So ever since I became a tivo convert, a good five years ago, I can't really stand to watch tv "the regular way". Which may make me a snob, but it's probably a good thing. I never just turn the tv on "for background noise" nor do I just flip channels and start watching. Which is good, because if I DO do that, I get sucked in. All of the sudden I've watched 4 hours of TLC/Discovery/Animal Planet/stupid game shows and I don't even know it.
But this morning I got home from work, and went to watch The Riches, which I tivo'd last night, but right as I turned it on, 'Rumor has it...' was coming on HBO, and, of course, I got sucked in. It's an ok romantic comedy based on the premise that The Graduate was a true story- and features Kevin Costner as Dustin Hoffman, who sleeps with grandmother/mother/daughter of the same family. It did have a cute daddy-daughter moment that made me cry, too.
But my take home messages:
1: I think Jennifer Aniston is just about the hottest thing ever.
2: Shiny black old-school convertible mercedes' with old tan leather interior are damn sexy cars.
That is all.
Time for me to do something more productive with my afternoon.
As you were. :)
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/10/2007 12:33 #38836
Thank god for tivo.Category: movies
04/10/2007 09:18 #38832
I think I'm getting the shakesSo I started the home stretch of this work-year yesterday - I'm at Suburban until the end of June.
And much to my dismay, I have no cell reception in about 99% of the hospital. And the internet is super restricted. I can't check my mail or anything.
Ack! I think I'm going into withdrawal. This could suck.
But so I'm sorry I missed your call imk. Would've loved to get drunk with you but I was working.
And uncut- you and everyone else are free to talk about me as much as you want. Yvonne was pretty much right- I just hate feeling like I hurt people, so I keep apologizing. I'm just assuming that people are way sick of hearing about it by now so I'm trying to shut up- but that doesn't mean anyone else has to.
Now it's time for a nap...
Then to try to fix my car, and now my computer. Again. 1 month old, and the hard drive seems fried again. Except this time it has more than 2 days worth of data on it, and sadly I hadn't backed up yet [was on my to-do list, some good that does me...], and I really can't afford to lose everything (again), but I'm afraid I'm going to. Last time I was nice. This time I am going to march up to Apple and make a stink. I shouldn't have the HD on a new computer fail twice in a month or two.
And much to my dismay, I have no cell reception in about 99% of the hospital. And the internet is super restricted. I can't check my mail or anything.
Ack! I think I'm going into withdrawal. This could suck.
But so I'm sorry I missed your call imk. Would've loved to get drunk with you but I was working.
And uncut- you and everyone else are free to talk about me as much as you want. Yvonne was pretty much right- I just hate feeling like I hurt people, so I keep apologizing. I'm just assuming that people are way sick of hearing about it by now so I'm trying to shut up- but that doesn't mean anyone else has to.
Now it's time for a nap...
Then to try to fix my car, and now my computer. Again. 1 month old, and the hard drive seems fried again. Except this time it has more than 2 days worth of data on it, and sadly I hadn't backed up yet [was on my to-do list, some good that does me...], and I really can't afford to lose everything (again), but I'm afraid I'm going to. Last time I was nice. This time I am going to march up to Apple and make a stink. I shouldn't have the HD on a new computer fail twice in a month or two.
jim - 04/10/07 13:47
Apple should do right by you, 2 hard drive failures is a bit much.
I don't know what you use for backups, but I use Super Duper, which makes a clone of your hard drive that you can boot off of and continue on as normal if your laptop hard drive dies. It also does smart updates, so after the initial backup, the updated backups take only a couple minutes - it only copies the changes.
[link=""]Super Duper![/link]
You can also set your Mac to wake itself up every day at some hour that you're usually asleep, and set Super Duper to run at that time and then put the computer to sleep afterwards. If you've got a laptop it's a bit of a pain to remember to always hook up the backup HD, but that at least you've always got a backup.
With the smart updates, I even run a backup when I'm away at lunch or on break for a few minutes, it's minimally intrusive.
Apple should do right by you, 2 hard drive failures is a bit much.
I don't know what you use for backups, but I use Super Duper, which makes a clone of your hard drive that you can boot off of and continue on as normal if your laptop hard drive dies. It also does smart updates, so after the initial backup, the updated backups take only a couple minutes - it only copies the changes.
[link=""]Super Duper![/link]
You can also set your Mac to wake itself up every day at some hour that you're usually asleep, and set Super Duper to run at that time and then put the computer to sleep afterwards. If you've got a laptop it's a bit of a pain to remember to always hook up the backup HD, but that at least you've always got a backup.
With the smart updates, I even run a backup when I'm away at lunch or on break for a few minutes, it's minimally intrusive.
museumchick - 04/10/07 13:20
I meant to comment sooner, but I meant to say that I really wasn't offended at all by your post about Buffalo. I love the city and think its great, but I think a few of the criticisms that you mentioned were valid. I think its fine to post about how you feel on your journal.
