I hate chippewa.
But I had a fun weekend. :)
Except for missing the ratatat show (yes (e:enknot) I blame you entirely and am not forgiving you anytime soon).
But the PMT party was fun, as always.
Then I spent most of saturday being lazy around the house... then at like 7 got a call saying I was lame for not being drunk yet. I hadn't been planning on going out that early, but, twist my arm... So I went to a little party at a guy from work's house- it was awesome! First of all, he's an awesome guy. And he has a sweet apartment, and he is just the ultimate host and had all this great food and drinks and stuff.
But then I made the ultimate mistake. People talked me into going to Soho. i said 'but i hate chippewa' and they said "no no, soho is different, it's not like chippewa'. So against my better judgment I left the party where I was having a good time, and I even abandoned my friends there, who were only there for me and didn't know anyone else (but they didn't want to go to soho and said they'd stay behind) and I went to soho- and god it sucked. I never want to go to chippewa again. Aside from the fact that all the little hookers there make me feel old and fat, it was just not fun. it was too crowded, the music sucked, and there was broken glass all over the place. And one guy kept asking to feel me up, and when I reminded him that his WIFE was at home, PREGNANT, he was annoyed that I had to bring that up. Sorry dude. I'm not going there.
So I had totally planned on meeting everyone out today for the parade. But then I slept til noon, and was hungover, and decided I'd stay in. And then again, since I have no willpower, I let myself get dragged out to a party, by the promise of "lots of cute single lawyers" [even though I kind of hate lawyers]. And sure enough, as soon as I walked in the door, I was introduced to a super cute guy who seemed nice and fun. But he left right after that. I'll have to see if I can work that at all. Then we went to Mother's, which was yummy. The downside was the gold-digging girls, which I guess is inevitable with a crowd like that, but is so not my scene.
But all in all, a very fun weekend- thanks to everyone! I so don't want to go back to work tomorrow!
I hope you all had a great time too. Sorry I didn't meet up with the estrip crowd for the parade. :( It was a case of social circles colliding. BUT thanks for the message from (I think) Terry. It was very funny and I will save it for a long time. :)
Sorry for the random post- I think I'm a little buzzed.
Later peeps. Have a good week!
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/18/2007 21:55 #38512
chippewa sucks03/06/2007 21:52 #38381
new computer woesOr: anyone have a copy of diskwarrior 4 that I can 'borrow'?
So I got my new computer on friday. That's right, like 4 days ago. It's so new I can't have even crapped it up yet. (more importantly, it's so new I haven't even backed it up yet). Haven't installed any 3rd party software. But, instead of doing a nice slow clean install, like I knew I should, I used the 'migration assistant'. Plugged old compy into new compy via firewire, said
"go", and went to bed. In the morning- voila. New compy just the way I like it. I know I know, those transfer things are never a good idea... but it was so easy! otherwise it would take me a week to get things the way i like them...
So, everything was working fine. Then today Mail started acting weird. totally freezes if i click on a message with an attachment (i.e. if I click yet another fucking online pharmacy spam message with embedded .jpg to delete it).
So, I did my good little mac troubleshooting stuff and repaired permissions. nothing big there. Then booted from the OS install CD and ran disk utility. Chose "repair startup disk".
Well alas and alack, my startup disk DOES have a problem ("invalid node structure"), but Disk Utility can NOT repair it.
No problem, i think, I have Disk Warrior! So I dig out disk warrior. Well I have 3.0, but need 4.0.
4.0 is available new, for download, for $100. Or for upgrade for $50. But upgrade is NOT available via download, and they ask for "three to six WEEKS" for delivery. So I can wait WEEKS, or I can shell out the extra $50 for a downloadable copy.
I thought it would take more than a week to totally corrupt a brand new HD. And like I said, I haven't even gotten backups going yet. I'm really not looking forward to having to reformat/reinstall ev-er-y-thing.
Guess it's back to old compy for now (which seems painfully slow compared to the new one...)
Damn migration assistant...
any of you computer whiz peeps have any thoughts?
P.s. for your viewing pleasure, here's one good thing that has come out of new compy. [I can't believe how entertaining photobooth is.]

