helpfull if your figure is isn't quite ready to show off and you use a sweater to cover up the last few extra cookies you had at christmas and those few extra snow days to get back into shape before bikini season.
What's more is Buffalo isn't the only place that go snow this late. Syrcuse got just as much, and they don't have any Sabers, Bills, or even Bisons to cheer for outdoors or in... They do have the Orangemen though.... I mean I like oranges...
I like Buffalo and the area in general, but I don't care for the cold. Snow is alright, b/c I don't mind driving in it, but cold is icky.
As for 7 months of snow: We had ONE huge, freakish dump on my birthday--October 13th, then absolutely NOTHING for almost 3 months. If I remember correctly, it was around 45-50 on both Christmas and New Years and not one flake in sight. The snow only hit around Mid Jaunary, we had a couple wuss storms and then it went back to...umm... 70 degrees in March? Going from 70 to 20 degrees in the matter of a week does suck, I agree; but we have had NOTHING in terms of a "Buffalo Winter" this year.
Woh controversy. I was just going to say that I am a person who likes cold weather and snow - even during our last cold snap I thought eh, whatever - but this is a bit excessive even for me. This will not be my first white Easter but neither is it particularly common.
- Z
When I was 18 I wanted to leave Buffalo because I thought I hated it here. It turned out I really hated living in Kenmore with my parents. Not that they are particularly bad to live with but I was sick of my 11PM curfew which was overly ridiculous.
So during the time I was away from 1995 to 2000 I lived in an visited a lot of real cities before making an educated decision to live here. Here is a list of the major ones that everyone knows, I also visited a couple hundred smaller ones, but I thought maybe those wouldn't be real enough to list.
North America:
Phoenix, Toronto, LA, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seatle, Vancouver, Charlotte, Columbia, Atlanta, DC, Savannah, Charleston, Eugene, Portland, New York
Europe and Africa:
Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Marakesh, Kopenhagen, Rome, Venice, Brussels, Madrid
There are a lot more "not real" cities that I have been lived in but I liked a lot: Flensburg, and Flagstaff being the best. I hated Rock Hill South Carolina. I was stuck there for a while. I a so glad it is over.
When I moved back here in 2000 with (e:hodown) and (e:terry) I thought I hated Buffalo again but then I realized it was just living with the bitch - who I am so mad at right now.
I love it now. I think it was a change of circumstance as I am in the very same city. I found a good job, great partners, good friends and an amazing house. It has all kinds of great food and affordable housing. So what that it is cold. I mean it only keeps getting warmer every year with global warming. If you had lived here your whole life you would notice how much freakin better the weather seems.
Meanwhile, the bitch who moved to New York lives in someone's garage converted into a box size apartment and is poor.
Mostly, I just don't think any other city offers all the amenties that Buffalo does with the convenience of not being over-populated.
Y'all know I love Buffalo to death. But I could understand how people could not love it too. Really everyone's tastes are different. While it offeres everything I could want and it has that homey feeling for me, I see how it could be lacking for other people. Anywho,I'm sure once the snow clears away you will feel much better! At least I hope you do!
like (e:joshua), i'm resisting an extreme urge to pile on because you have apologized.
I didn't grow up in Western New York. I lived in NYC for over 9 years. I love living in Buffalo. (e:leetee) and I did a lot of research before deciding to move here.
If you hate Buffalo. You shouldn't live here. End of story.
I won't ask you what you mean by a "real" city since I think "realness" like "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder. We perceive what we believe. I think Buffalo is a "real" city. And it doesn't matter to me if you don't agree.
One thing, though, I am curious about. You say you ended up in Buffalo because you did not have the choice. I tend to be an existentialist and I agree with Jean Paul Sartre that we always have choices even when we are the least free. We may not like the choices but we do have them.
On the other hand, maybe somebody did hold a gun to your head and force you to sign a contract to come to Buffalo. Buf even in that case, Sartre would say that you had the choice to not sign but you chose not to exercise that choice.
Hmmm, I live in a metropolis area. It is fucking freezing here! It will be snowing here tomorrow. I miss buffalo. But the $$$, the effing $$$!!!
Anyway, sounds like it's more than just the area. You can move anywhere in the world - the scene will change but if your outlook remains the same, then so will you.
I live in a region where there are tons of 20 & 30 somethings who are single but I really don't think that they have made any type of manificent impact on my life or made it any better than before.
But hey, different strokes for different folks. Maybe a change of scene is just what the Dr. ordered.
Hope the b-lo blues melt away soon.
Sit back, relax and have a rum laced chai tea!!!
I felt the exact same way when I was home too, but now that I am away from home...I miss it so much....not just the city, but the people, the familiarity, my family, friends, etc. my whole perspective has changed...
many other places in the world are much more interesting than buffalo, but I think that you won't appreciate buffalo until you have left for a long while...
they say that people always leave buffalo, but many find their way back's a really unique place.
i hope the winter ends for you all there soon. i know insanity can kick in fast when it's shitty all of the time...
but i certainly know how you feel!
