11/13/2011 12:44 #55497
tonawanda cokeapparently this corporation has been releasing toxic chemicals into the air for more than 30 years....
lots of people have unexplained illnesses, and it's right near where i grew up. buffalo is such a toxic dumping ground.
it makes me sick to think that people get away with these kinda of things, they know what they are doing and they continue to do so without any regard
11/11/2011 17:44 #55487
happinessOn the swingset with my love who inspired me to become a teacher.
Now she's driving me nuts... Children.
11/09/2011 14:17 #55473
lunchtimeChildren think licking ranch off of carrots counts as eating a veggie.
I beg to differ.
I also served lunch for a little boy on a hello kitty plate, typical of me. Didn't do it purposely, but its still funny. He doesn't mind...
11/09/2011 13:41 #55472
day 11, 12, 13?I really lost track of what I've been eating daily...
Oops. I slipped up the day of wedding... Anyway, school and work took over and I haven't had the time or energy to document it all.
I'm pretty sure its been around 1,300-1,500 calories a day.
I need to workout, does chasing children around count?
I have training tonight for my new serving job, and I realized yesterday I'm working about 50 hrs this week in addition to school. I am a fool.
They say when one door closes, another opens. I've had a lot of doors close lately, so the opportunity for extra work is my open door I suppose. I'm excited to keep extra busy and make some extra much needed money. This means I don't have to worry so much about student teaching...
My goals are to lose 10-15 more lbs- I have lost about 6 so far. I need to maintain my A's in school, and get that pesky C+ up to an A. And just stay focused and work, work, work!
I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas... I really am just loving my moms, sis, and bro so much right now. And those little cutie nieces too.
Must, work, out. Going to do some pushups now. Maybe.
11/07/2011 19:58 #55461
im sorryThis is an all inclusive I am sorry for every person I have ever made feel bad, used, didn't appreciate, said mean things about.
To be on the receiving end is pretty bad. Words really do hurt...
Especially when you're told that you're a bad person and undeserving of love. Everyone deserves love.
I have some wrongs I need to make right and I need to work on being a better me. However, I would never insult someone's character just to be cruel.
Holding back tears.
The Global Market is why we Bailed out the Auto Companies (Well greed of the workers and the "1%" owners who couldn't improve the product and lower costs and so they ran out of money) The Foreign Cars are better!
Call tech support and you get some Indian guy cause Verizion (other companies also) it is cheaper to have Tech Support over there...
Years ago I was talking about how Out Sourcing was horrid....(maybe I used the term should be illegal) And now there are no jobs... Well there are jobs just a lot of them have gone other places... Now granted it is great cause some of these jobs in other countries are above the level.... Believe it or not years back I was reading a report of someone who went undercover at I think a nike factory in mexico.... The Point is that even though the jobs we send to other countries are often by our standards are sub-standard are often above the standard of the the country they are in......
I'm not for cutting out the EPA or anything like that.... But the fact is that the global is a factor just like how different states have different laws so different companies have different head quarters .... It is a factor.... I wish it wasn't...
But maybe there is some hope... From what I have heard people like to come here to get our College and University Education maybe we can keep those people here some how instead of letting them go back to where they are from... Also some companies make a few car models here Toyota has trucks made here and I think Volkswagon has one line made here... So maybe if we can excel we can get more jobs over here....
Often times in the global market the people who work the cheapest win out... Some where along the way and not sure where this country has lost its way...yeah profit was important but it wasn't put before the people.....
Sorry, but this whole mantra of global market forces can suck it. Our market, first and always, needs to be the people.
Just because capitalism is the economic system we utilize, we believe that is what lead to our success as a country. But this ignores that fact that a significant force behind our success was the quality of life we created for people living here. It allowed those living here to flourish, and it attracted industrious and capable people from other areas of the world.
When you start sacrificing your quality of life, you aren't benefiting your country; you are benefiting the company you are working for. We all know who controls the politicians right now, so it should be no surprise that they are fighting to eliminate the protections that made us, as a country, great.
I don't agree with the shutting down of the EPA at all.... That being said we are at a point where as a country we have to look at the Global Market place and decide based on that what laws to pass... The people who want the EPA shut down and Pro Big Business and think there should be no regulations... Now I don't agree with that... But if it is cheaper to move a factory to say Mexico where you can let all the toxic crap into the air you want then a company will... Not all companies will... Yes profit is really the reason at that level companies are around but many companies put what is best for them and not the earth or this country first. So maybe make a law that if a company closes a plant here and moves some place else you tax the fuck out of them call it a Business export tax? The Point is in this area there is a lot of nasty stuff in the air and water... But new companies can pick what state to be in or what country so that is who we compete against ..... I'm guessing that the people who could stop Tonawanda coke might have fear that they will get up and move? But not sure about that....
Just one of the many reasons I laugh/cringe when I hear so many people in our country calling for the EPA to be shut down.
my links never work....