So I got my new computer on friday. That's right, like 4 days ago. It's so new I can't have even crapped it up yet. (more importantly, it's so new I haven't even backed it up yet). Haven't installed any 3rd party software. But, instead of doing a nice slow clean install, like I knew I should, I used the 'migration assistant'. Plugged old compy into new compy via firewire, said
"go", and went to bed. In the morning- voila. New compy just the way I like it. I know I know, those transfer things are never a good idea... but it was so easy! otherwise it would take me a week to get things the way i like them...
So, everything was working fine. Then today Mail started acting weird. totally freezes if i click on a message with an attachment (i.e. if I click yet another fucking online pharmacy spam message with embedded .jpg to delete it).
So, I did my good little mac troubleshooting stuff and repaired permissions. nothing big there. Then booted from the OS install CD and ran disk utility. Chose "repair startup disk".
Well alas and alack, my startup disk DOES have a problem ("invalid node structure"), but Disk Utility can NOT repair it.
No problem, i think, I have Disk Warrior! So I dig out disk warrior. Well I have 3.0, but need 4.0.
4.0 is available new, for download, for $100. Or for upgrade for $50. But upgrade is NOT available via download, and they ask for "three to six WEEKS" for delivery. So I can wait WEEKS, or I can shell out the extra $50 for a downloadable copy.
I thought it would take more than a week to totally corrupt a brand new HD. And like I said, I haven't even gotten backups going yet. I'm really not looking forward to having to reformat/reinstall ev-er-y-thing.
Guess it's back to old compy for now (which seems painfully slow compared to the new one...)
Damn migration assistant...
any of you computer whiz peeps have any thoughts?
P.s. for your viewing pleasure, here's one good thing that has come out of new compy. [I can't believe how entertaining photobooth is.]

theecarey - 03/08/07 22:40
omg if I had photobooth, it would take me a few consecutive weeks to tear myself away from the computer. It cracks me up! I agree with imk- disturbing. But thats half the fun :)
omg if I had photobooth, it would take me a few consecutive weeks to tear myself away from the computer. It cracks me up! I agree with imk- disturbing. But thats half the fun :)
mike - 03/08/07 10:39
carolinian - 03/07/07 13:44
My technically unimpressive answer would be "take the new computer to the genius bar at the Walden-Galleria Apple store". The apple store guys have probably encountered enough migration problems that they can give you a quicker and more reliable answer than any of us estrip mac geeks.
You may also want to bring the old computer you're transferring stuff from, just in case they want to check that for problems.
Actually, come to think of it, do a full wipe and reinstall of the new machine to get it back to the condition you bought it in, repair the living hell out of your old machine (backing it up first, of course), and try the migration over again.
My technically unimpressive answer would be "take the new computer to the genius bar at the Walden-Galleria Apple store". The apple store guys have probably encountered enough migration problems that they can give you a quicker and more reliable answer than any of us estrip mac geeks.
You may also want to bring the old computer you're transferring stuff from, just in case they want to check that for problems.
Actually, come to think of it, do a full wipe and reinstall of the new machine to get it back to the condition you bought it in, repair the living hell out of your old machine (backing it up first, of course), and try the migration over again.
joshua - 03/07/07 11:43
imk2 - 03/07/07 08:26
god, that picture of you is disturbing.
god, that picture of you is disturbing.
03/04/2007 03:51 #38353
Alice: 12/10/95 - 3/4/07So my parents are out of town and my brother is home alone. He called me at 1am but I didn't answer b/c it was 1am and I figured he was just bored. But finally I decided to listen to the message, and he was in tears. My first thought was that my parents' plane crashed or something, but I figured he wouldn't have just left a message and given up if that was the case.
But my dog Alice died tonight. He let her out before bed, and when she didn't come back in he went looking for her, and found her dead by the side of the porch. No idea what happened. He said she was right under the edge- maybe she fell off and broke her neck? It's only like a foot high. But he said she was only out for 20 min or so- how do you just DIE? Too bad there are no doggie autopsies. So then he went and got her favorite bed and buried her in it, at 1am, all by himself, in the frozen ground.
It kind of hasn't hit me that she's really dead. I loved her. She was 11. She was (sort of) named after me. She was a surprise present for my Dad's 50th birthday. My mom threw a big surprise party, and I came home from school for the weekend, and so the surprise was 1: that I came walking into the party- 2: carrying the cutest little baby bulldog you've ever seen.
