So my team decided to go out to lunch, when I was the only one busy. ugh. So then they decided to get Salsarita's takeout instead. I was hoping I'd get a bite or two before my case started. But, no. They didn't get back in time. So I went into the OR, and then half an hour or so later my phone buzzed at me. I assumed it was them saying lunch was (finally) there. So a few hours go by, and the case is done, so I get to check my phone- well I was quite wrong. No message about lunch. Just one that said simply 'S died.'
Dr. S was the Chief of Trauma/Surgery. Definitely an old school, no-nonsense, gruff kind of guy. And though I was scared to death of him at times, there was also something about him that was super-cool.
This is the one year of residency that I don't go to his hospital, so I haven't been there in a while. I knew he was getting old, and didn't have the greatest heart. I'd heard rumors that he's retiring this year. Then recently I heard he was sick and in the ICU, but I just assumed he'd get better.
I guess not. :(
And I can't help but think how weird it must be to be on the other side of things- at 'your' hospital, no less. And not just being a patient. But being a dying patient, when all the doctors surrounding you know and love you and are just watching as every last-ditch effort they make- fails.
Poor Dr. S.
We'll miss you.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/13/2007 16:31 #38134
RIPCategory: :(
02/11/2007 10:25 #38104
Who knew space is so pretty?!Category: pix
My dad just sent this to me. Pretty cool. Especially since I still imagine "outer space" as just big and black with little white dots for stars/planets.
Hubble telescope's top ten greatest space photographs

The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope. The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are as spectacular as its appearance. It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across.

The Ant Nebula, a cloud of dust and gas whose technical name is Mz3, resembles an ant when observed using ground-based telescopes. The nebula lies within our galaxy between 3,000 and 6,000 light years from Earth.

In third place is Nebula NGC 2392, called Eskimo because it looks like a face surrounded by a furry hood. The hood is, in fact, a ring of comet-shaped objects flying away from a dying star. Eskimo is 5,000 light years from Earth.

At four is the Cat's Eye Nebula, which looks like the eye of disembodied sorcerer Sauron from Lord of the Rin

The Hourglass Nebula, 8,000 light years away, has a pinched-in-the-middle look because the winds that shape it are weaker at the centre.

In sixth place is the Cone Nebula. The part pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon).

The Perfect Storm, a small region in the Swan Nebula, 5,500 light years away, described as 'a bubbly ocean of hydrogen and small amounts of oxygen, sulphur and other elements'.

Starry Night, so named because it reminded astronomers of the Van Gogh painting. It is a halo of light around a star in the Milky Way.

The glowering eyes from 114 million light years away are the swirling cores of two merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163 in the distant Canis Major constellation.

The Trifid Nebula. A 'stellar nursery', 9,000 light years from here, it is where new stars are being born.
Hubble telescope's top ten greatest space photographs

The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope. The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are as spectacular as its appearance. It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across.

The Ant Nebula, a cloud of dust and gas whose technical name is Mz3, resembles an ant when observed using ground-based telescopes. The nebula lies within our galaxy between 3,000 and 6,000 light years from Earth.

In third place is Nebula NGC 2392, called Eskimo because it looks like a face surrounded by a furry hood. The hood is, in fact, a ring of comet-shaped objects flying away from a dying star. Eskimo is 5,000 light years from Earth.

At four is the Cat's Eye Nebula, which looks like the eye of disembodied sorcerer Sauron from Lord of the Rin

The Hourglass Nebula, 8,000 light years away, has a pinched-in-the-middle look because the winds that shape it are weaker at the centre.

In sixth place is the Cone Nebula. The part pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon).

The Perfect Storm, a small region in the Swan Nebula, 5,500 light years away, described as 'a bubbly ocean of hydrogen and small amounts of oxygen, sulphur and other elements'.

Starry Night, so named because it reminded astronomers of the Van Gogh painting. It is a halo of light around a star in the Milky Way.

