First off I didn't feel too well, which is nothing new since my stomach torments me %80 of the time but I just deal with it. However having that and a challenging hike to accomplish is like woah.
My cousin and I we just got down to business and it was windy omg! Then started to sprinkle. Then started to pour and the wind picked up even more, I'd venture to say around 40mph. Then it really started to rain more and the temp dropped at least 10 degrees and that when the hail started pelting us. Then I fell, fell and hurt my ankle and knee and then fell on a rock that jabbed my bum, ow. Especially embarrassing because we had or purple and green hoodies tight around or heard and we looked like the purple and green teletubbies.and there was a handsome man behind us who helped me up and made sure I was ok and why do guys always look great when they are all grungy in sweats? Not fair dude. Then I somehow led us off the trail and down and cliff type area.
We were so cold and soaking wet and I think it was the most fun I've had in a long time. I know I'm a high maintenance girly girl but I like a challenge and since I started working out again I notice little changes and some toning and weight loss and it feels great that no matter how much your day sucks you feel good after working out- like therapy. plus then I just want to eat healthier in general and I'm not sitting around thinking about food all the time like when I had the dreaded mono that almost made me obese.
Its raining again today, will I stay in bed and study or go hiking?
Why am I blogging so much. Taking a bath and blogging is so relaxing, like chillaxing to the maximum.

That's really petty, the bathing part you could have left out though ;) JK