She's been getting old and sick over the last year or so... sort of limpy, and I think she was blind, and just slow all around. And I was always so mad at my parents b/c whenever I came home my mom was just complaining about her being in the way, etc. I took her to the vet and got her eyedrops and stuff and she seemed better.... but after I left they got lazy and stopped giving them, and I was so mad. And my mom kept making jokes about her dying, about this being her last christmas, about how when I say goodbye this time to go back to buffalo I should know it might be the last time i see her, and I know she was just kidding, but it would always piss me off.
And my brother said that as he drove my parents to the airport this morning, they were going over all these things "if there's a leak, call the plumber. If you get locked out call the neighbors" etc. And they said "and if Alice dies..." and all laughed.
haha, very funny.
I hope mom feels like a jerk now.
Poor baby.
I'll miss her.
And what is poor Gus going to do without his big sister?

But my dog Alice died tonight. He let her out before bed, and when she didn't come back in he went looking for her, and found her dead by the side of the porch. No idea what happened. He said she was right under the edge- maybe she fell off and broke her neck? It's only like a foot high. But he said she was only out for 20 min or so- how do you just DIE? Too bad there are no doggie autopsies. So then he went and got her favorite bed and buried her in it, at 1am, all by himself, in the frozen ground.
It kind of hasn't hit me that she's really dead. I loved her. She was 11. She was (sort of) named after me. She was a surprise present for my Dad's 50th birthday. My mom threw a big surprise party, and I came home from school for the weekend, and so the surprise was 1: that I came walking into the party- 2: carrying the cutest little baby bulldog you've ever seen.
She's been getting old and sick over the last year or so... sort of limpy, and I think she was blind, and just slow all around. And I was always so mad at my parents b/c whenever I came home my mom was just complaining about her being in the way, etc. I took her to the vet and got her eyedrops and stuff and she seemed better.... but after I left they got lazy and stopped giving them, and I was so mad. And my mom kept making jokes about her dying, about this being her last christmas, about how when I say goodbye this time to go back to buffalo I should know it might be the last time i see her, and I know she was just kidding, but it would always piss me off.
And my brother said that as he drove my parents to the airport this morning, they were going over all these things "if there's a leak, call the plumber. If you get locked out call the neighbors" etc. And they said "and if Alice dies..." and all laughed.
haha, very funny.
I hope mom feels like a jerk now.
Poor baby.
I'll miss her.
And what is poor Gus going to do without his big sister?

dragonlady7 - 03/07/07 21:28
oh no!!! your poor brother!! to be all alone and have something like that happen... :(
That's so sad. I'm sorry. At least whatever it was, it was quick.
oh no!!! your poor brother!! to be all alone and have something like that happen... :(
That's so sad. I'm sorry. At least whatever it was, it was quick.
chico - 03/07/07 17:06
I'm real sorry to hear about Alice's passing, jenks... hope you're hanging in there!
I'm real sorry to hear about Alice's passing, jenks... hope you're hanging in there!
jason - 03/05/07 14:09
My condolences!
My condolences!
mike - 03/04/07 13:37
that's soo sad. I'm so sorry. That must have been so hard for your brother!
that's soo sad. I'm so sorry. That must have been so hard for your brother!
lilho - 03/04/07 12:20
such cute pictures! sorry for your loss.
such cute pictures! sorry for your loss.
theecarey - 03/04/07 11:30
this is sad news :( ..
this is sad news :( ..
metalpeter - 03/04/07 11:17
That is sad. But I guess it is good that the dog seemed to die on its own as opposed to something painfull like being hit by a car. I know that it sounds very cruel that your mother would make jokes about the dog dying. But at work we do the same thing about this guy that works there who is old, but he does them about himself and those jokes are always in fun, not as put down or out of disrespect. I didn't hear the jokes so I don't know if they where disrespectfull or not. I hope they where in good fun, but it sounds like they are not. It is to bad your brother had to handle this all on his own.