The glowering eyes from 114 million light years away are the swirling cores of two merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163 in the distant Canis Major constellation.

The Trifid Nebula. A 'stellar nursery', 9,000 light years from here, it is where new stars are being born.
02/10/2007 18:07 #38100
not worth readingCategory: boring
I love having a whole weekend off. But I am so damn lazy. I finally managed to take my xmas tree down, but it was so dry it practically exploded the needles all over my house. Have been meaning to vacuum all day, but now I think I'll wait til tomorrow.
I went out last night. Somehow got roped into driving, which meant I didn't get very drunk, but my alcoholic friends did, and somehow I ended up with two of them crashing at my place.
But we went to Bistro Europa (the new place next to faherty's)- it's really cool. The owner really knows wine (which I do not) but they have a nice (if pricey) wine list. And they have great (cheap) food. It's supposed to be "european comfort food". The menu isn't very big, but they have dishes from all over. German, Polish, Swedish, Danish, French etc etc. We had this cheese and meat and fruit plate... it's so good. It had some pate (which I thought I didn't like) that was DELICIOUS. And it was only 6 bucks. Check it out.
We also went to the Sportsman's Tavern, which is ghetto, but cheap and fun. And Alison pipitone was playing and I guess my friends know her and her band so we hung out with them which was cool. Then there was some country band... I thought I hated country music, but this was like cool old school country. Willie Nelson style country. Surprisingly fun.
Thought I felt like going out tonight, but now I am suddenly feeling super lazy. But I don't have that many weekends off, so I feel lame if I 'waste' them doing nothing. Hrm.
I really never go clothes shopping, but the other day I checked out the sales at jcrew online- and I got my sister's wedding dress (but in pink) for $69. It's beautiful. I have no reason to wear it. But $400 down to $69, how could I not. Probably weird of me to have my sister's wedding dress, though. (but actually one my cousins wore the same dress (but in navy) to the wedding. Wearing the same dress as the bride. Hehe.)
Man. Why am I so damn boring lately?
I thought I needed a break from all the drama nonsense- but I realize that without it my life is quite boring.
I think I need to bring it back.
Later peeps.
Oh, and ps: for the people that liked the song I put up- I get most of my 'leads' on cool new stuff from my friends, especially this site: Crossing State Lines. (It's in my links on the right, too, in case it doesn't work for you here.)
I went out last night. Somehow got roped into driving, which meant I didn't get very drunk, but my alcoholic friends did, and somehow I ended up with two of them crashing at my place.
But we went to Bistro Europa (the new place next to faherty's)- it's really cool. The owner really knows wine (which I do not) but they have a nice (if pricey) wine list. And they have great (cheap) food. It's supposed to be "european comfort food". The menu isn't very big, but they have dishes from all over. German, Polish, Swedish, Danish, French etc etc. We had this cheese and meat and fruit plate... it's so good. It had some pate (which I thought I didn't like) that was DELICIOUS. And it was only 6 bucks. Check it out.
We also went to the Sportsman's Tavern, which is ghetto, but cheap and fun. And Alison pipitone was playing and I guess my friends know her and her band so we hung out with them which was cool. Then there was some country band... I thought I hated country music, but this was like cool old school country. Willie Nelson style country. Surprisingly fun.
Thought I felt like going out tonight, but now I am suddenly feeling super lazy. But I don't have that many weekends off, so I feel lame if I 'waste' them doing nothing. Hrm.
I really never go clothes shopping, but the other day I checked out the sales at jcrew online- and I got my sister's wedding dress (but in pink) for $69. It's beautiful. I have no reason to wear it. But $400 down to $69, how could I not. Probably weird of me to have my sister's wedding dress, though. (but actually one my cousins wore the same dress (but in navy) to the wedding. Wearing the same dress as the bride. Hehe.)
Man. Why am I so damn boring lately?
