this is a boring post but someone was asking about hair places the other day...
so I usually get my hair cut at the Aveda place in the Galleria. Which is definitely a pleasant experience... herbal tea, scalp massage, etc. But it's $40 + tip, and it's a trek to the galleria. So i figured I'd try my local place- Parkway Haircutting- right next to Coles.
They have a big fancy sign and look from the outside like a pretty classy salon.
Well, they're not as nice on the inside.
Sort of barber-ish with a guy doing guy haircuts in the corner. Just two chairs, and they're not selling your usual super-expensive fancy name shampoo etc. But I figured what the hell, I don't do anything too fancy with my hair, how much can she fuck it up.
So I told charlene I wanted to take a couple inches off and gave her my rules-
that I can't be bothered with a blow dryer and that it has to be able to go in a pony tail.
And she went to town and cut all these crazy layers- I was a little nervous, but let her do her thing. She blew it dry, and it didn't look great when I left, but like I said my hair doesn't like the blow dryer.
So I went home and washed it, and so far it seems like a decent haircut.
And best of all- I was in and out (shampooed, cut, dried, etc) in 30 min flat.
And it was $20 with a UB ID.
So certainly not a Chic Salon/Spa Experience- but not bad for $20 and 30 min.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/29/2007 20:36 #38686
haircut reviewCategory: boring
03/24/2007 19:31 #38607
Internet creepsSo I was playing with voip stuff this afternoon (I think I'm going to switch to Vonage- anyone have anything bad to say about them?) when this ichat window pops up, from someone not on my buddy list. I always wonder how random people I don't know find me. But I always feel rude to just totally tell them to fuck off, so I usually answer, but with minimal, one word replies.
The guy goes on and on. Tells me his name is Kyle. I don't care. "Fantastic Kyle" if his screen name is to be believed, except that he can't spell and is "FantasicKyle345" [not his real address] Asks how I am, I say fine. Then he's like "will you do me a favor? I want to try something". And I knew what was coming... "I want to try my isight camera, I never have" (yeah right). I say no. He admits that he's an exhibitionist (gee, you think?) and asks if I want him to send me pix. I say I don't care. Then I say I have to go take a shower. He says "wow! I'm in a towel! I just got out of the shower! Isn't that crazy?" No, not really. Keeps asking if I want to see his pix. Now, I am not opposed to seeing pix of attractive men. But first off I doubt he's attractive, and I'm also not into random internet exchanges with people I will never meet. So the last thing I am going to do is inflate his ego and beg him to see his pix. But he starts sending them anyway. First a face shot. He's not (that) bad looking, but it's a weird double-chin webcam pic. And then another one....ohohohoho I couldn't stop laughing at that one. And I totally wanted to post it, and then felt badly to. But then thought "no. If he is going to send his pix to random people on the internet, he deserves to have them posted randomly on the internet."
So then he keeps asking me if I like the pic and if i want to see more, and I finally tell him I have to go. And he says "no fair, I want to see your pix". And I just said "Yes, I bet you do. Goodbye." Then I went to shower and came back to a whole mess of "why did you leave?" "I'm sorry if I offended you" "will you talk to me again?"
Get over it dude.
So, here is Fantastic Kyle, for your viewing pleasure.

The guy goes on and on. Tells me his name is Kyle. I don't care. "Fantastic Kyle" if his screen name is to be believed, except that he can't spell and is "FantasicKyle345" [not his real address] Asks how I am, I say fine. Then he's like "will you do me a favor? I want to try something". And I knew what was coming... "I want to try my isight camera, I never have" (yeah right). I say no. He admits that he's an exhibitionist (gee, you think?) and asks if I want him to send me pix. I say I don't care. Then I say I have to go take a shower. He says "wow! I'm in a towel! I just got out of the shower! Isn't that crazy?" No, not really. Keeps asking if I want to see his pix. Now, I am not opposed to seeing pix of attractive men. But first off I doubt he's attractive, and I'm also not into random internet exchanges with people I will never meet. So the last thing I am going to do is inflate his ego and beg him to see his pix. But he starts sending them anyway. First a face shot. He's not (that) bad looking, but it's a weird double-chin webcam pic. And then another one....ohohohoho I couldn't stop laughing at that one. And I totally wanted to post it, and then felt badly to. But then thought "no. If he is going to send his pix to random people on the internet, he deserves to have them posted randomly on the internet."
So then he keeps asking me if I like the pic and if i want to see more, and I finally tell him I have to go. And he says "no fair, I want to see your pix". And I just said "Yes, I bet you do. Goodbye." Then I went to shower and came back to a whole mess of "why did you leave?" "I'm sorry if I offended you" "will you talk to me again?"
Get over it dude.
So, here is Fantastic Kyle, for your viewing pleasure.