That is sad. But I guess it is good that the dog seemed to die on its own as opposed to something painfull like being hit by a car. I know that it sounds very cruel that your mother would make jokes about the dog dying. But at work we do the same thing about this guy that works there who is old, but he does them about himself and those jokes are always in fun, not as put down or out of disrespect. I didn't hear the jokes so I don't know if they where disrespectfull or not. I hope they where in good fun, but it sounds like they are not. It is to bad your brother had to handle this all on his own.
kara - 03/04/07 11:15
Pets should live forever. I still get sad when I think about a dog I had who passed away over two years ago. So sorry, (e:jenks).
Pets should live forever. I still get sad when I think about a dog I had who passed away over two years ago. So sorry, (e:jenks).
leetee - 03/04/07 09:29
Damn. I am so sorry, (e:Jenks). The end, to me, is the most challenging part of having a pet. They don't live forever. And it's totally not fair. (((( (e:Jenks) )))
Damn. I am so sorry, (e:Jenks). The end, to me, is the most challenging part of having a pet. They don't live forever. And it's totally not fair. (((( (e:Jenks) )))
mrmike - 03/04/07 09:07
She was a beauty. I'm so sorry
She was a beauty. I'm so sorry
imk2 - 03/04/07 08:28
OMG! that is soooo sad. you just made me cry! i'm so sorry, jenks. :(
OMG! that is soooo sad. you just made me cry! i'm so sorry, jenks. :(
02/28/2007 18:32 #38310
So I still talk to my ex (the one that was making me miserable when I first joined the site). We chat, and have coffee once in a while, etc- but totally platonic and harmless and fine. And after a while we were ok enough that he could tell me about his new girlfriend- and that he moved in with her. (damn... I could barely get him to spend the night... this chick must be something special. But I digress.) Anyway, point is it sounds like he's in a pretty serious relationship.
A few weeks ago I got a random message from him, and I was confused and responded, and he said he meant to send it to someone else.
So then this morning I got a random "how are you" msg... wondered if it was for the wrong person. He said he dreamt about me, I said funny, I thought of you the other day too. (I did- I drove down his new street and wondered which house was his.) Then somehow it got flirty, and all of the sudden he saying things like "I always wanted to do xyz with you, we should have done that" and "remember abc- that was hot" etc. It almost started to seem like he wanted to hook up... so I asked about the GF and they're still going strong.
Though I must say, as wrong as it is to talk dirty with my ex... It did manage to make my afternoon a little less boring. ;)
Now if only there was a real live person in the picture to pick up where things left off. Sigh...
So I still talk to my ex (the one that was making me miserable when I first joined the site). We chat, and have coffee once in a while, etc- but totally platonic and harmless and fine. And after a while we were ok enough that he could tell me about his new girlfriend- and that he moved in with her. (damn... I could barely get him to spend the night... this chick must be something special. But I digress.) Anyway, point is it sounds like he's in a pretty serious relationship.
A few weeks ago I got a random message from him, and I was confused and responded, and he said he meant to send it to someone else.
So then this morning I got a random "how are you" msg... wondered if it was for the wrong person. He said he dreamt about me, I said funny, I thought of you the other day too. (I did- I drove down his new street and wondered which house was his.) Then somehow it got flirty, and all of the sudden he saying things like "I always wanted to do xyz with you, we should have done that" and "remember abc- that was hot" etc. It almost started to seem like he wanted to hook up... so I asked about the GF and they're still going strong.
Though I must say, as wrong as it is to talk dirty with my ex... It did manage to make my afternoon a little less boring. ;)
Now if only there was a real live person in the picture to pick up where things left off. Sigh...
joshua - 03/01/07 15:30
That stuff is guy speak for "I'm a fucking DOG!"
While I advocate getting what you can, I wouldn't get in the middle of that tornado.
That stuff is guy speak for "I'm a fucking DOG!"
While I advocate getting what you can, I wouldn't get in the middle of that tornado.
jason - 03/01/07 08:25
Wow, has a girlfriend and talks dirty to other chicks. Sounds like you got out of a dodgy situation!
Wow, has a girlfriend and talks dirty to other chicks. Sounds like you got out of a dodgy situation!
ingrid - 02/28/07 20:11
He's a jerk. Do you still like him? Maybe he knows that you might still like him and he's testing the waters to see if you'd still hook up with him. I wonder if he wants to cheat on his gf with you. Grr.