I meant to comment sooner, but I meant to say that I really wasn't offended at all by your post about Buffalo. I love the city and think its great, but I think a few of the criticisms that you mentioned were valid. I think its fine to post about how you feel on your journal.
04/09/2007 17:08 #38822
one last time.Dearest peeps-
I would like for this to all just be over, but I feel the need to respond, hopefully for the last time.
Ok, yes, I was harsh and deserve some of what I got, and I accept that. But I hope it is apparent that I was just pissed about the weather, and venting, in MY JOURNAL. And I KNOW I am not the only one who has had those feelings now and again. I was exaggerating and overreacting, sure. Of course I do not HATE Buffalo. I think where you live, and your happiness there, is largely what you make of it, and is largely determined by the people you surround yourself with. And I have met a lot of great people here, largely in part to this site. And I think our hometown will always hold a special place in our hearts, no matter what others think.
Yes, Buffalo has a lot of good things about it. But it is not perfect- nowhere is. And I still maintain that the demographic does not really favor the young professional. And the length of the winter stinks. Even if it doesn't snow every day for seven months, the fact that you have to reasonably expect it might, is a bit hard to handle at times.
To respond to the comment roundup- no, I did not have a gun to my head when I signed on the dotted line. However it was the only option available to me to continue my career. Sure, I could have abandoned medicine altogether and not moved.
"Your statement implies that the only reason ANYONE would love Buffalo is because he or she is a stupid ignorant hick who has never lived in a "real" city or even knows what one is."
I am sorry if you inferred that from my statement- that is not what I was trying to imply. I am not calling people hicks for liking Buffalo. I apologize for my statement and can see why people were offended.
I won't define what I think makes a "real" city- but I think we can all agree that Buffalo is not NYC, or LA, or Chicago. Nor is it backwoods redneck-land.
And finally, is an emotional outburst about not being happy about where I live as bad as this personal attack: "you expressed a certain level of ignorance and stupidity that would make you virtually indistinguishable from the Long Island morons"? I may be a lot of things, but I do not thing ignorant, stupid, or moron are on that list.
Josh I did not take personal offense at your comment since I know what you were getting at- but my point is just that responding to my bitching with personal insults is not such a great thing to do either.
I overreacted for sure- but maybe everyone else did too?
In any case, this has turned into far too big a deal and I'm sick of worrying about it, and I hope it can just be over, as I'm sure you all do too. I am still the person you know (or don't) and love (or don't)- nothing has changed. The sun is coming (I know it is, it has to be!), and I think it will make us ALL feel better. :)
All my love, friends,
P.S. Bonus points to (e:metalpeter)- yes that was Tony singing. It was his old band, Molotov Cocktail, Inc. I, for one, am quite impressed. Almost a little Blues Travelerish at the beginning, I think.
I would like for this to all just be over, but I feel the need to respond, hopefully for the last time.
Ok, yes, I was harsh and deserve some of what I got, and I accept that. But I hope it is apparent that I was just pissed about the weather, and venting, in MY JOURNAL. And I KNOW I am not the only one who has had those feelings now and again. I was exaggerating and overreacting, sure. Of course I do not HATE Buffalo. I think where you live, and your happiness there, is largely what you make of it, and is largely determined by the people you surround yourself with. And I have met a lot of great people here, largely in part to this site. And I think our hometown will always hold a special place in our hearts, no matter what others think.
Yes, Buffalo has a lot of good things about it. But it is not perfect- nowhere is. And I still maintain that the demographic does not really favor the young professional. And the length of the winter stinks. Even if it doesn't snow every day for seven months, the fact that you have to reasonably expect it might, is a bit hard to handle at times.
To respond to the comment roundup- no, I did not have a gun to my head when I signed on the dotted line. However it was the only option available to me to continue my career. Sure, I could have abandoned medicine altogether and not moved.
"Your statement implies that the only reason ANYONE would love Buffalo is because he or she is a stupid ignorant hick who has never lived in a "real" city or even knows what one is."
I am sorry if you inferred that from my statement- that is not what I was trying to imply. I am not calling people hicks for liking Buffalo. I apologize for my statement and can see why people were offended.
I won't define what I think makes a "real" city- but I think we can all agree that Buffalo is not NYC, or LA, or Chicago. Nor is it backwoods redneck-land.
And finally, is an emotional outburst about not being happy about where I live as bad as this personal attack: "you expressed a certain level of ignorance and stupidity that would make you virtually indistinguishable from the Long Island morons"? I may be a lot of things, but I do not thing ignorant, stupid, or moron are on that list.
Josh I did not take personal offense at your comment since I know what you were getting at- but my point is just that responding to my bitching with personal insults is not such a great thing to do either.