I thought I needed a break from all the drama nonsense- but I realize that without it my life is quite boring.
I think I need to bring it back.
Later peeps.
Oh, and ps: for the people that liked the song I put up- I get most of my 'leads' on cool new stuff from my friends, especially this site: Crossing State Lines. (It's in my links on the right, too, in case it doesn't work for you here.)
joshua - 02/14/07 10:39
At this point I think we all are suffering somewhat from cabin fever. Boredom!
At this point I think we all are suffering somewhat from cabin fever. Boredom!
metalpeter - 02/11/07 10:25
Don't Vacum, I repeat don't vacum. My parents destroyed a vacum with vacuming up christmas tree needles. Granted there where a lot of them. I would suggest if you can sweeping them up if it is on a wood floor. Well maybe your vacum might survive but I would be carefull.
Don't Vacum, I repeat don't vacum. My parents destroyed a vacum with vacuming up christmas tree needles. Granted there where a lot of them. I would suggest if you can sweeping them up if it is on a wood floor. Well maybe your vacum might survive but I would be carefull.
vincent - 02/10/07 18:31
Yea, I can relate to that feeling. When I worked miserable shifts and had an actual "weekend off" I felt the same compulsion to do something, anything social.
I just think you just suffering "cabin fever" or at least I am.
Yea, I can relate to that feeling. When I worked miserable shifts and had an actual "weekend off" I felt the same compulsion to do something, anything social.
I just think you just suffering "cabin fever" or at least I am.
02/06/2007 23:09 #38046
God DAMN it's cold out!And I don't like it one bit.
Fuck snow.
What is good about it?
Ok, it's pretty for like the first day. And sledding and stuff is fun when you're a kid.
But like the only other good thing is skiing, and I'm not much of a skier, so as far as I'm concerned, we can just skip this winter thing and skip right into summer.
So today was a shitty day at work. Just one of those days that I was so busy I felt like I never got a chance to catch up. Felt like I was always out of the loop. Five minutes behind and a dollar short. I just wanted to go home. But when I finally got out of the OR I learned that there was another emergency case added on.
And this one.... this one gets to me. Major ethical dilemma. I probably shouldn't post it online, but basically we took out some body parts without permission. Ones that she will miss and can/will change her life forever. Not cool in my book.
So finally it's 830 and I get to leave.
And I walk out to my car, and it's snowing yet again.
And my fucking battery is dead.
I call the security desk at the hospital. "oh sorry our battery charger is broken". I asked the maniac kid plowing the parking lot (which must have been plowed about an hour previously- it had about 1/4" of snow on the ground, not sure why he was doing it again.) He just acted like I was annoying him, and sneered that no, he did not have cables. Hmm. I call another friend who I know is on vacation and doing nothing. He's in Rochester. I call my intern, hoping he's still in the hospital- nope he's already gone. I call my dad, who can't help, but who will listen to me bitch. Finally call my landlord, who came to the rescue. (Consider yourselves lucky PMT, you were next on the list since you're nearby!) Guess I could have called AAA but I thought it would take forever. Fortunately the car started right up.
But I learned two things.
1- my gloves are not warm AT ALL
2- neither are my boots. Waterproof, yes. Warm, no.
I honestly started to worry that I had frostnip- my fingers and toes were tingly and painful, and then numb. Finally, 2 hours and a cup of cocoa later, they are almost warmed up. And I wasn't even outside that long. I was in my (unheated) car most of the time.
So I just let my car run in the garage for an hour to charge the battery (and build up toxic levels of fumes.) I really hope it starts in the morning.
But one good thing-
I LOVE this new CD. I can't stop listening to it.
"We the Vehicles" by Maritime.
(I feel like someone has posted about it before. (e:hodown)? Or am I crazy?)
Check out my user song. I seriously love it. "Parade of punk rock tshirts" by Maritime.
Sleep tight peeps. :)
Fuck snow.
What is good about it?
Ok, it's pretty for like the first day. And sledding and stuff is fun when you're a kid.