He's a jerk. Do you still like him? Maybe he knows that you might still like him and he's testing the waters to see if you'd still hook up with him. I wonder if he wants to cheat on his gf with you. Grr.
lilho - 02/28/07 19:15
what a creep.
what a creep.
metalpeter - 02/28/07 19:06
Yeah it sounds a little odd. A have a few theories. 1. Both he and you are remembering only the good stuff. That happens a lot. People forget about the stuff that broke them up. 2. There is stuff that he never tried with you that although the relationship is great she won't do. 3. My third theory is that he is trying to feal you out cause maybe he or the GF wants to try a 3 way and think that you are a good idea. I could be completely wrong about all this but just a few ideas. I hope I'm not the only one who chimes in on this. Oh just thought of a 4th one, you both know that it is just fun to flirt with eachother and nothing will happen.
Yeah it sounds a little odd. A have a few theories. 1. Both he and you are remembering only the good stuff. That happens a lot. People forget about the stuff that broke them up. 2. There is stuff that he never tried with you that although the relationship is great she won't do. 3. My third theory is that he is trying to feal you out cause maybe he or the GF wants to try a 3 way and think that you are a good idea. I could be completely wrong about all this but just a few ideas. I hope I'm not the only one who chimes in on this. Oh just thought of a 4th one, you both know that it is just fun to flirt with eachother and nothing will happen.
02/24/2007 12:50 #38265
My fish are... MIA?So I have this weekend off. Fanfare please. Whenever I have a weekend off, I am so afraid of 'wasting' it that I feel like I need to have plans every second. But, last night I ended up with no plans, so I watched tv and fell asleep on the couch. Which I must admit, is one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. So since I did not stay out all night misbehaving, I woke up nice and early this morning, and figured maybe for the first time in my life I'd be productive on a saturday. I always have a bunch of little things to do on the weekend (clean my apt, do laundry, groceries, etc.) But I always leave them for sunday. Then sunday I waste the whole day, and then it gets late, and so I never do them. So I decided this week I'd be good and get them done before sunday.
So I went to clean my fish tank. By "clean" i mean change about 1/4 of the water. I try to do this every week, but I skipped last week. So I get my stuff together and I go to the tank... I can only see one of my pink fish. Granted, I don't do a fish tank roll call every morning, so I have no idea when the last time I saw him was. So I look all over... he's not floating on the top. He's not a skeleton on the bottom. And he's not hiding in the plants as far as I can tell. So I start looking for all the others. After a little hunting, I found the frog. He's a good hider, but I found him. And I have this big algae eater guy. Not the sucker kind, but one that reminds me of a little shark. he's pretty big, maybe 3.5" long. Biggest fish in the tank, for sure. Also a very good hider. I can NEVER find him, and then all of the sudden he'll swim out of nowhere. All the others were there. (your orange guys are doing well, Lib, btw.)
So I siphoned out some of the water. Took out the filter. Took out all the plants and decorations to rinse them off. And then looked again- the two fish are still missing!
Where did they go?? I think if they'd died I'd find their little bodies SOMEwhere. If not floating, then half-eaten on the bottom. But they're just totally gone. What happened? Did the other ones eat them? Very weird.
Oh- I lied. I did do one good thing last night. I answered my home phone, which I never do unless I recognize the caller ID. This one said anonymous, but I picked up anyway, prepared to say "take me off your call list." Well, good thing I answered, b/c it was actually an invitation to interview in detroit next week. Yay.
Now just to get ready for an interview... I guess I need to go buy a stupid suit.
But a question for the frequent-flyer peeps: any recs on how to get to Detroit? Southwest goes to Buffalo, and to Detroit, but somehow does not go from Buffalo TO Detroit. Orbitz brought up a few 3-connection >$500 flights. I can't believe it's really that difficult. Might have to bite the bullet and drive. Hate to spend 10hr of a 24hr trip in the car, but if I have to, I will.
Enjoy your weekend, peeps!