I overreacted for sure- but maybe everyone else did too?
In any case, this has turned into far too big a deal and I'm sick of worrying about it, and I hope it can just be over, as I'm sure you all do too. I am still the person you know (or don't) and love (or don't)- nothing has changed. The sun is coming (I know it is, it has to be!), and I think it will make us ALL feel better. :)
All my love, friends,
P.S. Bonus points to (e:metalpeter)- yes that was Tony singing. It was his old band, Molotov Cocktail, Inc. I, for one, am quite impressed. Almost a little Blues Travelerish at the beginning, I think.
ajay - 04/10/07 19:59
What's with all this apologizing? Jeez!
Looks like you touched a raw nerve.
Now, I'm a die-hard Buffalo-booster (as I sit here in my battered Sabres t-shirt, which will be worn religiously till they win The Cup). But I don't think any major apology was needed.
I treat the eStrip as a place where I'm free to say whatever the hell I want (at least in my journal (and maybe (e:twins)' also :D )). So if I dissed Buffalo.... too bad. We all feel like screaming sometimes. You scream; I scream; we all scream for some ice-cream.... hmm... it's warm outside; I think I'll grab some ice-cream from our (free) custard machine and go sit outside in the sun... :-P
What's with all this apologizing? Jeez!
Looks like you touched a raw nerve.
Now, I'm a die-hard Buffalo-booster (as I sit here in my battered Sabres t-shirt, which will be worn religiously till they win The Cup). But I don't think any major apology was needed.
I treat the eStrip as a place where I'm free to say whatever the hell I want (at least in my journal (and maybe (e:twins)' also :D )). So if I dissed Buffalo.... too bad. We all feel like screaming sometimes. You scream; I scream; we all scream for some ice-cream.... hmm... it's warm outside; I think I'll grab some ice-cream from our (free) custard machine and go sit outside in the sun... :-P
imk2 - 04/10/07 08:34
"I'm starting to get the idea that you think that because you apologized, the subject should be considered closed and no one should comment or journal about this subject ever again. Other than you, of course."
i don't think that is the case with (e:jenks). i just think, because she is a people person....that likes for people to like her, she is feeling that when people are posting things regarding living in buffalo, it is directed at her...still, which may or may not be the case. so, it may be's not that she doesn't want anyone to talk about it, but rather doesn't want people to still be upset with her. but, to use your always, i could be wrong, especially since i didn't ask her this.
"I'm starting to get the idea that you think that because you apologized, the subject should be considered closed and no one should comment or journal about this subject ever again. Other than you, of course."
i don't think that is the case with (e:jenks). i just think, because she is a people person....that likes for people to like her, she is feeling that when people are posting things regarding living in buffalo, it is directed at her...still, which may or may not be the case. so, it may be's not that she doesn't want anyone to talk about it, but rather doesn't want people to still be upset with her. but, to use your always, i could be wrong, especially since i didn't ask her this.
mike - 04/09/07 21:30
don't worry about it. I am not sure why people like to be so angry at people all the time. I try not to be, I find it works better. We all get sick of where we are, I think everyone really knows that you were just frustrated but people just like to stir the pot. And don't get me wrong, I love the pot being stirred cuz it is entertaining reading, but I don't think you need to worry about anyone really being angry!
don't worry about it. I am not sure why people like to be so angry at people all the time. I try not to be, I find it works better. We all get sick of where we are, I think everyone really knows that you were just frustrated but people just like to stir the pot. And don't get me wrong, I love the pot being stirred cuz it is entertaining reading, but I don't think you need to worry about anyone really being angry!
uncutsaniflush - 04/09/07 21:22
I've always thought the beauty part of free speech, in general, and (e:strip), in particular, is that every (e:peep) gets to say whatever they
want and that every other (e:peep) else gets to say whatever they want in response if he or she feels moved to do so.
I would bet that every (e:peep) thinks of their own journal as "MY JOURNAL." I know I do. Hell, I even think of the comments I make as "MY COMMENTS." I'm quite silly like that.
As to what number of apologies is enough, I think you are the only person who can answer that since it is your apology. People apologize for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of ways for all sorts of times.
Personally, I was never looking for even a single apology from you. You say what you say. I say what I say. Free Speech Reigns.
But, of course, who am I to say that there aren't (e:peeps) who were looking for an apology or two?
I'm starting to get the idea that you think that because you apologized, the subject should be considered closed and no one should comment or journal about this subject ever again. Other than you, of course.
I've always thought the beauty part of free speech, in general, and (e:strip), in particular, is that every (e:peep) gets to say whatever they
want and that every other (e:peep) else gets to say whatever they want in response if he or she feels moved to do so.