jacob - 03/27/07 03:08
I bet that hair on his shoulders connects to some on his back. Fantasic!!
I bet that hair on his shoulders connects to some on his back. Fantasic!!
joshua - 03/26/07 12:16
Wow - for once I don't know what to say. At least from this point out you probably won't take into consideration the feelings of people on AIM that you've never met or talked to.
Wow - for once I don't know what to say. At least from this point out you probably won't take into consideration the feelings of people on AIM that you've never met or talked to.
metalpeter - 03/25/07 10:23
There is one thing that I don't get if he is an exhibitionist then why did he have a towel on. All he would have had to say was oops it music have fallen off before I took the picture or something like that. I don't think the guy was truthful he was most likely just trying to get you to send a pic of your self.
There is one thing that I don't get if he is an exhibitionist then why did he have a towel on. All he would have had to say was oops it music have fallen off before I took the picture or something like that. I don't think the guy was truthful he was most likely just trying to get you to send a pic of your self.
imk2 - 03/25/07 08:22
wow.....that is too funy! fucking sucker! i love it!
wow.....that is too funy! fucking sucker! i love it!
mrmike - 03/24/07 21:54
Wow, "quite" the catch he is. Wonder who the second guy is. On the Vonage front, I hear mixed reviews. Some love it or hate it. I've had to read up as TW is launching digital phone in May so one more thing for the people to give me shit about. You might be able to get a deal with them at that point, since both got to talk to the cable might as well save a buck or two
Wow, "quite" the catch he is. Wonder who the second guy is. On the Vonage front, I hear mixed reviews. Some love it or hate it. I've had to read up as TW is launching digital phone in May so one more thing for the people to give me shit about. You might be able to get a deal with them at that point, since both got to talk to the cable might as well save a buck or two
03/21/2007 20:38 #38545
super-randomOk, so as much as I am terrified of skydiving, this looks pretty cool and fun and peaceful.
It's a bunch of skydivers in formation- looking like a huge kite.
(the video is really boring, after it breaks apart the first time you might as well just turn it off.)
crap. never mind.
Paul- how do I add a video if it's not on youtube or google? It's a .wmv file on my desktop.
Ok instead you get a random picture of my "irish" dog. :/

Ok and some more random crap from today's email.
A very simple but addictive helicopter-flying game (my kind of game- one button and that's it)-

Ok, and this one is disturbing. First of all, the picture is graphic and horrifying [be warned]. I can't tell if the guy is dead, but if he's not, I bet he was shortly thereafter.
But even worse- when I clicked the pic to try to copy it to post it, it turned out the picture was a link, that took me to ''.
Now, if you had a porn site called is THAT how you would attract people?!

It's a bunch of skydivers in formation- looking like a huge kite.
(the video is really boring, after it breaks apart the first time you might as well just turn it off.)
crap. never mind.
Paul- how do I add a video if it's not on youtube or google? It's a .wmv file on my desktop.
Ok instead you get a random picture of my "irish" dog. :/

Ok and some more random crap from today's email.
A very simple but addictive helicopter-flying game (my kind of game- one button and that's it)-

Ok, and this one is disturbing. First of all, the picture is graphic and horrifying [be warned]. I can't tell if the guy is dead, but if he's not, I bet he was shortly thereafter.
But even worse- when I clicked the pic to try to copy it to post it, it turned out the picture was a link, that took me to ''.
Now, if you had a porn site called is THAT how you would attract people?!

