Category: school
03/08/07 10:45 - 19ºF - ID#38394
a student again

Permalink: a_student_again.html
Words: 60
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: grinchliness
12/22/06 09:50 - 49ºF - ID#35779
Bah Humbug
There, it's out in the open. Ya'll can hate on me and stuff. There's just too many reasons, but here's a few:
I am not a Christian (not that Christ seems to play too big a role nowadays anyways)
I hate shopping
I hate feeling pressured into shopping even worse
I like eating, but couldn't we move the big eating holidays a little bit farther apart in the year to give the gut a rest?
Really, I wish I could be put on a list so that no one would get me anything and I wouldn't have to give anything to anyone else. I feel like birthday shopping once a year should be enough. Then you can focus your energies on a specific gift and not have 20 at the same time. Why is Christmas so much about the stupid gifts anyways? Am I just heartless and selfish? I especially feel that way after reading (e:jacob) 's last post

The thing I do like is the friends/family aspect. I like the getting together and the seeing relatives you don't often see (though I guess I don't tend to see my "real" relatives on any holidays). I also like the smell of a Christmas tree, though ours doesn't seem to smell very much at all, despite the allergies it gives (e:matthew) (which I find pleasantly ironic).
So Ba-Humbug to all and to all a grinchly night!

Permalink: Bah_Humbug.html
Words: 307
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: pilgrimage
12/19/06 10:14 - 35ºF - ID#35778
Baby jesus roadtrip

Someone stole a frontyard baby jesus and took him on a roadtrip. They left a note at the scene of the crim saying he would be back in 3 days but didn't return until 8 months later. With him was a photo album detailing his travels all over NY. I wish I had done that, so creative and cool. Though maybe a little heart-wrenching for the original owners. But can you really "own" baby jesus, and doesn't baby jesus need to get out and se the world from time to time?
And on the topic...
At tony's B-day someone added an item to our grocery list fridge-magnet. It started with 4' nipple (which was actually a small piece of pipe we needed to get replaced and went through a couple other items before getting to "baby jesus buttplug". Well, (e:brit) did some web-snooping, and lo and behold:

Crazy crajy world we live in.

Permalink: Baby_jesus_roadtrip.html
Words: 169
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: kickin tunes
11/22/06 10:49 - ID#35777
saw a movie today

So of course I won't make any excuses about hearing from cirtics that it was a pretty good flick-sex notwithstanding, or maybe, well i like Hedwig so..
no I don't need excuses...
I like pics with sex...there it is. In fact, I won't really even bothering clicking on most films on Netflix that aren't rated R. An anime once in a while, a 'special' film from childhood, maybe can pass without the R. I'm an adult I need a little T&A (or C&B or whatev).
So there was in fact a lot of sex. And the film had some things to say about sex. But, it was really a good movie. It was not a good porn. You'd really have trouble getting off even if you tried. Which, considering in my case since the theaer was filled with us and geriatrics, wasn't very plausible anyways. Students, unemployed, and the old...we've got freetime... It was way more about emotions and relationships and even more broadly about community and acceptance. It was for me the perfectly tailored "chick-flick", though I confess not many have the same empathy for gay trios that I do. A chick flick with dick, where can you go wrong? *There's twat too and f on f action (for you staunchly straight mens)*
So gay or straight, fem or man, dem or rep, good or evil, I think ya'll should see it. You just might adopt a new position or two...and i mean that in a purely political sense.
God and you know what?!?
this journal was sposed to be about my newly favoritest band:
Tegan and Sara

I may just be a lesbian yet.
I want a kid...but I want it to be from my belly...any suggestions?
This band is cool despite the last two sentences.
So Jealous is the album to get.

They make me happy-ish
see, the -ish, makes it a little less corny and a tad more meaningful

Permalink: saw_a_movie_today.html
Words: 362
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: : - (
10/24/06 12:10 - 36ºF - ID#35776

Permalink: Waaahhhh.html
Words: 16
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: housing
10/16/06 02:58 - 57ºF - ID#35775
oh what a view
I am on my lunch break, finishing the last of my veg-soup accompanied by a turkey samich. I am watching way too much Megan Mullaley. I didn't even like Will & Grace, so I'm not sure how it happened. She's just in this slot where I happen to be near the TV.
We have cleared all fallen trees, and I am crossing my fingers that the garbage men or someone will take the big pile of them from my front lawn. All I need is another couple tons of garbage...
K, peeps, back to that wonderful view.

Permalink: oh_what_a_view.html
Words: 184
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: southernyankee fun
10/09/06 01:10 - 67ºF - ID#35774
Chammy-days are here!
sidenote: Fugazi's is a weird place. They close at random times every night. We tried going Thursday at around 1-1:30 and were told they were closed (though there were definitely still people inside). So we tries back on Friday at about the same time, got one round and then were told it was closing though there were still a good 10-12 people there. This seems to me a poor business decision, if all the other bars are open till 4, you better just wait it the fuck out.
Saturday was also a night of debauchery with (e:holly), (e:lilho), (e:theecarey), (e:mike), (e:paul), and (e:myself). It ended up at Roxy's with more than a little temptation for those poor lesbians. Ass-grabbing and tit-fondling were mere precursors to the main event, of which I am sure I've forgotten ;). I believe (e:lilho)'s last journal may refer to this

Sunday we got all civilized and stuff and took a tour of Niagara on the Lake, which (e:paul) has already detailed

And on the fourth night they rested. And boy did we need it. Little Britain is an awesome series for anybody who likes to laugh, mostly at other people's expense.
Today begins my second week of layoffedness. Maybe I'll actually get something done...there is, afterall, only about a month remaining before the WoW expansion pack comes out ;).

Permalink: Chammy_days_are_here_.html
Words: 398
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: no workie for me
09/29/06 10:09 - 47ºF - ID#35773
Time on my hands
with the waking up
and the driving to Cheektovegas
and the listening to short white-haired people
and pretending to give a damn about those fucking people
of not making food for my homies
and of not keeping a tidy house
and of not having a couple of lvl 60s ready for the expansion pack release next month
in other words...
i'm laid off

Permalink: Time_on_my_hands.html
Words: 66
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: help me please
09/15/06 11:38 - 63ºF - ID#35772
It could involve compensation as well...

Permalink: Truck_.html
Words: 97
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: revenge
09/12/06 10:06 - 58ºF - ID#35771
Just ridiculous
People are so stupid and petty. Like news of people killing and/or mutilating stingrays is ever gonna get around in the stingray community.
stingray1: oh we never should have killed that Irwin-dude
stingray2: yeah, sucks bigtime, now those humans all killing us all over
stingray1: why didn't George (stingray who killed Irwin) just go against all his natural instincts and not sting a big scary thing coming up on him suddenly
stingray2: yeah, it sucks bigtime, let's make a pact to never kill another human...
Good work defenders of humnaity. Now we'll never have that 4th death in recorded history from a stingray. We are saved.

Permalink: Just_ridiculous.html
Words: 115
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Good job
YOu know my Mawmaw got married when she was 17. Her Husband told her that she could stay in school but she ended up barefoot and pregnant for years. When Mawmaw was 40 her hubbie died so she got her GED and went to nursing school. Then she was a nurse the rest of her life.
...I'll tell you her working in a panty factory story later.
Congrats on the grade, Terry... doesn't surprise me a bit. You're a smartie pants!