I would bet that every (e:peep) thinks of their own journal as "MY JOURNAL." I know I do. Hell, I even think of the comments I make as "MY COMMENTS." I'm quite silly like that.
As to what number of apologies is enough, I think you are the only person who can answer that since it is your apology. People apologize for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of ways for all sorts of times.
Personally, I was never looking for even a single apology from you. You say what you say. I say what I say. Free Speech Reigns.
But, of course, who am I to say that there aren't (e:peeps) who were looking for an apology or two?
I'm starting to get the idea that you think that because you apologized, the subject should be considered closed and no one should comment or journal about this subject ever again. Other than you, of course.
ingrid - 04/09/07 20:04
I feel your pain when it comes to some members of teh Buffalo community being consumed with the stupid Sabres...well, they are a pretty good team but it gets on my nerves when my friends talk about them like 24/7. Yes, I do feel like Buffalo sucks at times..but I totally understand that you were ranting and raving especially since the weather has sucked over the past couple of days....Buffalo is a cute little town that has its ups and downs.
I feel your pain when it comes to some members of teh Buffalo community being consumed with the stupid Sabres...well, they are a pretty good team but it gets on my nerves when my friends talk about them like 24/7. Yes, I do feel like Buffalo sucks at times..but I totally understand that you were ranting and raving especially since the weather has sucked over the past couple of days....Buffalo is a cute little town that has its ups and downs.
metalpeter - 04/09/07 19:19
Funny little story. When I first met Tony I didn't know he was the same singer from Molotov Cocktail, Inc. The strange part is that i had seen them before. I used to go to so many festivals I'm not sure what one. I kinda think I may have seen the end of one of there sets On one of the stages at was it Warped Tour or Maybe Edgefest I can't remember it was at the park. Again I'm sorry my memory from those times is kinda fuzzy and a lot of stuff blurs together from those busy summers. However in my Defense If my memory is correct he wore a sharp looking (very sliming) suit on stage.
I wasn't upset by all the Buffalo stuff at all. But it is in the past to me now. And in your defense this should be over you said you are sorry way to many times all ready. But I'm someone who doesn't think people should say they are sorry much. But I won't get into that here and now. I admit I'm tired of the winter myself. It is so tough to get that great warm weather and then it snows again.
I will be the first to admit I don't know you that well. Yeah maybe I should know you a little bit better, but at the parties A lot of times I'm so withdrawn or silent. But from what I do know of ya you seem cool, and what you have said hasn't changed my opinion of you.
Funny little story. When I first met Tony I didn't know he was the same singer from Molotov Cocktail, Inc. The strange part is that i had seen them before. I used to go to so many festivals I'm not sure what one. I kinda think I may have seen the end of one of there sets On one of the stages at was it Warped Tour or Maybe Edgefest I can't remember it was at the park. Again I'm sorry my memory from those times is kinda fuzzy and a lot of stuff blurs together from those busy summers. However in my Defense If my memory is correct he wore a sharp looking (very sliming) suit on stage.
I wasn't upset by all the Buffalo stuff at all. But it is in the past to me now. And in your defense this should be over you said you are sorry way to many times all ready. But I'm someone who doesn't think people should say they are sorry much. But I won't get into that here and now. I admit I'm tired of the winter myself. It is so tough to get that great warm weather and then it snows again.
I will be the first to admit I don't know you that well. Yeah maybe I should know you a little bit better, but at the parties A lot of times I'm so withdrawn or silent. But from what I do know of ya you seem cool, and what you have said hasn't changed my opinion of you.
mrmike - 04/09/07 19:07
It's all good. That's what a lot of folks overlooked, your journal. Nobody held a gun to any readers heads either. Buy ya a wing or two sometime
It's all good. That's what a lot of folks overlooked, your journal. Nobody held a gun to any readers heads either. Buy ya a wing or two sometime
brit - 04/09/07 17:53
don't worry about it jenks - If I didn't live here I wouldn't be in love with bbq chicken wings and blue moon and for those two treats, which have become like the children I never had, I thank the queen city from the bottom of my stony British heart.
But I hate the snow and cold and the greyness of it sometimes and even some of the people (the crazy ones who spit at me on the subway)..if that makes me a ignornant bastard then someone get me a badge....
don't worry about it jenks - If I didn't live here I wouldn't be in love with bbq chicken wings and blue moon and for those two treats, which have become like the children I never had, I thank the queen city from the bottom of my stony British heart.
But I hate the snow and cold and the greyness of it sometimes and even some of the people (the crazy ones who spit at me on the subway)..if that makes me a ignornant bastard then someone get me a badge....
joshua - 04/09/07 17:28
Also for the record, having visited Chicago numerous times and having spent significant time there - its overrated as far as I'm concerned.
Also for the record, having visited Chicago numerous times and having spent significant time there - its overrated as far as I'm concerned.
joshua - 04/09/07 17:23
There was nothing personal about it.