museumchick - 03/23/07 22:27
thanks for the good advice on my last journal entry. A lot of what you said made sense, and it's definitely something to think about. I definitely appreciate having someone's imput.
Your new music is awesome:). I've been listening to it a lot.
thanks for the good advice on my last journal entry. A lot of what you said made sense, and it's definitely something to think about. I definitely appreciate having someone's imput.
Your new music is awesome:). I've been listening to it a lot.
mrmike - 03/22/07 16:36
Talk about sportin wood!
Talk about sportin wood!
mrmike - 03/21/07 21:11
Nice hat
Nice hat
03/19/2007 06:37 #38517
PSCategory: music
I forgot!
I made a new mix.
Link over there --->
or here

Here's the song list:
The Chills - Peter, Bjorn and John
Between the moon and the ocean - the bon savants
nobody knows me at all - the weepies
fidelity - regina spektor
true affection - the blow
barely listening - pilot speed
dashboard - modest mouse
parade of punk rock t-shirts - maritime [my user song]
stacked crooked - the new pornographers
walking with a ghost - tegan and sara
southwest planes - the western states motel
love song no. 7 - CYHSY
old catherine's box - katamine
black flowers - yo la tengo
keep the car running - arcade fire
lightbulb - mezzanine owls
lady luck - can joann
shoulders and arms - tokyo police club
searching for the ghost - heartless bastards
they - jem
girl sailor - the shins
Hope you all had a good weekend. :)
I made a new mix.
Link over there --->
or here

