Dearest peeps-
I would like for this to all just be over, but I feel the need to respond, hopefully for the last time.
Ok, yes, I was harsh and deserve some of what I got, and I accept that. But I hope it is apparent that I was just pissed about the weather, and venting, in MY JOURNAL. And I KNOW I am not the only one who has had those feelings now and again. I was exaggerating and overreacting, sure. Of course I do not HATE Buffalo. I think where you live, and your happiness there, is largely what you make of it, and is largely determined by the people you surround yourself with. And I have met a lot of great people here, largely in part to this site. And I think our hometown will always hold a special place in our hearts, no matter what others think.
Yes, Buffalo has a lot of good things about it. But it is not perfect- nowhere is. And I still maintain that the demographic does not really favor the young professional. And the length of the winter stinks. Even if it doesn't snow every day for seven months, the fact that you have to reasonably expect it might, is a bit hard to handle at times.
To respond to the comment roundup- no, I did not have a gun to my head when I signed on the dotted line. However it was the only option available to me to continue my career. Sure, I could have abandoned medicine altogether and not moved.
"Your statement implies that the only reason ANYONE would love Buffalo is because he or she is a stupid ignorant hick who has never lived in a "real" city or even knows what one is."
I am sorry if you inferred that from my statement- that is not what I was trying to imply. I am not calling people hicks for liking Buffalo. I apologize for my statement and can see why people were offended.
I won't define what I think makes a "real" city- but I think we can all agree that Buffalo is not NYC, or LA, or Chicago. Nor is it backwoods redneck-land.
And finally, is an emotional outburst about not being happy about where I live as bad as this personal attack: "you expressed a certain level of ignorance and stupidity that would make you virtually indistinguishable from the Long Island morons"? I may be a lot of things, but I do not thing ignorant, stupid, or moron are on that list.
Josh I did not take personal offense at your comment since I know what you were getting at- but my point is just that responding to my bitching with personal insults is not such a great thing to do either.
I overreacted for sure- but maybe everyone else did too?
In any case, this has turned into far too big a deal and I'm sick of worrying about it, and I hope it can just be over, as I'm sure you all do too. I am still the person you know (or don't) and love (or don't)- nothing has changed. The sun is coming (I know it is, it has to be!), and I think it will make us ALL feel better. :)
All my love, friends,
P.S. Bonus points to
(e:metalpeter)- yes that was Tony singing. It was his old band, Molotov Cocktail, Inc. I, for one, am quite impressed. Almost a little Blues Travelerish at the beginning, I think.
Peter, I don't think it's a case necessarily where the corporations want CONTROL over Imus or his job. By agreeing to advertise with him, they are essentially buying HIM as a spokesperson. They don't want to be associated with him now and I don't blame them because they will most certainly feel pressure from many of the same people who laid into Imus already. They don't want to be known as a friend to a racist.
My advice to everyone who thinks that Don Imus was unfairly treated is to contact MSNBC and CBS Radio and demand that Imus gets his job back. If enough people do it, Imus will be back.
Personally, I'll shed no tears for Imus. Perhaps it is a sign of our progress as a nation that, at the very least, we pretend that we don't approve of racist and sexist humor.
I believe in near absolute free speech so I wish Imus well in finding a new home for his brand of humor. Just because I don't want to listen to him doesn't mean that I want to prevent anyone else from doing so. Perhaps he can join Howard (no K.) Stern on the satellite. If enough people want to listen to Imus, I'm sure someone or some corporation will give him another chance.
My concern is Katie Adams, Matee Ajavon, Essence Carson, Dee Dee Jernigan, Rashidat Junaid, Myia McCurdy, Epiphanny Prince, Judith Brittany Ray, Kia Vaugh, and Heather Zurich. This is the Rutgers Womens Basketball Team.
No matter how successful they are or even what their race is, these women will forever be known as Don Imus's "nappy-headed hos".
He robbed them and their family and friends and fellow students from the satisfaction and enjoyment of their success. Instead being champions, they are "nappy-headed hos." I'm a White Male so I'm sure that I don't really understand what these women went through; but I've got to think that it's not a good feeling to know that no matter how good you are at what you do that someone will make racist and sexist jokes at your expense and millions will laugh. And to make matter worse, even more millions won't even get what the fuss is about.
Nice doggies.
In regards to Imus, the firings since there are two now seem a little disingenuous since the radio and tv networks already metered out one punishment. When popular opinion wasn't enough, they went further. I'm all for taking a stand, but to take a number of stands makes it hard to take MSNBC and CBS truly seriously.
I think he's an assclown, but they knew what they were getting, especially since he's been in trouble for this type of thing before. Hopefully it does get people talking instead of just giving Al Sharpton yet another soapbox
Glad you brought it up cause I was going to but I can say it as a comment. Them firing him is complete bullshit. The Reason is that he didn't lie he stated his opinion. I think that it is ok if you think Black women are what he said they are and it is ok to say that. I also think it is ok for people who think interacial dating is good and people who publicly support it. The fact of the matter is that there are whites who hate blacks, blacks who hate Puerto Ricans, Puerto Ricans who hate mexicans, Whites who hate all forgeiners, Blacks who hate whites. The point I'm trying to get at is that there is a lot of racism in this country and there all ways will be. See there is this double standard that you can be biased in silince and behind closed doors but you can't say it publicly. It is kinda like when you where a kid and everyone wacked off but no one could say they did type of thing. Then what happens is you have people who don't want to look racist so as soon as someone says something then they go oh he has to go. See that way no one thinks they think that way.
I admit I like Chris Rock and think he is pretty funny. But a lot of his jokes are racist but I don't care cause they are funny. Chris rock isn't the only one who does them but he is the most famous one. If I where to repeat any of his blacks Vs. I'm not gonna say it you know what bit I mean jokes. I would tottaly get my ass kicked and I might deserve it. The same thing could be said about "You Might be a Redneck if" jokes. If someone who isn't from the south or country said those as a put down then there would be problems.
I also blame the companies that pulled there ads. Those companies have no balls. All those companies should have said "we don't agree with what he said, but we believe that he has the right to say what he wants" "we also believe that pulling are ads would wind up being a form of censoring" "we believe in our right to to free speach and would die for a man to have the right to say something we don't agree with". But all these companies see is the bottom line. But what they don't see is that we have freedom of speech in this country. It often seems like people want to not let the desenter speak. But what if the people who believe Imus and agree with him decide not to buy those products then those companies will wind up losing money.
This country is at a crossroads. I know that corporations shouldn't encourage hate but it wasn't really that long ago when they did. But if companies pull ads cause they don't like what is said on a Radio show what will be the next censorship. Will some one say that they think abortions are great and all the baby food companies and every company that owns them pulls there ads. What is to stop the corporate America from censoring all talk shows. All they have to do is pull there ads every time they here something they don't like. Then what will be next the companies get to read what will be said before it is said. That has happened before and looks like it may happen again soon. Ok my rant is over I hope some other people jump on this.
Imus has been saying that shit for years. My folks were telling me about some bit he did nearly 30 years ago that was even more racist. If anything, he should have been fired 20 years ago for not changing up his routine.
But, I sincerly hope stores do not pull his line of salsa, as it is delicious.