So I went to clean my fish tank. By "clean" i mean change about 1/4 of the water. I try to do this every week, but I skipped last week. So I get my stuff together and I go to the tank... I can only see one of my pink fish. Granted, I don't do a fish tank roll call every morning, so I have no idea when the last time I saw him was. So I look all over... he's not floating on the top. He's not a skeleton on the bottom. And he's not hiding in the plants as far as I can tell. So I start looking for all the others. After a little hunting, I found the frog. He's a good hider, but I found him. And I have this big algae eater guy. Not the sucker kind, but one that reminds me of a little shark. he's pretty big, maybe 3.5" long. Biggest fish in the tank, for sure. Also a very good hider. I can NEVER find him, and then all of the sudden he'll swim out of nowhere. All the others were there. (your orange guys are doing well, Lib, btw.)
So I siphoned out some of the water. Took out the filter. Took out all the plants and decorations to rinse them off. And then looked again- the two fish are still missing!
Where did they go?? I think if they'd died I'd find their little bodies SOMEwhere. If not floating, then half-eaten on the bottom. But they're just totally gone. What happened? Did the other ones eat them? Very weird.
Oh- I lied. I did do one good thing last night. I answered my home phone, which I never do unless I recognize the caller ID. This one said anonymous, but I picked up anyway, prepared to say "take me off your call list." Well, good thing I answered, b/c it was actually an invitation to interview in detroit next week. Yay.
Now just to get ready for an interview... I guess I need to go buy a stupid suit.
But a question for the frequent-flyer peeps: any recs on how to get to Detroit? Southwest goes to Buffalo, and to Detroit, but somehow does not go from Buffalo TO Detroit. Orbitz brought up a few 3-connection >$500 flights. I can't believe it's really that difficult. Might have to bite the bullet and drive. Hate to spend 10hr of a 24hr trip in the car, but if I have to, I will.
Enjoy your weekend, peeps!
mrmike - 02/24/07 14:12
Probably cheaper in the long run to drive. You need to get around once you get there and bringing your own transport could come in handy. Nothing like a rolling closet to ease the travelin comfort and you don't have to tip the baggage handlers ;)
Probably cheaper in the long run to drive. You need to get around once you get there and bringing your own transport could come in handy. Nothing like a rolling closet to ease the travelin comfort and you don't have to tip the baggage handlers ;)
metalpeter - 02/24/07 13:48
Not that I drive but you should drive instead of flying. If you fly you have to drive to the airport and park and get there early. Assuming you arn't delayed on the runway fly there then once their either get a cab or rent a car or figure out how to get to where you are going in detroit. Then when it is time to leave do that basicly all over again. Based on what (e:vincent) said it might be quicker to drive there. I think it would be a lot less of a hassle just to drive. If you have time you might want to see if there is anything you want to do in detroit after the interview. I have heard that Winsor (canada) has a casino to go to.
Not that I drive but you should drive instead of flying. If you fly you have to drive to the airport and park and get there early. Assuming you arn't delayed on the runway fly there then once their either get a cab or rent a car or figure out how to get to where you are going in detroit. Then when it is time to leave do that basicly all over again. Based on what (e:vincent) said it might be quicker to drive there. I think it would be a lot less of a hassle just to drive. If you have time you might want to see if there is anything you want to do in detroit after the interview. I have heard that Winsor (canada) has a casino to go to.
vincent - 02/24/07 13:37
Detroit is only 4 hours away and is not that bad of a drive. IMHO I'd rather drive to Detroit than deal with the hassels at an Airport. Actually I did go there one weekend a couple of years ago on a whim with my Ex-Girlfriend. I just felt like gambling at the 3 downtown casinos and took a side trip to Frankenmuth.
The Highways in Canada are pretty descent, it's when you are driving on the Interstates in Michigan you may have some rough road.
Detroit is only 4 hours away and is not that bad of a drive. IMHO I'd rather drive to Detroit than deal with the hassels at an Airport. Actually I did go there one weekend a couple of years ago on a whim with my Ex-Girlfriend. I just felt like gambling at the 3 downtown casinos and took a side trip to Frankenmuth.
The Highways in Canada are pretty descent, it's when you are driving on the Interstates in Michigan you may have some rough road.
I can have a descent time @ 67 West, Barrel House or Brinks(when it's not crowded) but for the most part yea. I don't get why SoHo is popular, it's a bar that plays dance music that doesn't really have a dancefloor, but the patio is OK...
With "that married guy" I see it everyday with married guys that have budding families, itting on everything in sight. I just thought it was the degenerates that I work with/deal with.