I miss my mom and we live in the same house.
The last time I saw her for anything more than a hi and bye was last Saturday. We went hiking with my cousin and the whole time we fought and she drove me crazy.
Anyway, the great thing about us is our arguments last about 10 minutes.
I do really miss her though and she's like my bff and the top VIP in my life so I have decided next weekend we are going to have a special adventure day.
:o) spa tomorrow...ahhhh! I need this so badly.
Lilho's Journal
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02/13/2011 15:33 #53606
i miss my mom02/09/2011 19:05 #53580
the gift of hearingLike woah! Just went in to pick up my hearings aids and its loud!
I mean seriously its loud and I want to jump for joy.
To all of you who think you can say and do things because I am deaf, think again... My senses are in check.
The best part? I purchased them for the bargain price of 25 bucks. Insurance pays!
Um most joyful moment in a while.
I mean seriously its loud and I want to jump for joy.
To all of you who think you can say and do things because I am deaf, think again... My senses are in check.
The best part? I purchased them for the bargain price of 25 bucks. Insurance pays!
Um most joyful moment in a while.
02/08/2011 18:31 #53574
print!i'm paying 5 grand for this semester at asu and i have to pay everytime i want to print a paper?
to top that off i actually can't print at all because myasu is down and i can't add money to my account...
so i can't hand in my assignment that is due today... so i will have to go to kinko's or something. i need a working printer.
i hate paper, why do we even use printers anymore? it's such a waste.
to top that off i actually can't print at all because myasu is down and i can't add money to my account...
so i can't hand in my assignment that is due today... so i will have to go to kinko's or something. i need a working printer.
i hate paper, why do we even use printers anymore? it's such a waste.
02/07/2011 18:50 #53564
familysome people completely hate theirs, others are indifferent or just become strangers. my family has never been that way.
you think, when you have your own family it will all be different and things will be nice and cozy.
the truth is, no matter how perfect and amazing someone else's family seems, no family is perfect.
my little cousin is going through a rough time right now. she's never had a solid parental influence. she does however have wealthy grandparents who have half raised her which definitely eased some things a bit. at the same time, not having a parent who is a role-model must be so difficult. i can't imagine not having my mother, because i know no matter what she is there to help and i trust her because she's a stable strong level-headed woman.
my cousin decided to leave az and go back to ny because it's stressful here. her grandpa has cancer again and her grandmother was recently diagnosed with lupus, plus her father isn't doing much with himself and she is growing to resent him as well as her mother whom she hardly ever sees and lives in oregon now.
i kinda want to hug her and beg her not to go because we are so close and she's like my little sister and i will really miss her especially since my brother and sister are so far away and it's really lonely sometimes.
why is it that i really never want to move back to ny but most of the people i love are there? i hate you nys, stop snatching my peoples up.
i not so secretly hope my cousin hates brockport and she comes running for the hills. fountain hills.
dear blog,
i have one wish. please make the birds stop flying against the back windows of my house. after they hit the glass they seize for a few minutes and die, and if i have to deal with anymore birds guts i may vomit, pass out and or cry for a long time.
on a better note, i absolutely love my teaching internship and i seriously wish i could go everyday. those kids are so cute and such hard workers, not to mention hilarious and charming.
you think, when you have your own family it will all be different and things will be nice and cozy.
the truth is, no matter how perfect and amazing someone else's family seems, no family is perfect.
my little cousin is going through a rough time right now. she's never had a solid parental influence. she does however have wealthy grandparents who have half raised her which definitely eased some things a bit. at the same time, not having a parent who is a role-model must be so difficult. i can't imagine not having my mother, because i know no matter what she is there to help and i trust her because she's a stable strong level-headed woman.
my cousin decided to leave az and go back to ny because it's stressful here. her grandpa has cancer again and her grandmother was recently diagnosed with lupus, plus her father isn't doing much with himself and she is growing to resent him as well as her mother whom she hardly ever sees and lives in oregon now.
i kinda want to hug her and beg her not to go because we are so close and she's like my little sister and i will really miss her especially since my brother and sister are so far away and it's really lonely sometimes.
why is it that i really never want to move back to ny but most of the people i love are there? i hate you nys, stop snatching my peoples up.
i not so secretly hope my cousin hates brockport and she comes running for the hills. fountain hills.
dear blog,
i have one wish. please make the birds stop flying against the back windows of my house. after they hit the glass they seize for a few minutes and die, and if i have to deal with anymore birds guts i may vomit, pass out and or cry for a long time.
on a better note, i absolutely love my teaching internship and i seriously wish i could go everyday. those kids are so cute and such hard workers, not to mention hilarious and charming.
02/02/2011 09:43 #53535
happy birthday to a beautiful princessI miss little Zooey so much! What I would give to have a cuddle with that precious cutie right now. She is 2 yrs old today, and its crazy to think she wasn't around 2 yrs ago. Can't imagine my life without her.
I wish my brother and sister in law would call and skype more and be more proactive about visits and holidays... Its much more fun with Zooey around!
Don't worry little Zooey I will be there soon to shower you with gifts and love, Aunt Sarah loves you very much!

I wish my brother and sister in law would call and skype more and be more proactive about visits and holidays... Its much more fun with Zooey around!
Don't worry little Zooey I will be there soon to shower you with gifts and love, Aunt Sarah loves you very much!

Awe you are too sweet. Gotta love moms right? I think is awesome how close you two are. Have a happy Spa day!!!