But everybody has their faults and its never to late to strive to be better.
After numerous comments from numerous people about my attitude I suppose its time to work on that. I should be grateful for what I have and not expect other people to supplement what I don't have because I'm capable of doing this myself.
As for blogging about others and my feelings I have zero regrets about what I say. I'm honest and this is my way of getting things out.
Anyway I'm dead tired. Just hiked a tough mountain in the rain wind and hail. It was frezzing and I feel and hurt myself a few times but I just kept going. No tears and no complaining. That's who I want to be, not G.I. Jane but just a stronger me who uses my strength as an asset instead of making excuses.
I lost some friends this week, but from that I learned I should keep some things sacred. I also learned that true friends are willing to forgive. So with two lost friendships I was able to learn from it and repair one which I ignored for sometime.
I do think life is mysterious and odd and painful but at the same time if we can find joy in the tiniest things that's what keeps us human.
So I'm working on being more tough... Was first told by my mother I need to toughen up and now it seems to be resonating in my ears still from her and others time. As my late grandmother would say, "its time, its time."
Gonna nap before a girls night out. Maybe ill hike the grand canyon this summer...

The way you say lost, people are going to assume your friends died.
Maybe I would want to hike the grand canyon. Although, I think I would rather hike in norther canada in the summer.