02/08/04 12:45 - ID#36313
i am feeling very manic this morning
talked to my bro (the only one of 6 i'm close to, somehow i've really fucked up as a sister, or perhaps the problem is having brothers) about money, capitalism, bitterness, the ridiculousness of going to mars, etc. he is so bright i am a bit scared for him. he has a boatload of talent. he writes *really good* lyrics, poems, draws these amazing and fucked up pictures, and picked up bass like a paperclip on the floor. but, and i told him this, at 16 he has the fine tang of bitterness of a 70 year old who worked in a factory for 50 and got a pocketwatch for his retirement. he's bright in a way that could burn out really quick, because hatred and bitterness and resentment about the way the world works only gets you so far. it's strange for me, having thought and felt some of the same ways as he does, but now looking back and seeing what "work" "responsibility" "maturity" the "real world" have done to all those ideas/ideals. makes me feel like a sellout, stripped of some former youthful idealistic passion. but for things, for life, sad but true, the do re mi is necessary. he hasn't gotten a job yet, and knows he already hates it. but i am glad he's not asleep in some hilfiger haze, hanging out at the mall (yeahsaralet'sburnitbytheway) and saying 'sup all the time. HE THINKS, BY JOB! HIS HEART BLEEDS, GODDAMNIT!
secondhand heels cause falls on ice
a program might catch you
stretching gently and harmlesslike
you the star in the grid
of some one sky or another
not today.
you think: i fucking need new boots
like i said, manic. is this your homework larry. larry is this your fucking homework. is this your fucking HOMEwork larry.

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Words: 328
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/07/04 07:51 - ID#36312
object inspired rage

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Words: 47
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/07/04 07:37 - ID#36311
never in a million years...supposedly
also, to help out a friend i submitted to a demo of a vacuum drunk on its own power, and was abhorred to the point of near vomit at the shit this thing pulled up from my carpet/couch/ceiling/mattress. now i don't like a scummy ass house or anything, but neither am i a freak about the things i can't see. but this thing made me all afraid of the shit i *might be* breathing in, and all the dust mites and dust motes, eating and shitting and breeding everywhere, all over everything in the house. cost of the vaccum? oh, just $1500. (hmm, travel just about *anywhere,* or buy this vacuum? haha) paranoia will cost you, i guess.
there are other little examples, but why count when i just know it ain't right. i don't think it's me, i definitely suspect the world and all its bling flash whirr is up to its dirty tricks all the time, but of course what does that sound like?

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Words: 248
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/02/04 02:26 - ID#36310
this is a good theatre
Coming Up Next:
the Black leader they're hoping you'll forget . .
by Phillip Hayes Dean
PAUL ROBESON SPEAKS OUT! is a two-hour, two-act, one-man biographical play by Phillip Hayes Dean presented in collaboration with the Buffalo Ensemble Theatre.
Our production stars veteran actor/director Willie W. Judson, Jr. in the title role with musical accompaniment by Louis Irving under the direction of Kurt Schneiderman.
All shows are held at the New Phoenix Theatre on the Park at 95 North Johnson Park just two blocks from the corner of Elmwood & Chippewa.
Opening night is Thursday,
February 5th at 8pm. This is our only Thursday performance. After that, shows are Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 6pm for three weekends through February 22nd.
How Much?
We're talking about art not fast food. Like all Subversive Theatre productions, PAUL ROBESON SPEAKS OUT! is free and open to anyone who is open-minded enough to come and see it.
But our lofty ideals don't pay the bills. Therefore, we will gratefully accept donations immediately following each performance.
Hear Ye ! Hear Ye !
For our production of the inspiring one-man play PAUL ROBESON SPEAKS OUT! we are very exited to feature veteran actor/director Willie W. Judson, Jr. in the title role as the incomparable Black actor, singer, orator, and activist. Not the first time following in Robeson's footsteps, Judson starred in the Irish Classical Theatre's 2000 rendition of EMPEROR JONES in the role immortalized by Robeson in 1925.
PAUL ROBESON SPEAKS OUT! is directed by Subversive Theatre's Founder & Artistic Director Kurt Schneiderman.
This deeply passionate two act biographical drama re-kindles Robeson's fighting spirit from his early days as the third Black man ever admitted to Rutger's University in 1915 right on through to his defiant stand against McCarthyism in the 1950s.
About the Play
Written under the title of simply PAUL ROBESON, this piece has twice been performed on Broadway. First by James Earl Jones in 1979 and then again by Avery Brooks (that's right, the Commander from Deep Space Nine) in 1995.
Called a "wonderfully moving play" by the New York Post, PAUL ROBESON SPEAKS OUT! has been seen in almost every city in America (including neighboring Rochester in 1997 and Cleveland in 2001), except our own home town.
We are very proud to present the Buffalo premiere of this empowering historical filibuster.
Who was Paul Robeson ?
Famous for his performances in SHOWBOAT and EMPEROR JONES, the first Black man to ever portray Othello on an American stage, notorious for his tours of the Soviet Union, outspoken in his support for leftist forces in the Spanish Civil War, a leader in the fight for civil rights, union right, and anti-lynching legislation, a lawyer, a film star, an All-American college football athlete, a world-renown singer -- there's little Paul Robeson did not do.
A household name throughout the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, his opposition to the Korean War, his close ties with the Soviet Union, and his involvement with international peace efforts all contirbuted to his eventual investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1956 and his virtual deletion from American history.
Thankfully, this play helps revive Robeson's fighting spirit. We hope you'll join us in keeping the legacy of this great Black activist alive!
Harrassment Sucks

Permalink: this_is_a_good_theatre.html
Words: 547
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/01/04 11:57 - ID#36309
may i have another? or, dream 2
maybe i need to do more drugs to live the life i (think i) want. but maybe that's the easy way, and i have been taking that way for a very long time.

