05/29/06 08:39 - 80ºF - ID#25754
God Bless America and Wal-Mart

My question is if I hate Walmart, does that mean I hate America?
God Bless America, God Bless Wal-Mart.

Permalink: God_Bless_America_and_Wal_Mart.html
Words: 65
05/29/06 08:05 - 67ºF - ID#25753
Jimmy Hoffa and Joel Giambra

Permalink: Jimmy_Hoffa_and_Joel_Giambra.html
Words: 210
05/25/06 12:29 - 64ºF - ID#25752
News Flash
Just a heads up to pay attention to the News today. I'm off to sunny FL, will return on Tuesday.
Here is a photo I shot last summer of the HH Richardson Complex.

Permalink: News_Flash.html
Words: 78
05/24/06 06:45 - 62ºF - ID#25751
What's cookin good lookin?

It smells good. I'm a little nervous because he keeps screaming in the kitchen and I can't hear what he is saying cause I have the music too loud.

Permalink: What_s_cookin_good_lookin_.html
Words: 36
05/24/06 04:16 - 66ºF - ID#25750
Not guilty!

Today I got another ticket. It was so shitty. My friend that is moving to Phoenix gave me some things, so I parked my car in front of my house on Elmwood to run the things inside. All I did was bring the items in and go right back down to take my car to get it inspected, so I wouldn't get any more parking tickets! Of course there was a parking ticket on my car after coming back down the stairs! I was so upset, I was practically in tears. I could see the ticket Nazi ahead of me at the next corner. If he were just a little bit closer I probably would have been arrested for assault.

Anyways, after I learned that i need $200 in repairs to get my car an inspection sticker to avoid more tickets, I decided to fight both of them at city hall. Let me tell you it wasn't easy, but I was found not guilty on both charges! I won! My defense was that they don't give as many tickets on the East Side because they are too scarred of getting shot. I think he agreed with me. He was going to give me just one ticket, but I was relentless and wouldn't give in. My efforts paid off. He seemed to think that I chose to live on Elmwood because its the "cool thing to do." I was like look I'm poor, I'm a student and its not fair I have to pay for the cities problems. I live on Elmwood because I happen to have an affordable apartment, not because its cool to live on Elmwood. I'll have to admit its nice, but it comes at its price. Anyways, things are looking a little bit brighter now. I was just around the corner from having a complete emotional breakdown.

Permalink: Not_guilty_.html
Words: 333
05/23/06 10:43 - 51ºF - ID#25749
A day in the countryside

My next great find cost three dollars. It is a tapestry of JFK. It really is beautiful, the blue is so rich and it is made out of this velvety material. I wish I could drape myself with it!

What a great day! I'm sad that my friend is leaving for the summer. Another friend of mine is leaving for good to live in Phoenix. Good bye friends. I'll miss you.

Permalink: A_day_in_the_countryside.html
Words: 260
05/21/06 03:13 - 48ºF - ID#25748
Downtown Violence
- Bitch Slapper* The girl that was hit by the guy may or may not have been a bitch, but I coined the term anyways. I know its not politically correct, but I like it.

Permalink: Downtown_Violence.html
Words: 272
05/20/06 09:46 - 53ºF - ID#25747
Toxic Tourism

This was a true toxic bus tour taken here in Western New York. I wonder how long they were on the tour for at this point? They look kind of pasty and ill, but maybe they were indoors all winter.
To the left you will see one of the many brown fields plaguing the area. Notice the ooze leaking from that barrel over there

I'm almost ready for my own tour. Right now i'm in the process of listing toxic sites and mapping them out. After visiting Lewiston's nuclear waste repository/chemical waste treatment facility and feeling quite ill in the process, I don't believe its safe to visit these areas even for just a minute. Still I go....
For more pics of the Western New York Toxic Tour go to

Permalink: Toxic_Tourism.html
Words: 151
05/19/06 01:20 - 56ºF - ID#25746
The Danza Slap

Last night (e:mike) mentioned the Danza Slap...I can't remember why. Maybe it was a threat or something?
Of course I wanted to see a pic of the Danza Slap, but a google search left me empty handed. I did find his classic nude but nothing else. Then I read that he went under the name Tony Nadz, but again, no luck. Here is a link to some celebrity nudes including Tony. My fav I think is Luke Perry. Does anyone know which of these pics are fakes? Can Dillon really be so huge? If you are over 18, please go to the link. If not, pretend you are, and just go in anyways.

The next link gives definitions of the Danza Slap.

- DISCLAIMER* Libertad does not condone minors viewing Tony Danza or Luke Perry naked.
If anyone has seen footage of a Danza Slap....send me the link!
"The cock isn't a muscle so it doesn't grow in relation to the shoulders, say, or the pectorals. You can't make it bigger through exercise, that's for sure."

Hmmm, I wonder?

Is this for real? Has he appeared in porn?

Who's the Boss?

I'm pretty sure I have fantasized about this man when I was younger

Yes (e:jason), this is not appealing.

Permalink: The_Danza_Slap.html
Words: 250
05/19/06 11:35 - 54ºF - ID#25745
Adopt a Pig
On a side note, I wish that people would spend more time considering pets before they get them. Like dogs and cats, small animals are often neglected. Once the initial "oh your so cute" wears off they get sick of the constant care they require and get dumped at the local shelter. That is if they are lucky....others just "release" them into an environment they can't live in. I heard one story where this girl didn't want her guinea pig anymore and threw the cage with the pig in it into the trash. Disgusting!