But like the only other good thing is skiing, and I'm not much of a skier, so as far as I'm concerned, we can just skip this winter thing and skip right into summer.
So today was a shitty day at work. Just one of those days that I was so busy I felt like I never got a chance to catch up. Felt like I was always out of the loop. Five minutes behind and a dollar short. I just wanted to go home. But when I finally got out of the OR I learned that there was another emergency case added on.
And this one.... this one gets to me. Major ethical dilemma. I probably shouldn't post it online, but basically we took out some body parts without permission. Ones that she will miss and can/will change her life forever. Not cool in my book.
So finally it's 830 and I get to leave.
And I walk out to my car, and it's snowing yet again.
And my fucking battery is dead.
I call the security desk at the hospital. "oh sorry our battery charger is broken". I asked the maniac kid plowing the parking lot (which must have been plowed about an hour previously- it had about 1/4" of snow on the ground, not sure why he was doing it again.) He just acted like I was annoying him, and sneered that no, he did not have cables. Hmm. I call another friend who I know is on vacation and doing nothing. He's in Rochester. I call my intern, hoping he's still in the hospital- nope he's already gone. I call my dad, who can't help, but who will listen to me bitch. Finally call my landlord, who came to the rescue. (Consider yourselves lucky PMT, you were next on the list since you're nearby!) Guess I could have called AAA but I thought it would take forever. Fortunately the car started right up.
But I learned two things.
1- my gloves are not warm AT ALL
2- neither are my boots. Waterproof, yes. Warm, no.
I honestly started to worry that I had frostnip- my fingers and toes were tingly and painful, and then numb. Finally, 2 hours and a cup of cocoa later, they are almost warmed up. And I wasn't even outside that long. I was in my (unheated) car most of the time.
So I just let my car run in the garage for an hour to charge the battery (and build up toxic levels of fumes.) I really hope it starts in the morning.
But one good thing-
I LOVE this new CD. I can't stop listening to it.
"We the Vehicles" by Maritime.
(I feel like someone has posted about it before. (e:hodown)? Or am I crazy?)
Check out my user song. I seriously love it. "Parade of punk rock tshirts" by Maritime.
Sleep tight peeps. :)
museumchick - 02/08/07 10:36
You always give such good music recommendations! It's awesome.
You always give such good music recommendations! It's awesome.
mrmike - 02/07/07 07:46
Great song, sorry about the car woes. My maroon marauder has been a stud through this weather. It's a little Galant that I think is speaking yiddish to me when I start it up "No fuuuuuuckin wayyyyy!" But off she goes.
Knock wood
Great song, sorry about the car woes. My maroon marauder has been a stud through this weather. It's a little Galant that I think is speaking yiddish to me when I start it up "No fuuuuuuckin wayyyyy!" But off she goes.
Knock wood
02/04/2007 15:31 #38009
random ramblingThis weekend has seemed so long, but so fast...
I have spent the whole thing on call, which always keeps me a little on edge.
It's damn cold out. I don't like it. I am ready for summer. And as I was grumbling about my taxes yesterday, I was thinking "and what exactly do my taxes provide me?" I don't use the city's schools or any of that. And as I slid around corners on my multiple trips to and from the hospital, I thought "apparently not prompt snow-clearing services in the city". Well MY street NEVER gets plowed, so I've come to not expect that. But when I went in yesterday at 7, it seemed like nothing had been done even on the main roads. I figured I'd give them a break, it was the weekend. But when I had to go in again at 4pm, the roads were still a mess. Neverending battle I guess.
