11/11/2011 17:44 #55487
happinessOn the swingset with my love who inspired me to become a teacher.
Now she's driving me nuts... Children.
11/09/2011 14:17 #55473
lunchtimeChildren think licking ranch off of carrots counts as eating a veggie.
I beg to differ.
I also served lunch for a little boy on a hello kitty plate, typical of me. Didn't do it purposely, but its still funny. He doesn't mind...
11/09/2011 13:41 #55472
day 11, 12, 13?I really lost track of what I've been eating daily...
Oops. I slipped up the day of wedding... Anyway, school and work took over and I haven't had the time or energy to document it all.
I'm pretty sure its been around 1,300-1,500 calories a day.
I need to workout, does chasing children around count?
I have training tonight for my new serving job, and I realized yesterday I'm working about 50 hrs this week in addition to school. I am a fool.
They say when one door closes, another opens. I've had a lot of doors close lately, so the opportunity for extra work is my open door I suppose. I'm excited to keep extra busy and make some extra much needed money. This means I don't have to worry so much about student teaching...
My goals are to lose 10-15 more lbs- I have lost about 6 so far. I need to maintain my A's in school, and get that pesky C+ up to an A. And just stay focused and work, work, work!
I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas... I really am just loving my moms, sis, and bro so much right now. And those little cutie nieces too.
Must, work, out. Going to do some pushups now. Maybe.
11/07/2011 19:58 #55461
im sorryThis is an all inclusive I am sorry for every person I have ever made feel bad, used, didn't appreciate, said mean things about.
To be on the receiving end is pretty bad. Words really do hurt...
Especially when you're told that you're a bad person and undeserving of love. Everyone deserves love.
I have some wrongs I need to make right and I need to work on being a better me. However, I would never insult someone's character just to be cruel.
Holding back tears.
11/06/2011 17:49 #55458
day 10well, i went to a wedding yesterday and the reception was at this amazing steakhouse, capitol grill and i totally cheated. at least i got my cardio in yesterday morning.
then i felt so sick all day, pretty much until now. that's what happens when you eat mostly veggies for a couple weeks and then gorge on steak, wine, bread, cake, crabcakes, .... so yum.
i was just offered a serving job, and i start next weekend. this scares me, but it will be good for me. no more anti-socialness. plus i will make decent money on the weekends and i won't have to worry about having a job during my student teaching year!
the restaurant has really yummy tapas food, and it's super close to my house which is awesome. i have a good feeling about it, and it's kinda perfect the way things work out sometimes.
i am headed there now for some training...
what to wear?
i'm nervous.
the wedding yesterday only had about 20 people in attendance, do these people not have friends? anyway, i missed the memo to wear black and wore a mustard yellow flowered mini-dress. i felt so awkward.... but i thought i was going to get to flirt with lots of young single guys! that's what you do at wedding, right?! leave it to my friend craig to expose me to the most awkward situations ever.
i have some correspondence in the last with week with some friends turned enemies or something like that... i think sometime you just have to accept that all friendships don't last forever. if you made a mistake, apologize and move on.
then there are other relationships that just go bad, and it's hard to let go... those are the ones you lose sleep over, cry about...
i want so badly to be the kind of person who sees good in everyone, and doesn't harbor anger. i think maybe that is the hardest thing to accomplish in life... to let anger go and forgive people. that is the key to happiness, i think. i could be wrong.
not sure i am gonna workout today... does training for a new job count? this week is going to be so insanely busy... in a good way.
;-) you will make a good teacher. I am sure of it.
No! Because working with her is amazing and I love teaching her and getting back all of the love I put into it!
Some child inspired you to be a teacher? Why, because she was exceptionally naughty?