Category: teeth
12/20/05 07:00 - 24ºF - ID#21774
i am the dentist's money making machine!
i am at work...O! I AM BACK IN BUFFALO! its a good thing. so yea, i am at work at good ol' frizb's. today is jeff's birthday. so, i am all alone. I really miss working here all the time. I have been working here sooooooooooo long now, but now i don't' work much since i live 8 hours away, and when im home, there are new employees to work, so i fit in where i can.
I know the death cab for cutie cd has been out for like 5 months, but if you don't have it, i think you should. It's good. that's what i have to say about that.
today, i bought a present for (e:hodown) because (e:lilho) said (e:hodown) wanted it.... so i found it and bought (e:hodown), (e:lilho) will be bearing a gift from me to you....although, i think (e:lilho) thinks its from her, but it's not. its from me.
so i am babysitting my boyfriends black pug. He is the cutest little thing. all he wants to do is cuddle....and sophia is not liking it at all. she is so hatin on him its hilarious! she is not used to other dogs up on her mom, so she is a bit jealous, but i have been giving her extra attention just because i feel bad. I ordered her this pink hooded sweatshirt last night. its so cute. i hope it gets here for christmas. and my mom bought her a down pink jacket with a fur hood. not real fur, but faux. it's so cute too! my dog is the most styling dog out there.
im going to see (e:lilho) in about an hour....she is doing my hair. im no longer going to be a darkie. im going light! im kinda nervous, but i am sure it will be wonderful. I need a change.
did i mention it is freezing outside? fuck.
and i am sick of these Bush speeches interrupting my normal shows. i mean, no one wants to watch him speak, more or less hear what he has to say. i mean, come on.
im out.

Permalink: i_am_the_dentist_s_money_making_machine_.html
Words: 434
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/16/05 12:08 - 35ºF - ID#21773
fuck the snow.
but my exams are done. so, i guess this gives me a night to celebrate in plattsburgh!
well, im still hatin on the snow.
here are some more pics of sophia. i hope you all enjoy.

Permalink: fuck_the_snow_.html
Words: 143
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: bitchin
12/13/05 10:29 - 10ºF - ID#21772
and to top it off, my tummy hurts because of this new medicine i am on for my skin makes me so sick. It's like...i am 23....and have been dealing with acne my entire life. I have been going to a dermatologist since i was 10. My parents and I have spent hundreds of dollars to try to make my skin look nice...and it just wont' happen. I take better care of my skin than any single person I have ever met. So what the fuck is going on here?'s either be on the verge of puking every second and have nice skin eventually (i hope) or just keep doing the same thing that has given me shitty skin anyway. Ugh.
im in a really bitchy mood if you couldn't tell....its rare this happens, but when it happens, it all flies in my face at once and i can't get a grasp of anything. I just feel so lost sometimes. worried about sophia. I found a little lump under her mouth...and it might be a little tumor. great. I have to take her to the vet when we get home next week. All i need is the love of my life to be diagnosed with cancer. fuck.

Permalink: fuck_.html
Words: 483
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/12/05 09:53 - 11ºF - ID#21771
for those of you who care....
and the finals begin....good luck everyone!

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Words: 79
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/10/05 08:28 - 28ºF - ID#21770
kids incorporated....K.I.D.S. YEA!
anyway....the start of the long finals week is on. Tomorrow i have to do my final draft of my million i have written for my senior thesis. I wrote my paper on Understanding the Epidemiological Research of MS. It's a great topic, and im proud of the work i have done with it....but come on, i have been doing this paper for 5 months now. I have put my heart and soul into it....and really, im ready for it to be done. So, a huge celebration is on once im done.
I have 4 finals. all on thursday and friday. awesome. They are going to suck my penis so bad. If i only had one.
im going out to this club tonight. its not really my scene, but i have to get out of my apartment.
and...for the record...i stll think my dog is the best thing that has ever happened to me....and once this week is over, everything will be wonderful.
i hope everyone that has finals has a good smooth week with no suicides or anything....remember: its not worth it. ok...with that said....goodbye.