There was nothing personal about it.
ladycroft - 04/09/07 17:16
I know a Hicks who lives in Buffalo...what does that mean? hahahaha ;)
I know a Hicks who lives in Buffalo...what does that mean? hahahaha ;)
04/08/2007 00:54 #38796
enoughCategory: :(
I'm too tired to get into it, but- how many times do I have to apologize?! I AM SORRY! ok? :'(
joshua - 04/09/07 12:03
I missed my chance to express outrage!
I'm only kidding of course, but is it apparent that you expressed a certain level of ignorance and stupidity that would make you virtually indistinguishable from the Long Island morons at UB who feel "exiled." As a result you practically were turned into an outcast.
I think you learned a valuable lesson and I wouldn't worry about it since you've already apologized. The problem is that I believe you meant every word of it, which is something that most people won't forget, regardless of apology. I think most people are willing to let it go because they just don't care enough to perpetuate the acrimony surrounding what one person said about Buffalo and its residents.
For the record, few people have seen the United States like I have, and after visiting all the "great" cities I've been to I've always looked forward to landing at BUF and holing myself up in Elmwood Village. Despite the problems here there is still nothing quite like it. There is a difference between truly liking where you live and simply being able to say "I like where I live because everybody else thinks its great."
I missed my chance to express outrage!
I'm only kidding of course, but is it apparent that you expressed a certain level of ignorance and stupidity that would make you virtually indistinguishable from the Long Island morons at UB who feel "exiled." As a result you practically were turned into an outcast.
I think you learned a valuable lesson and I wouldn't worry about it since you've already apologized. The problem is that I believe you meant every word of it, which is something that most people won't forget, regardless of apology. I think most people are willing to let it go because they just don't care enough to perpetuate the acrimony surrounding what one person said about Buffalo and its residents.
For the record, few people have seen the United States like I have, and after visiting all the "great" cities I've been to I've always looked forward to landing at BUF and holing myself up in Elmwood Village. Despite the problems here there is still nothing quite like it. There is a difference between truly liking where you live and simply being able to say "I like where I live because everybody else thinks its great."
dragonlady7 - 04/08/07 21:57
I think it's like when you insult somebody's momma. I mean you can say anything about your own momma and it's no big thing, and your siblings can likewise say shit about your momma-in-common, but the second somebody ELSE says anything about your momma you are obligated to beat the everloving snot out of that person.
Thing is, Buffalo's your momma as much as most of ours, so really, you can say shit about her, if you really want, but you gotta kind of gently remind some people, Hey, the bitch is my momma too, I know.
Because you have to love your momma. And you have to defend your momma.
But sometimes your momma is a stone-cold bitch. We understand. In this twisted metaphor, she's our momma too.
That said I do feel obligated to defend Buffalo at the airport. Lotsa former residents flying out after visits, saying i couldn't wait to get out of here, and I say, "I moved here, on purpose, and am glad I'm here and will stay as long as I can." Just to be contrary.
And to be fair, the weather sucks everywhere else too. It just snowed in Atlanta, I saw pictures.
I think it's like when you insult somebody's momma. I mean you can say anything about your own momma and it's no big thing, and your siblings can likewise say shit about your momma-in-common, but the second somebody ELSE says anything about your momma you are obligated to beat the everloving snot out of that person.
Thing is, Buffalo's your momma as much as most of ours, so really, you can say shit about her, if you really want, but you gotta kind of gently remind some people, Hey, the bitch is my momma too, I know.
Because you have to love your momma. And you have to defend your momma.
But sometimes your momma is a stone-cold bitch. We understand. In this twisted metaphor, she's our momma too.
That said I do feel obligated to defend Buffalo at the airport. Lotsa former residents flying out after visits, saying i couldn't wait to get out of here, and I say, "I moved here, on purpose, and am glad I'm here and will stay as long as I can." Just to be contrary.
And to be fair, the weather sucks everywhere else too. It just snowed in Atlanta, I saw pictures.
james - 04/08/07 11:06
Forgive but never forget!!!!
No, seriously though, one apology is enough. I think we are all shaking our fist at the bastard heavens for visiting this bit of weather on us. And by us I mean the whole damn country. It's cold out there.
I think a little penance is in order though.
1) Eat some wings
2) Hug a charming Buffalo structure
3) marvel at the "Holy crap why are so many seminal pieces at the" Albright-Knox
4) And one of those hail Mary things. She works the corner of Franklin and Chippewa.
And you shall be absolved my child.
Forgive but never forget!!!!
No, seriously though, one apology is enough. I think we are all shaking our fist at the bastard heavens for visiting this bit of weather on us. And by us I mean the whole damn country. It's cold out there.
I think a little penance is in order though.