Here's the song list:
The Chills - Peter, Bjorn and John
Between the moon and the ocean - the bon savants
nobody knows me at all - the weepies
fidelity - regina spektor
true affection - the blow
barely listening - pilot speed
dashboard - modest mouse
parade of punk rock t-shirts - maritime [my user song]
stacked crooked - the new pornographers
walking with a ghost - tegan and sara
southwest planes - the western states motel
love song no. 7 - CYHSY
old catherine's box - katamine
black flowers - yo la tengo
keep the car running - arcade fire
lightbulb - mezzanine owls
lady luck - can joann
shoulders and arms - tokyo police club
searching for the ghost - heartless bastards
they - jem
girl sailor - the shins
Hope you all had a good weekend. :)
03/18/2007 21:55 #38512
chippewa sucksI hate chippewa.
But I had a fun weekend. :)
Except for missing the ratatat show (yes (e:enknot) I blame you entirely and am not forgiving you anytime soon).
But the PMT party was fun, as always.
Then I spent most of saturday being lazy around the house... then at like 7 got a call saying I was lame for not being drunk yet. I hadn't been planning on going out that early, but, twist my arm... So I went to a little party at a guy from work's house- it was awesome! First of all, he's an awesome guy. And he has a sweet apartment, and he is just the ultimate host and had all this great food and drinks and stuff.
But then I made the ultimate mistake. People talked me into going to Soho. i said 'but i hate chippewa' and they said "no no, soho is different, it's not like chippewa'. So against my better judgment I left the party where I was having a good time, and I even abandoned my friends there, who were only there for me and didn't know anyone else (but they didn't want to go to soho and said they'd stay behind) and I went to soho- and god it sucked. I never want to go to chippewa again. Aside from the fact that all the little hookers there make me feel old and fat, it was just not fun. it was too crowded, the music sucked, and there was broken glass all over the place. And one guy kept asking to feel me up, and when I reminded him that his WIFE was at home, PREGNANT, he was annoyed that I had to bring that up. Sorry dude. I'm not going there.
So I had totally planned on meeting everyone out today for the parade. But then I slept til noon, and was hungover, and decided I'd stay in. And then again, since I have no willpower, I let myself get dragged out to a party, by the promise of "lots of cute single lawyers" [even though I kind of hate lawyers]. And sure enough, as soon as I walked in the door, I was introduced to a super cute guy who seemed nice and fun. But he left right after that. I'll have to see if I can work that at all. Then we went to Mother's, which was yummy. The downside was the gold-digging girls, which I guess is inevitable with a crowd like that, but is so not my scene.
But all in all, a very fun weekend- thanks to everyone! I so don't want to go back to work tomorrow!
I hope you all had a great time too. Sorry I didn't meet up with the estrip crowd for the parade. :( It was a case of social circles colliding. BUT thanks for the message from (I think) Terry. It was very funny and I will save it for a long time. :)
Sorry for the random post- I think I'm a little buzzed.
Later peeps. Have a good week!
But I had a fun weekend. :)
Except for missing the ratatat show (yes (e:enknot) I blame you entirely and am not forgiving you anytime soon).
But the PMT party was fun, as always.
Then I spent most of saturday being lazy around the house... then at like 7 got a call saying I was lame for not being drunk yet. I hadn't been planning on going out that early, but, twist my arm... So I went to a little party at a guy from work's house- it was awesome! First of all, he's an awesome guy. And he has a sweet apartment, and he is just the ultimate host and had all this great food and drinks and stuff.
But then I made the ultimate mistake. People talked me into going to Soho. i said 'but i hate chippewa' and they said "no no, soho is different, it's not like chippewa'. So against my better judgment I left the party where I was having a good time, and I even abandoned my friends there, who were only there for me and didn't know anyone else (but they didn't want to go to soho and said they'd stay behind) and I went to soho- and god it sucked. I never want to go to chippewa again. Aside from the fact that all the little hookers there make me feel old and fat, it was just not fun. it was too crowded, the music sucked, and there was broken glass all over the place. And one guy kept asking to feel me up, and when I reminded him that his WIFE was at home, PREGNANT, he was annoyed that I had to bring that up. Sorry dude. I'm not going there.
So I had totally planned on meeting everyone out today for the parade. But then I slept til noon, and was hungover, and decided I'd stay in. And then again, since I have no willpower, I let myself get dragged out to a party, by the promise of "lots of cute single lawyers" [even though I kind of hate lawyers]. And sure enough, as soon as I walked in the door, I was introduced to a super cute guy who seemed nice and fun. But he left right after that. I'll have to see if I can work that at all. Then we went to Mother's, which was yummy. The downside was the gold-digging girls, which I guess is inevitable with a crowd like that, but is so not my scene.
But all in all, a very fun weekend- thanks to everyone! I so don't want to go back to work tomorrow!
I hope you all had a great time too. Sorry I didn't meet up with the estrip crowd for the parade. :( It was a case of social circles colliding. BUT thanks for the message from (I think) Terry. It was very funny and I will save it for a long time. :)
Sorry for the random post- I think I'm a little buzzed.
Later peeps. Have a good week!
vincent - 03/19/07 00:03
I can have a descent time @ 67 West, Barrel House or Brinks(when it's not crowded) but for the most part yea. I don't get why SoHo is popular, it's a bar that plays dance music that doesn't really have a dancefloor, but the patio is OK...
With "that married guy" I see it everyday with married guys that have budding families, itting on everything in sight. I just thought it was the degenerates that I work with/deal with.
I can have a descent time @ 67 West, Barrel House or Brinks(when it's not crowded) but for the most part yea. I don't get why SoHo is popular, it's a bar that plays dance music that doesn't really have a dancefloor, but the patio is OK...
With "that married guy" I see it everyday with married guys that have budding families, itting on everything in sight. I just thought it was the degenerates that I work with/deal with.
I always have lilho do mine. I will be so sad when she leaves.
Yeah, I think so - I believe that its right across the street from Wilson Farms, a door or two away from Blockbuster. Or maybe I'm on crack.
Isn't there an Aveda concept salon on Elmwood? Michele something that's on the same block as Spot but a bit further north?
I am totally looking for somewhere to get a good haircut for a decent price. I'm picky as shit, though.
I would rather walk than have to bus it or bum a ride from my better half. Not that he is not willing, but it's not exactly fun for him, watching me get a haircut or colour...
i've been going (when i bother, it has been months, hell, probably a year since my last cut) to Studio 806 on Elmwood and getting cuts from a woman named Lauren. But the vibe there is totally snob fest and i HATE the brand of colours they use (Redkin reds seem to be the worst, why does anyone bother with them?). I am thinking of making an appointment next week...
But i would so rather go elsewhere if anyone has any suggestions!!
I just googled Now Salon, and an archive from Buffalo Rising had good bits about it... maybe i will check them out... shame we don't live at Linwood and Summer anymore!!
chica here!
chico and I go to Now Salon down on Elmwood near Allen street. John is the owner and he's good. I like him a lot and I've had really good cuts since we moved to Buffalo. Prices are reasonable and he gives discounts with student ID. Cool vibe there too.
If you got a good cut at this place, that's awesome - it's hard to find someone to cut curly hair!
ummm. i went to beauty school with that chick.