Permalink: may_i_have_another_or_dream_2.html
Words: 268
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/31/04 03:00 - ID#36308
romantic and crazed

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Words: 50
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/25/04 06:20 - ID#36307
SH!! the president's talking
well, it turns out i have to give a speech too. i go up on stage and don't say anything for many many seconds. this is because i'm trying to demonstrate the beauty and eloquence of silence. except the crowd starts heckling me horribly and laughing. so i start talking, saying that in our culture, silence is a thing to be cursed and hated and run from, that we never get a moment's peace, that inside each of us is a truth (and right when i said that, the entire first row, who were all in the army, chanted some marching song REALLY LOUD, and the theatre erupted in hoots and laughter) and someone came up on stage and told me to exit. obviously this dream is very unpleasant as it seems to mock the futility of trying to deal with the world calmly and sanely, and also because somewhere deep in my subconscious i think gwb ought to be listened to? yikes.

Permalink: SH_the_president_s_talking.html
Words: 223
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/24/04 05:56 - ID#36306
fahve hunnert dollers?!?
then i could become the kind of man i truly would like to be: dirty. i'd grow a scraggly beard, work on the perfect mullet, get very fat on whoppers, and drink a pallet's worth of piel's, OV, or golden anniversary a week. i'd have an unlimited supply of bawdy jokes and tales, and i'd tell em all to ya if ya came roun m'trailer ever so often. i'd like to be this kind of man mostly for that crazed fervor so unique to them and them only. plus i'd really like to growl, hoot, holler, poorly enunciate, live in a trailer, drink, eat, and smoke too much, go in to town for some pussy, have a lot of junk in my yard, shoot off m'shotgun at parties just for the hell of it, and scratch myself a lot for a while. then i'd go back to being a woman.

Permalink: fahve_hunnert_dollers_.html
Words: 173
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/13/04 08:11 - ID#36305
actually, i have been giving SO much thought to this subject as anything that might resemble a career in my life has fled rapidly after a quick shave smoke n shit. teaching now seems like a good idea, but i fence sit for a number of dismal reasons. one, i am somewhat haunted by a stupid quote i heard once, "those who can, do. those who can't, teach." meaning if your degree is in say, archaeology, and you "end up" teaching, you somehow can't "make it" as a "real" archaeologist. now this is, as mentioned, stupid as it knocks teaching as somehow a lesser profession, which is ridiculous. but i do understand what this stupid quote implies, especially for lazy people like me, is that if you can't, for whatever reason fulfill various creative endeavors, teaching will definitely pay those bills. it's a backup. in the meantime, keep trying, you'll get it someday. two, is somewhere along the way, i acquired a pretty bad habit of scathing self-doubt. speaking in front of a classroom=projecting confidence. and sigh-the-world-sucks-and-so-do-i-and-so-do-you isn't the best replacement strategy. three, high school english is most likely what i'd like to be teaching, and teenagers, for the most part, are jagoffs. not ALL of them, but a goodly sum. i once subbed a class where two groups of four or five decided they were going to have a fight with open bottles of black tempura paint, and time it just right before the bell rang, so they could all take off while i flipped out. subbing isn't the same thing, but yikes. you know?
fight club being so highly esteemed, i wonder what i would say i wanted to be if there was a gun to my head. and if only the fear of death would get me to do it.
well, to make this long story short, here are some good things i could teach anyone to do if they wanted to learn by a somewhat botarded teacher: switch tags at amvets. look for portents. get at least one tax credit. pee just about anywhere, for ladies. you know how to reach me,,,,..... ha ha...

Permalink: si_chicharrones.html
Words: 451
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/08/04 10:32 - ID#36304
123 EAT!!!
buffet night is from 5-8. maybe at 7:30 or so they can slow down stop making pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza. maybe at 7:15 or so, a few couples will walk in, some on purpose for the buffet, some on accident with a surprised delight. "oh, there's a buffet! well, allright!" but at 5:00 there's a queue of families waiting for the first pies to hit the hot line. 5:00 on the button, three hours to go. feeding frenzy for family, fat family fun, food food food!!! the pies come out at about 5:06. late. bad workers, bad. MAHMEEE I DON'T LIKE SALAD tension in those minutes, kids struggling with layers, coats boots hats gloves scarves sweaters all over the floor, musical chairs, the boxed in (trough?) kid has to pee all the time, relentless movement, lines and lineups and grabbing plates more foooooooooood and pepsi bottomless pepsi all around. shhhhhhh--- the pizza's coming out. go on, don't be shy, let the festivities begin. chemically enhanced sauce on tables chairs kiddy shirts mouths mouths mouths everywhere stuffing it and stuffing it and stuffing it again. line up sit down eat eat eat. line up sit down eat eat eat. the chatter and clatter of platters gets madder and madder, pudge of the patriarch, marmalade matriarch, roly, poly, insatiable, and max run yes run up to the hot plates. they can barely wait. get another pepsi, junior, so you won't get thirsty in the car.
buffet night saves the pizza hut. fat family, full, leave so happy, since they got it all at such a good price.

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Words: 335
Location: Buffalo, NY
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