1) Eat some wings
2) Hug a charming Buffalo structure
3) marvel at the "Holy crap why are so many seminal pieces at the" Albright-Knox
4) And one of those hail Mary things. She works the corner of Franklin and Chippewa.
And you shall be absolved my child.
metalpeter - 04/08/07 10:58
I think you said you are sorry Once and that is enough you shouldn't have to do it another two times in this Journal. I hope you enjoy(or enjoyed based on when you read this) Easter. If for nothing else hopefully as a day off. On a side note when I walked outside today it was snowing. Maybe the weather gods will be nice to all of us and it won't snow anymore today. I hope the snow doesn't stop anyone from eating lots of Chocolate.
I think you said you are sorry Once and that is enough you shouldn't have to do it another two times in this Journal. I hope you enjoy(or enjoyed based on when you read this) Easter. If for nothing else hopefully as a day off. On a side note when I walked outside today it was snowing. Maybe the weather gods will be nice to all of us and it won't snow anymore today. I hope the snow doesn't stop anyone from eating lots of Chocolate.
mrmike - 04/08/07 09:57
Happy Easter.
For what it is worth, I chalked the whole hullaballoo to you blowing off some steam. This place (Buffalo) drives me nuts a lot. Shit, it's your journal. Vent, rant, whatever. It's your space to do those things.
Enjoy some chocolate rabbit parts today and quit worrying about it.
Happy Easter.
For what it is worth, I chalked the whole hullaballoo to you blowing off some steam. This place (Buffalo) drives me nuts a lot. Shit, it's your journal. Vent, rant, whatever. It's your space to do those things.
Enjoy some chocolate rabbit parts today and quit worrying about it.
zobar - 04/08/07 09:18
Happy Easter!
From someone who left Buffalo because he hated it - I think everybody hates Buffalo. Even Buffalo's most ardent supporters hate Buffalo [cf: Donn Esmonde :::link::: who is a bit of a doosh] unless they're also brain-dead [cf: George Johnson :::link::: who is a lot of a doosh]. I think it's as normal for a Buffalonian to hate Buffalo as it is for a teenager to hate his parents. But for some reason, if you tell a teenager his mama's so fat ... he's going to pop you in the nose [cf: mixed metaphors].
I don't know why, he just will.
- Z
Happy Easter!
From someone who left Buffalo because he hated it - I think everybody hates Buffalo. Even Buffalo's most ardent supporters hate Buffalo [cf: Donn Esmonde :::link::: who is a bit of a doosh] unless they're also brain-dead [cf: George Johnson :::link::: who is a lot of a doosh]. I think it's as normal for a Buffalonian to hate Buffalo as it is for a teenager to hate his parents. But for some reason, if you tell a teenager his mama's so fat ... he's going to pop you in the nose [cf: mixed metaphors].
I don't know why, he just will.
- Z
jacob - 04/08/07 03:49
Apparently the cold is getting to everybody. Personally I enjoyed living in Buffalo, the city. But, I bailed before January. Good luck making peace with the "Natives". As per your comment, I wish I'd been that messed up at least once. Cheers!
Apparently the cold is getting to everybody. Personally I enjoyed living in Buffalo, the city. But, I bailed before January. Good luck making peace with the "Natives". As per your comment, I wish I'd been that messed up at least once. Cheers!
paul - 04/08/07 01:04
I am over it.
I am over it.
04/07/2007 15:26 #38786
Can we have make-up sex now?Ok ok I take it back, I freaking LOVE buffalo, and all the snow! Am I forgiven? Can we all be friends again? :) Seriously, didn't mean to hit such a nerve... sorry about that.
So a friend of mine has been trying to arrange a not-too-obvious meeting between me and some cute guy she knows. Doesn't want to be too high school about it, and is trying to make it look like I just 'happened' to show up while he was there. But it's turning into a wild goose chase. The other night I got a message at like 11:30 "come to mother's! now! quick! he's here!" and then five minutes later "nevermind, he left." Good thing, b/c I was in bed anyway.
But so this saga continued last night, with the added complication that I was on call, and knew I'd have to go back in, just didn't know when. But so I met them at Stillwater (but he wasn't there), and as soon as I arrived, "the group" had decided to go to dinner at the Viking Lobster Company. Kind of a hole in the wall, with a 1-page xerox menu- fish fry, steak, or lobster, or a combo thereof. Of course, as soon as I ordered, I got called back for some utter bullshit at the hospital, and I had to go. Eventually made it back as everyone else was almost done and my food was cold, but nonetheless it was pretty damn good. Though I feel a little guilty that I keep getting these free dinners from my friend's BF. But he won't take my money, so I guess I should just enjoy it.
And her BF is a pretty cool guy. And, since Buffalo is a one degree of separation kind of place, I shouldn't be surprised that he knows people i know. And even knows cool stuff about people I know.