Permalink: kids_incorporated_K_I_D_S_YEA_.html
Words: 212
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/06/05 10:41 - 19ºF - ID#21769
pics of sophia

Permalink: pics_of_sophia.html
Words: 19
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/06/05 10:24 - 19ºF - ID#21768
See, I used ebay a few years back, and i ordered a pair of red pointe slippers... after being inspired from the movie center stage (no laughs please).... and they were posted online as being my size and blah blah blah...there was even a picture! but when i got them in the mail, the were way too small. WTF? i was pissed. And then i ordered these headphones, and when i got them in the mail, they were so fucked up, i was pissed.....i returned them. So, after that, i didn't do the ebay thing except when i was doing the selling at my job at Frizb's....but i decided that I would do the christmas thing to get this stupid shit....and now im stuck with 2. boo.
charlie browns christmas was on tonight. it made me really happy. i like that movie.
you know what also makes me happy: my dog sophia. she is the best. I need to post tons of pics of her on here so all of you can see how adorable she is. I love her.
and school is almost done. thank fucking god.

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Words: 245
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/04/05 03:34 - 29ºF - ID#21767
christmas = ulcer
i made this great little christmas mix cd. i love it. it has all the classics and some new fun christmas songs.
and! it's snowing outside. it's so beautiful. sophia doesn't like the snow though.
and instead of really doing work...condsidering it is the week before finals, im fucking around on my computer and wasting all the time away. i haven't done any work this entire weekend. i suck. booooooooooooooooo.
I CAN NOT WAIT TO GO HOME TO BUFFALO!....and for this semester to be over... only one more left! i can't fucking wait. goodbye.

Permalink: christmas_ulcer.html
Words: 202
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/02/05 01:16 - 31ºF - ID#21766
about this puggle phenomena
- beagles as you all should know, are hounds....they were orginally bred to be hunting dogs because of their keen sense of smell. They bodies are designed to be athletic and help support their great sense of smell. Pugs on the other hand, are the complete opposite of all of these things that the beagle is bred for. Pugs have AWFUL sense of smell (sophia my dog could be sitting next to a giant steak and not smell a damn thing). They aren't athletic. in fact, if they decide in a middle of a walk or a hike that they don't want to move anymore, they literally just sit down. they refuse to move at all. Their bodies are not designed to run, or hike or even go on vigorous walks. They are part of the toy group....which really only serve the purpose of being a companion.
The problem comes in when the two are mixed together. other than the fact that the dogs are so utterly ugly....and the fact that you should definitely not ruin the beautiful nature of the purebred characteristics of either breed, it is cruel to combine the 2 breeds since they are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Puggles have been shown to have severe genetic problems due to the combination of the breeds. I understand accidental breeding....but there are puppy farms out there and breeders that are combining the two breeds that can in reality be a lethal combination.
Im all about rescuing the poor little puggles that are already in existance. The problem comes when there is a demand for the dogs and people go out of their way to make them. Messing with genetics is sad...especially when the animal is suffering because of the problems with their noses and breathing.
so, as wonderful as the word puggle sounds....its a really sad story. so that is where i stand on the breed.
- in other news: it is friday. I blew off my organized crime class all week. awesome. i fucking hate that shit ass class. in fact, i pretty much hate all of my classes... except for my research methods class, and my senior thesis...which i guess i kinda hate too, i just really like my project (i am working on the epidemiological patterns of MS.....very interesting topic.)
also, as stated in an earlier journal entry, i guess i present myself as a bimbo. This is news to me from a 66 year old leading medical anthropologist who is also my mentor. He told me that he knows im really smart and he is proud of who i am, but i need to work on presenting myself as more professional and less like a bimbo. constructive critcism. awesome. i cried....for about 3 hours trying to figure out what the fuck i do to make myself a bimbo. or maybe he is just old fashioned. i mean....he is 66 and does have a 10-year already. In fact, he has been working at the university here for like 30 years. so what does he know? right?
so yea, im still planning on going blonde. i want long blonde hair. (e:lilho)...when I come home in 3 weeks, i want to buy the supplies, and either have you tell me how to do it, or you do it for me for my christmas present! This could be another hair disaster on our hands....but whats new when it comes to my hair?
anyway, i should go. i have to go to the YMCA and get punched in my upset stomach by screaming kids. awesome. goodbye.

Permalink: about_this_puggle_phenomena.html
Words: 685
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/01/05 10:39 - 33ºF - ID#21765
ok, i figured it out.

Permalink: ok_i_figured_it_out_.html
Words: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY
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