12/19/04 07:39 - ID#22533
Tom Robbins Books
OK so on that last journal apparently the whole underline process seemed to malfunction. The names of those books are: Diet for a New America, and The Food Revolution. Revolution is the most recent. Good stuff check it out.
Permalink: Tom_Robbins_Books.html
Words: 39
Location: Santa Monica, CA
12/19/04 07:36 - ID#22532
December 19th in California
OK, sorry
(e:strip)pers, I have to just say that for right now California rocks! I just got back from the beach and it was in the high 70's today. I can deal with the pretentious hipster-by-night but yuppie-by-day Santa Monicans for a bit longer if it means sunny beautiful december reading-at-the-beach days! I am still standing by my opinion that the christmas lights on palm tree theme is just completey wrong!
In other current haikuster events, I had just finished reading Tom Robbins
type and his more recent book
type . OK all of you vegans and vegeterians out there who never thought I'd eat my own words. Here goes, I am oficially dumping my card carrying carnivore lifestyle and trying to go veggie! This is pretty major news for me considering my previous affinity for flesh eating. I have read enough to convince me that it is the most healthy lifestlye alteration that one can undertake aside from quitting smoking and I'm gonna give it a shot. So Paul after all of those years of riddicule when you were vegan, your turn to say I told you so. I am curious now more than even why you turned back to eating meat. So anyone even reotely interested in learning the health benefits of such a choice should read the above books by Tom Robbins.
Looking forward to seeing ya'll soon!
Permalink: December_19th_in_California.html
Words: 231
Location: Santa Monica, CA
12/17/04 10:05 - ID#22531
Home again soon!
Hi eveyone, Its been a while. I've been running aroud Oahu and secret santa-ing in LA and next stop is home to Buffalo to surprise mi mum! See you all out somewhere I hope. I'm in town 12/23-12/30!
Permalink: Home_again_soon_.html
Words: 38
Location: Santa Monica, CA
12/17/04 10:02 - ID#22530
26.2 miles Finished it!
5 hours and 12 minutes!
Done! On to the next one!
LA marathon 3/6/04
Permalink: 26_2_miles_Finished_it_.html
Words: 11
Location: Santa Monica, CA
12/09/04 12:10 - ID#22529
Aloha ...
I fly off to Honolulu tomorrow for the marathon! Very psyched, very nervous. Please think some good thoughts and send some positive vibes my way on sunday morning anytime between 10am and 3pm buffalo time! If I don't make it home by next wednesday that means: HELP- I can't walk and I'm stuck on the beach with a Mai-Tai in my hand--feel free to fly out to Hawaii and rescue me. I'm planning on loafing at the Korean spa in K town next week then flying back to cold-a-lo for a surprise visit to me mommy. See you all again soon, I'll be around Xmas eve for a week or so. Aloha again but with the opposite meaning.
Permalink: Aloha_.html
Words: 118
Location: Santa Monica, CA
11/29/04 12:17 - ID#22528
Home sweet home
Home again, home again jiggidy jig! Does anyone know of where i can score a giant stuffed orange banana? This was one of my favorite toys as a child and I kind of want one. I just wrote a very well thought out and insightful journal and it got eaten up by my dad's compputer. So, more later. I'm happy to be home and once again railroading around the old stomping grounds. But, I have yet to make it to the old pink. We'll see what tonight brings.
Permalink: Home_sweet_home.html
Words: 88
Location: Santa Monica, CA
11/24/04 01:31 - ID#22527
I'm about to be waiting in line for a while at LAX airport. They are coming out with a new TV drama about LAX with Heather Locklear. Something like Law and Order meets Melrose place in the airport setting. Yuck, I'm over TV! So I'm flying home tonight, can't wait to see everyone. Looking forward to the Turkey trot and to the turkey dinner with both families! Kind of nice to come home to the cold and quiet cozyness of Buffalo in the late fall. I may be heading out to the old pink tonight for one single drink! I fly in at midnight then tomorrow morning is anearly run so it won't be the crazyiest of nights. For more action and adventure buffalo style tune in on Friday or Saturday night! Hope to see some epeeps out! I'll be in contact with Rachel if anyone is interested in meeting out. See you soon!
Permalink: LAX.html
Words: 154
Location: Santa Monica, CA
11/03/04 10:49 - ID#22526
Bleakest of times
Upset doesn't quite describe it! I am truly ashamed to be an American today. The only thing positive I can think of is that sometimes it takes the bleakest of times to inspire a radical social change. I am greatly disturbed that America needs 4 more years of unchecked greed, ignorance, fear and intolerance to (hopefully) jolt it into social change. What opportunity is fate dealing us here, somebody please tell me!
Permalink: Bleakest_of_times.html
Words: 71
Location: Santa Monica, CA
10/23/04 07:33 - ID#22525
Just did my first 23 mile run and am awaiting the onset of severe soreness! But feelin pretty good for now. Next mission for today is the halloween costume. My boyfriend and about 10 others are meeting up in San Fran next weekend for the festivities. Twisted - if you are out that way and see the cast of Alice in Wonderland in the Castro come and say hello! I am the Hukah smoking purple caterpillar in the spectacles! Will be cavorting with the white rabbit, tweedle dee and dumb, a bunch of cards, the mad hatter and of course Alice! Whats happening on elmwood for Halloween anything special, I sure epeeps should be up to something fun! --Wish I was home, see you all for Thanksgiving!
Permalink: Run_derland.html
Words: 125
Location: Santa Monica, CA
10/14/04 04:15 - ID#22524
So-Cal Lo-Cal
J3sse: I'll see what I can do. Also if you're serious about the Turkey trot I'm a way slow runner (about 10 minbute miles plus) so don't let the mileage scare you, join us if you wish. I'm also running with a friend who swears she hasn't jogged in about 6 months so no worries! Then you can gobble up as much turkey as you can eat later guilt free!
Hodown: Codypommeray is in your neck of the woods, and a very cool guy I might add, so sheck out his journal.
Stephenjames: yeah! I am rooting for you to move to the west side, much less hipster and more hippy-ster, very relaxing in a so-cal way. I am a huge fan, however I do admit it can present as a bit yuppied out as far as yoga moms walking their poodles go. Good luck with your roomate situation. If you are looking seriously to move to the westside, I have a friend who is looking to move by Novermber 1st and may need a roomate. (although I think he's toying with the idea of living solo after one of his own previously not-so-hot roomate experiences) He is definitely very cool and low maintenance. Check out his blog at:

. I have a few seach codes for those housing assistance sites to share if you need. Let me know I can email them to you. I have one for westsidereantals and 4rentsinLA.
Permalink: So_Cal_Lo_Cal.html
Words: 244
Location: Santa Monica, CA
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