I know you aren't "into sports". I being a big sports fan myself do understand how you can get tired of hearing about the sabres and Bills. If you listen to the radio they are the only sports in town. Does anyone know that we have an ABA Basketball team that plays at ECC downtown. There is a Lacrosse Team called the Bandits that Won 3 championships, granted it was years ago. But they have been in the championship game 2 years in a row but all we here about is the bills. I remember when leavy was hired there where two press conferances in the same day. But I'm the type of fan that like his sports info only during the season and not after or before it.
In terms of living in a big City as much as I love going to Toronto I find it hard to imagine living there. Is Buffalo a small city yeah but it has everything you need. Bars chip strip or elmwood. Sporting events I forgot to mention the Bisons. There is two movie houses that show some indie movies. From what I have heard there are a lot of galleries. Granted we don't get Broadway Plays right away like New York and Toronto but we do get some of them eventully. Yeah I will admit it would be nice if the crime level was lower and if there was less poverty but I would guess we are on par with most cities in that regard. In terms of concerts there are so many venues here. I will admit that some of them is in Niagara falls and that sometimes artists go to Rochester in stead.
I can't lie I'm sick of the snow and cold myself. But I bet most of the people who are will complain about how hot it is during the summer. I think the biggest problem mentally with the winter is that we get it twice a year so it seems like it never ends. For example this year started in Jan and it is april and it is still snowing. Then it will start snowing in october again. I think if the year was devided up so that we only had to do winter once in the same calender year it would be less dauntigng or agrevating.
I hear ya.
It wasn't the cold that used to get me; it was the lack of sun. I need sun. Period. I can handle the cold (I actually like it) and even the snow. But the grey overcast skies get to you.
I once did some number-crunching and found that Buffalo has more cloudy days than Seattle. (Even wrote an eStrip entry about it).
And I even hear ya about the Singles scene. I have other (female) friends in your agegroup, and they have the same tale of woe. Of course, with me leaving Buffalo, the average quality of single guys definitely went down.... ;-) :-D
Head to Vegas, like every other Buffalonian who wants some sun. Or maybe Florida.
I'm feeling the extreme urge to pile on, but I am going to resist it. You apologized and that's enough for me.
ok ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend people who love buffalo. My hometown is not a "real city" either, but I love it anyway, and some people think I'm crazy for that- I know how that goes.
And I know not everyone wants to live in a big city. I know that's not where i want to spend my whole life and raise a family.
But for now, while I'm still young(ish), and single, I would like to live in a place that has more young professionals in their 20's and 30's. I feel like here everyone is either <21 or >40 and married with kids. Obviously "everyone" is an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.
I did not move to Buffalo by choice. I wanted to stay in Chicago. But I have tried (am trying) to make the best of it. And it's certainly not all bad. In fact it's been better than I had expected, and I've made some good friends including many of you, and I'm thankful for that.
I'm glad people choose to live here and love it and are happy. But nowhere is the perfect place for everyone. And Buffalo is not where I want to spend the rest of my life. And that's ok.
I think most people that love it here, love it because it's home. I have no sentimental/family attachments to Buffalo, which is maybe why I see it in a harsher light.
So my apologies again. I do not mean to insult people who love Buffalo. I just don't happen to think it's the greatest place on earth. But I'm glad you do.
Almost forgot, we collectively stood in shirt sleeves on NYE at the 24. Wasn't so bad. It will get better.
There's mojitos in the near future, just wait.
Real cities don't have those problems with their sports teams like our fake city does. New York city, for example, exiled the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Rangers, and Knicks to some far off berg in New Jersey. Ensuring that their stadiums could be used for haute cultural events and not mass entertainment for the knuckle dragging plebes.
actually, besides the freak October storm, it didn't snow till after December. So thats 3 months of snow this year. + one week. It'll get better soon enough. We all get the "buffalo blues" this time of year.
BUT, "'if you think this is awesome, you have obviously never lived in a 'real' city, and I feel badly for you.'" ??? WTF? I being someone who has chosen to make my life here for reasons other that the weather and sports, I'm a bit insulted by your attitude. You can keep you pity. Not everyone wants to live in a "real city" alex.
Believe me, I feel your pain. I opened screens in my apt windows only to shut them again. I could handle St. Patrick's Day being the turning point but this blows. I got to be afraid a little on the 219 in my little car this morning. Guard rail was missing by an off ramp where somebody else fell off the road about an hour earlier. Got to work in Orchard park and my arms hurt from making my car stay on the road.
This blows.
Going to NYC in Late May. C'mon a long
Ah Welcome to Buffalo. I used to tell people it snows from Halloween to Mothers Day. I love the city, but the snow pushed me over the edge. Man I feel your pain!!
Well if you waited until next month you could go to Vegas with me :-)
What you're feeling is pretty understandable. I think most people that live in this city have felt as you do at this moment at some point.
Some do as I think I heard a story on the morning news on the drive in about this are losing 32,000 people from 2000-2006 according to the Census Bureau
I agree, you should leave. And make sure you take your negativity with you. a "real city"?