To the point that I have a pop quiz for you peeps-
Listen to this song and tell me if you can guess who's singing. Hint: we all know and love him.
apparently there's a video that goes with it, but I couldn't find it online.
So that was the cool part of the night. The shitty part- that in my rush to get to/from the hospital and not miss all of dinner, I made a mess.
I got there, and went to park in the last spot. It was at the end of a row, there was plenty of room. See diagram.

There was a car to my left, but nothing to the right. Tons of space. But there was a dumb street lamp at the end of the line marking the space. As I walked in, I thought 'i have to remember to be careful when I leave to back straight out so I don't hit that thing."
Well then work was annoying and I was mad, so when I left I was cranky, and what did I do? forget about the stupid light, and turn as I backed out.
I just heard this sickening CRUNCH as the right front end scraped against the light. I thought 'well I wasn't going fast, I stopped right away, how bad can it be?" I was hoping I just scuffed the fender...
Well no. The whole bumper was practically on the ground. turn signal and fog light all mashed up. God dammit.
And i don't want to drive around all ghetto with my bumper held on with string, but I can't take it in til at least tuesday...
It's still driveable, it's not MAJOR damage as far as I can tell, but I'm sure they'll have to order all sorts of parts. Anyone want to wager on the cost? I'm guessing $1000, but I sure hope I'm wrong.
So anyway... happy saturday peeps. I think I'll go do laundry.
Oh and my buddy Fantastic Kyle (see previous post) is IMing me again-
2:17 PM
Hi there
How have you been?
2:20 PM
Are you there?
2:30 PM
I hope I haven't upset you
3:15 PM
Are you ignoring me?
Gee dude, what do you think????
So a friend of mine has been trying to arrange a not-too-obvious meeting between me and some cute guy she knows. Doesn't want to be too high school about it, and is trying to make it look like I just 'happened' to show up while he was there. But it's turning into a wild goose chase. The other night I got a message at like 11:30 "come to mother's! now! quick! he's here!" and then five minutes later "nevermind, he left." Good thing, b/c I was in bed anyway.
But so this saga continued last night, with the added complication that I was on call, and knew I'd have to go back in, just didn't know when. But so I met them at Stillwater (but he wasn't there), and as soon as I arrived, "the group" had decided to go to dinner at the Viking Lobster Company. Kind of a hole in the wall, with a 1-page xerox menu- fish fry, steak, or lobster, or a combo thereof. Of course, as soon as I ordered, I got called back for some utter bullshit at the hospital, and I had to go. Eventually made it back as everyone else was almost done and my food was cold, but nonetheless it was pretty damn good. Though I feel a little guilty that I keep getting these free dinners from my friend's BF. But he won't take my money, so I guess I should just enjoy it.
And her BF is a pretty cool guy. And, since Buffalo is a one degree of separation kind of place, I shouldn't be surprised that he knows people i know. And even knows cool stuff about people I know.
To the point that I have a pop quiz for you peeps-
Listen to this song and tell me if you can guess who's singing. Hint: we all know and love him.
apparently there's a video that goes with it, but I couldn't find it online.
So that was the cool part of the night. The shitty part- that in my rush to get to/from the hospital and not miss all of dinner, I made a mess.
I got there, and went to park in the last spot. It was at the end of a row, there was plenty of room. See diagram.

There was a car to my left, but nothing to the right. Tons of space. But there was a dumb street lamp at the end of the line marking the space. As I walked in, I thought 'i have to remember to be careful when I leave to back straight out so I don't hit that thing."
Well then work was annoying and I was mad, so when I left I was cranky, and what did I do? forget about the stupid light, and turn as I backed out.
I just heard this sickening CRUNCH as the right front end scraped against the light. I thought 'well I wasn't going fast, I stopped right away, how bad can it be?" I was hoping I just scuffed the fender...
Well no. The whole bumper was practically on the ground. turn signal and fog light all mashed up. God dammit.
And i don't want to drive around all ghetto with my bumper held on with string, but I can't take it in til at least tuesday...
It's still driveable, it's not MAJOR damage as far as I can tell, but I'm sure they'll have to order all sorts of parts. Anyone want to wager on the cost? I'm guessing $1000, but I sure hope I'm wrong.
So anyway... happy saturday peeps. I think I'll go do laundry.
Oh and my buddy Fantastic Kyle (see previous post) is IMing me again-
2:17 PM
Hi there
How have you been?
2:20 PM
Are you there?
2:30 PM
I hope I haven't upset you
3:15 PM
Are you ignoring me?
Gee dude, what do you think????
joshua - 04/09/07 11:40
That dude needs to learn how to pick up chicks OFFLINE.
That dude needs to learn how to pick up chicks OFFLINE.
mrmike - 04/07/07 22:50
I'll dibs 1500 in the pool. Bumper plus fender fun makes for happy collision guys.