Then last night went to Empire Grill on Hertel. I'd never been there before. It was pretty damn tasty. The med students wanted to take us (the residents) out. Since I was on call, no drinking, but I could at least go along for the ride. so a nice dinner, then back to one of the studs' apartment for a bit of an 80's dance party. It was fun. This was an awesome bunch of med students (not to mention one was nice eye candy). But they're so sweet. At the end of the nght they all gave me huge hugs and said how much they liked working with me (even though I only worked with them for a week.) They were probably just trying to kiss up, but I'll take it. ;) My pager was mercifully silent- to the point that I was afraid maybe the battery had died. Then back in to work this morning, and a trip to wegman's, which was a bad decision. Forgot about last-minute super-bowl-party panic shoppers.
And tonight the stupid superbowl. I hate football. I don't even know (or care) what teams are playing. BUT, I have a nice tv, and I like hanging out with people, so maybe I should do something. We'll see.
I think it's about time to make a new mix. I have gotten so much new music lately that I haven't even had a chance to listen to it all. Here's a list
Okkervil River
Neutral Milk Hotel
Maritime (I'm digging this one)
Deerhof (haven't listened yet)
Arcade Fire
Peter Bjorn and John (love love love!)
The new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The new Shins (sounds great so far)
pre-ordered the new Bloc Party and the new Modest Mouse
Of Montreal (also cool)
Mezzanine Owls
Bright Eyes (the jury is still out on that one, but I like the lyric "i want a lover I don't have to love. I want a girl who's just out to give a fuck" or "I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk."
In fact, I think I will make it my new user song.
Yup, done!
Ok, enough for this pointless random post.
Later peeps!
I have spent the whole thing on call, which always keeps me a little on edge.
It's damn cold out. I don't like it. I am ready for summer. And as I was grumbling about my taxes yesterday, I was thinking "and what exactly do my taxes provide me?" I don't use the city's schools or any of that. And as I slid around corners on my multiple trips to and from the hospital, I thought "apparently not prompt snow-clearing services in the city". Well MY street NEVER gets plowed, so I've come to not expect that. But when I went in yesterday at 7, it seemed like nothing had been done even on the main roads. I figured I'd give them a break, it was the weekend. But when I had to go in again at 4pm, the roads were still a mess. Neverending battle I guess.
Then last night went to Empire Grill on Hertel. I'd never been there before. It was pretty damn tasty. The med students wanted to take us (the residents) out. Since I was on call, no drinking, but I could at least go along for the ride. so a nice dinner, then back to one of the studs' apartment for a bit of an 80's dance party. It was fun. This was an awesome bunch of med students (not to mention one was nice eye candy). But they're so sweet. At the end of the nght they all gave me huge hugs and said how much they liked working with me (even though I only worked with them for a week.) They were probably just trying to kiss up, but I'll take it. ;) My pager was mercifully silent- to the point that I was afraid maybe the battery had died. Then back in to work this morning, and a trip to wegman's, which was a bad decision. Forgot about last-minute super-bowl-party panic shoppers.
And tonight the stupid superbowl. I hate football. I don't even know (or care) what teams are playing. BUT, I have a nice tv, and I like hanging out with people, so maybe I should do something. We'll see.
I think it's about time to make a new mix. I have gotten so much new music lately that I haven't even had a chance to listen to it all. Here's a list
Okkervil River
Neutral Milk Hotel
Maritime (I'm digging this one)
Deerhof (haven't listened yet)
Arcade Fire
Peter Bjorn and John (love love love!)
The new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The new Shins (sounds great so far)
pre-ordered the new Bloc Party and the new Modest Mouse
Of Montreal (also cool)
Mezzanine Owls
Bright Eyes (the jury is still out on that one, but I like the lyric "i want a lover I don't have to love. I want a girl who's just out to give a fuck" or "I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk."
In fact, I think I will make it my new user song.
Yup, done!
Ok, enough for this pointless random post.
Later peeps!
It is hard to think of doctors as mortals. For some reason I think we want to believe they can live forever. If the doctors themselves can't live forever, how can we expect them to save us keep from dying? It is weird that in the very house I live a doctor died.
I'm sorry :(