So I got my new computer on friday. That's right, like 4 days ago. It's so new I can't have even crapped it up yet. (more importantly, it's so new I haven't even backed it up yet). Haven't installed any 3rd party software. But, instead of doing a nice slow clean install, like I knew I should, I used the 'migration assistant'. Plugged old compy into new compy via firewire, said
"go", and went to bed. In the morning- voila. New compy just the way I like it. I know I know, those transfer things are never a good idea... but it was so easy! otherwise it would take me a week to get things the way i like them...
So, everything was working fine. Then today Mail started acting weird. totally freezes if i click on a message with an attachment (i.e. if I click yet another fucking online pharmacy spam message with embedded .jpg to delete it).
So, I did my good little mac troubleshooting stuff and repaired permissions. nothing big there. Then booted from the OS install CD and ran disk utility. Chose "repair startup disk".
Well alas and alack, my startup disk DOES have a problem ("invalid node structure"), but Disk Utility can NOT repair it.
No problem, i think, I have Disk Warrior! So I dig out disk warrior. Well I have 3.0, but need 4.0.
4.0 is available new, for download, for $100. Or for upgrade for $50. But upgrade is NOT available via download, and they ask for "three to six WEEKS" for delivery. So I can wait WEEKS, or I can shell out the extra $50 for a downloadable copy.
I thought it would take more than a week to totally corrupt a brand new HD. And like I said, I haven't even gotten backups going yet. I'm really not looking forward to having to reformat/reinstall ev-er-y-thing.
Guess it's back to old compy for now (which seems painfully slow compared to the new one...)
Damn migration assistant...
any of you computer whiz peeps have any thoughts?
P.s. for your viewing pleasure, here's one good thing that has come out of new compy. [I can't believe how entertaining photobooth is.]

omg if I had photobooth, it would take me a few consecutive weeks to tear myself away from the computer. It cracks me up! I agree with imk- disturbing. But thats half the fun :)
My technically unimpressive answer would be "take the new computer to the genius bar at the Walden-Galleria Apple store". The apple store guys have probably encountered enough migration problems that they can give you a quicker and more reliable answer than any of us estrip mac geeks.
You may also want to bring the old computer you're transferring stuff from, just in case they want to check that for problems.
Actually, come to think of it, do a full wipe and reinstall of the new machine to get it back to the condition you bought it in, repair the living hell out of your old machine (backing it up first, of course), and try the migration over again.
god, that picture of you is disturbing.