Makeup sex, sure, just respect me in the morning
I'll dibs 1500 in the pool. Bumper plus fender fun makes for happy collision guys.
Makeup sex, sure, just respect me in the morning
uncutsaniflush - 04/07/07 21:38
Since you brought it up again, I feel free to revisit the topic. Personally, I figure opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. So it really doesn't matter to me if you love or hate Buffalo.
However, when you wrote "All I can think is 'if you think this is awesome, you have obviously never lived in a 'real' city, and I feel badly for you.'" I didn't find this statement to be the least bit charming.
I found it to be arrogant and conceited. Your statement implies that the only reason ANYONE would love Buffalo is because he or she is a stupid ignorant hick who has never lived in a "real" city or even knows what one is.
And you, of course, are entitled to your opinion. Maybe you are right and I am a stupid ignorant hick. I would be ok with that. Because I would be a HAPPY stupid ignorant hick.
That being said, it amazes me that you are suprised when after you insult a city AND the people that love it, they take umbrage.
But that's just me. As always, I could be wrong.
Since you brought it up again, I feel free to revisit the topic. Personally, I figure opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. So it really doesn't matter to me if you love or hate Buffalo.
However, when you wrote "All I can think is 'if you think this is awesome, you have obviously never lived in a 'real' city, and I feel badly for you.'" I didn't find this statement to be the least bit charming.
I found it to be arrogant and conceited. Your statement implies that the only reason ANYONE would love Buffalo is because he or she is a stupid ignorant hick who has never lived in a "real" city or even knows what one is.
And you, of course, are entitled to your opinion. Maybe you are right and I am a stupid ignorant hick. I would be ok with that. Because I would be a HAPPY stupid ignorant hick.
That being said, it amazes me that you are suprised when after you insult a city AND the people that love it, they take umbrage.
But that's just me. As always, I could be wrong.
chico - 04/07/07 17:22
too bad the lamp post wasn't Fantastic Towel-Boy Kyle... although the two seem roughly equivalent in terms of intelligence quotient
too bad the lamp post wasn't Fantastic Towel-Boy Kyle... although the two seem roughly equivalent in terms of intelligence quotient
metalpeter - 04/07/07 17:17
First of all I didn't know we where fighting But Sure lets have Makeup sex why not(Kidding of course). I wish you luck with what ever is going on with the meeting someone else and FWB thing.
I'll be honest song wise that sounds so..., I know I have heard it before but I can't think of the band. The guy singing does kinda sound like Tony.
I have a feeling why what you said hit such a nerve is because of that insider vs outsider standpoint. I'm not saying you are an outsider to (e:strip). But it looks as if you are someone who didn't want to be here and who doesn't like it (it also meaning buffalo) . Kinda like when people from other countries complain about not liking the us. Well then move the fuck back to your shit hole country that you ran away from is the normal response. I think that is kinda how your post came off. It is different if you live here and want to be here but complain about how Buffalo has to get its shit togather. I figured the cold was getting to you and the FWB also so you just kinda lashed out. It is ok to not like certain aspects of Buffalo and get frustrated with things. But how you express it is a big factor. I'm not saying to be fake or polite or to lie or anything like that. I'm just saying you don't have to write in bitchy tone. However that being said it is your journal and you should feel free to write what ever and how ever you please.
It sounds like right now things are going a little rough for ya, with the accident an all, so I hope things get better for ya.
First of all I didn't know we where fighting But Sure lets have Makeup sex why not(Kidding of course). I wish you luck with what ever is going on with the meeting someone else and FWB thing.
I'll be honest song wise that sounds so..., I know I have heard it before but I can't think of the band. The guy singing does kinda sound like Tony.
I have a feeling why what you said hit such a nerve is because of that insider vs outsider standpoint. I'm not saying you are an outsider to (e:strip). But it looks as if you are someone who didn't want to be here and who doesn't like it (it also meaning buffalo) . Kinda like when people from other countries complain about not liking the us. Well then move the fuck back to your shit hole country that you ran away from is the normal response. I think that is kinda how your post came off. It is different if you live here and want to be here but complain about how Buffalo has to get its shit togather. I figured the cold was getting to you and the FWB also so you just kinda lashed out. It is ok to not like certain aspects of Buffalo and get frustrated with things. But how you express it is a big factor. I'm not saying to be fake or polite or to lie or anything like that. I'm just saying you don't have to write in bitchy tone. However that being said it is your journal and you should feel free to write what ever and how ever you please.
It sounds like right now things are going a little rough for ya, with the accident an all, so I hope things get better for ya.
i love jennifer aniston! stupid brad
You're not alone in the tivo love. Got to love checkin THe Office at 10:00 that night. Seems more right