Permalink: Adopt_a_Pig.html
Words: 149
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I understand you and Libertad are seperate people, I just assumed each of you would walk away with your respective parts.
Getting back to my original question, "if you hate large globalized department stores shouldn't you also hate other large and diversified brands like LG, General Mills, The Limited, Sony, Boeing, Prentice Hall Pub. and Darden Restaurants??? Or did Sam Walton step on your toes or something??"
This is what I wanted to know. AM I comparing apples to oranges, maybe but that's irrelevant and not what I'm getting at. I offered a broad range of businesses to see where Libertad stood on them hoping to understand where his hate comes from.
Sony and LG have brick and mortar retail stores all over the globe not-to-mention full service internet stores available 24/7. The Limited brand can be found in 5 different retail flavors in the malls of America and beyond. Darden restaurants owns many of America's favorite corporate restaurants (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Smokey Bones and Bahama Breeze).
So to answer your question, I wanted to know if Libertad hated big business and the cookie cutter concept in general or was it just Walmart.
just to be absolutely clear, libertad and I are two different people. And I am not the one that has said that he hates Walmart.
As to my feelings on LG and Sony, perhaps that subject deserves a journal entry of its own.
But I do have a question for you, why are you comparing a retailer with manufacturers? As far as I know, neither LG nor Sony have thousands of big box stores located across the U.S. Though I must admit that I have see a small Sony electronics boutique store or two over the years.
So aren't you really comparing apples to oranges? A way better question to ask those who dislike Walmart is "Is Target or Kmart any better? than Walmart?"
But that is just me, as always I could be wrong.
Yes I knew LG was a S Korean Brand and Sony in a Japanese brand with diversification in electronics, movies, television and music. So you should hate them too, right???
I like watching No Reservations and a Cook's Tour and have read 3 or 4 books from Anthony Bourdain. Actually I have all the episodes DVR'd and after I read the books I give them away as rewards to young, dedicated, hard working cooks for inspiration. Anthony definately praises the Mexican workforce. They do not demand high wages that the Americans do and they are not working to achieve high recognition or rank. Compared to kids coming out of culinary school they work a lot harder for a lot less and don't showboat. They do there job day in and day out as cheap labor, which in a NYC restaurant is good because over head is high and profit margins are low. Unfortunately they are draggin down cooks wages. But on the plus side they do disappear as I stated and have a higher rate of absinteeism. One day they work for you the next day they work for your competitor for 15 cents more an hour with out any notice.
If memory serves she was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Bill was the gov of Arkansas and she resigned in the early 90s when he decided to run for president
I thought you were being sarcastic but I wasn't absolutely sure; ironically enough I was being sarcastic or at least sardonic with opening "funny you should mention". As you pointed sometimes it is hard to tell if someone is sarcastic if you don't know them well.
But at any rate, I figured that putting in a good word for Mexicans couldn't hurt.
Since I have no idea what kind of chef is an American chef like you, I can't really comment on your assertion.
However, in my personal experience, the cooks and chefs and kitchen staff that I known and met outside of the internet speak highly of their Mexican co-workers. So, I am led to believe that the American chefs that I know are not like you since your experience doesn't mirror theirs.
Hell, Anthony Bourdain praised his Mexican kitchen staff in one of his "No Reservations" shows.
I shop at Walmart. And Sam Walton has been dead for a number of years. I doubt that he is stepping on anyone's toes anymore.
Do you realize that LG is a South Korean corporation? Or are you saying that Mr. Kim is just like Sam Walton, except for the dead part.
I'm not sure which of my previous posts you have read, but if you did read them all, I think it would be obvious that I was being sarcastic with my lazy mexican comment. Maybe because you don't know me and because of my wording that you failed to see my sarcasm. Just to be clear, in no way do I think Mexicans are lazy, in fact I believe the opposite.
I'm too tired right now to even begin with a response to your comment.
Also, if you hate large globalized department stores shouldn't you also hate other large and diversified brands like LG, General Mills, The Limited, Sony, Boeing, Prentice Hall Pub. and Darden Restaurants??? Or did Sam Walton step on your toes or something??
No one that I have ever met who has actually known, worked with and/or employed people from Mexico thinks they are lazy.
Even the racist crackers in the deep South that I have known say Mexicans "are good enough to hire but not good enough to marry."
And for a cracker, a lazy person just ain't good enough to hire.
Thanks for the Walmex link. I wasn't aware that Walmart did anything other than Sam's Club and Walmart in Mexico. Apparently, they do a clothing store called "Suburbia" (is that store a plot to make Mexicans into Stepford Americans?" and a restaurant chain as well.
I wonder if Americans would think less of Walmart if they knew how many stores Walmart has outside the U.S.
I think that in some ways it is walmart's dirty little secret. I don't think they mention their foreign stores on the U.S. website.
Wal-mart de México. :::link:::
I found no evidence of any mexican flags at the Walmex doing a google search. I did see on their site "Por qué trabajar en Wal-Mart?" (why work in walmart) I think the appropriate response from the company would be; you have no other choice, now get to work you lazy mexican!
Since walmart is a multi-national corporation with stores in Germany, Brazil, Mexico and who knows where else, it's a bit funny to me that it wraps itself up in the American flag.
I wonder if it wraps itself in the Mexican flag in Mexico?