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Leetee's Journal

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10/04/2010 19:39 #52898

It's The Pits
(e:uncutsaniflush) and i are in Pittsburhg for a few days. Just part of our ongoing rustbelt vacations tour. Oh, and its our 9th wedding anniversary on Wednesday....
metalpeter - 10/05/10 18:30
Congrats. Hope you two are having a great time.....
libertad - 10/04/10 20:09
Hope you are planning out your next year anniversary already!
paul - 10/04/10 19:51

09/29/2010 00:13 #52852

Fly Away!
Just picked out my spring vacation time. State of New York moves slowly, with lots of red tape. Plus, i had to wait for all other staff to pick, then it was my turn to pick from what was left -- 03 26 2011 through 04 11 2011. Might even have the chance to plan something, like flying away to some far away land. Any suggestions?
tinypliny - 10/19/10 22:34
Barcelona - go and see Gaudi! :-)
janelle - 09/29/10 11:13

09/26/2010 23:08 #52842

Facebook Fight
Ya know, sometimes, i am just a bitch and i can't help it. Someone who likes Lady Gaga getting all up in my grill about Neil Young being "garbage" is something i am going to put on my bitch suit about. Sorry. Can't trust the opinion of someone with such questionable taste. Pft!
lilho - 09/29/10 22:35
i like them both...
uncutsaniflush - 09/27/10 16:39
The funniest thing about all this is that Lady Gaga more or less covers (quotes extensively) Neil Young's "Out on the Weekend" :::link::: in her song "Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes". :::link:::

I wonder if (e:leetee)'s facebook friend knows that Ms. Gaga likes Neil Young enough to sing one of his songs inside one of hers. The music world often overlaps in surprising ways.

To me, music is music. Some of it, I love. And some of it, I hate. It's all just a matter of taste.
KeithT - 09/27/10 14:33
Hahaha how could even compare 2 different types of music that? Well thats putting fighting on the internet a side. Sure "southern man" has a bit more lyrical depth than "poker face", but you cant dance to it.

I try my best to love all music. Still cant get into classical very much but it has its place in my life. I just recently downloaded the new Sade album "Solider of Love" and its amaaazing! Its soo sensual and the main single is pretty catchy. From my knowledge sge hasnt made anything since the 80s though you'd never know.

09/23/2010 01:41 #52819

I Heart You
(e:Paul), i just wanted to tell you how much i have appreciated every minute of time and every cent you put into (e:strip).

i am not a geek. and every time you change even the tiniest thing about (e:strip), i feel like i am a moron.

recently, you put it out there that the journals have slowed.

i know, for me, sometimes, if i know something has changed with (e:strip), i am a chicken shit to try to post something, with the assumption i won't be able to figure something out intuitively like my wonderful hubs, (e:Uncutsaniflush) can. but that is also me being insecure and impatient...

besides, my life is boring. other than bitching and moaning, there ain't much to say.

except that i heart you, (e:Paul), and think you are a swell guy. :o)
paul - 09/23/10 01:44
Thanks (e:leetee) It is nice to feel appreciated. Luckily you have an in house tech guy. Not everyone has that ;)

09/15/2010 15:48 #52746

Zilly Birthday
It was my friend, Kirsten's birthday last week and today is the first day we have both had some time open.

So, i thought, along with the gifts i got her, i would swing by ZillyCakes and get her a cupcake. I was expecting something like the monster sized things from Delish but what i got instead reminded me of what i would see on CupCake Wars . I was impressed by the flavours and the cupcake bar.

I am so happy i did not go to Delish. Sorry to those that like it and to Artvoice for voting them best anything. First time, pastried were stale. OK, new business, so maybe they don't have enough turn over. Second time, hmmm... i wonder who buys this stale stuff. Third time, OMG, is that MOLD? So, anyhoo....

I got her a Chocolate Chai with Chocolate Chai Gnache, a Pear Ginger wtih Lemon Chiffon Buttercream and a traditional Red Velvet with Cream Cheese.

Here is what they look like... (OMG, Paul, how do i upload a pic? Where did the upload button go? I've tried about 10 times to drop the file there, but nothing happens!)

So i guess i should say the pics i just took should be here, but i can't put them here......

Fuck it. I give up. Just words in journals from me from now on.

paul - 09/15/10 23:43
Mint worked for me too (e:paul,52751) Are you dragging to the "drag here" text? I can't figure out what else would be different. Any other ideas?
heidi - 09/15/10 23:11
Those look awesome. What a great birthday present!!!
paul - 09/15/10 22:21
I am using slightly different version of kernel and firefox. firefox 3.6.7 on but I am pretty sure its not firefox because 3.6.9 is working on the other platforms and it is usually very consistent.
paul - 09/15/10 22:16
Hm, I would like to get to the bottom of this. I am amazed as it is working on every firefox 3.6+ I have tried ubuntu netbook, fedora 13, mac OS 10.6 and windows. I am downloading mint to test now in vmware.

Have you tried chrome?

Couple other questions. What desktop are you using? I am using gnome?

Also, are you using more than one monitor? I did notice it would not let me drag from a secondary monitor to firefox in the same window.
uncutsaniflush - 09/15/10 20:50
(e:paul) - no luck on a Linux Mint 9 box with firefox 3.6.3 and kernel 2.6.31.

Maybe our end of Bird Avenue is too unfashionable to have drag and drop on a Linux firefox. lol.
uncutsaniflush - 09/15/10 20:36
(e:paul) - drag and drop doesn't work with firefox 3.6.9 on kernel (
uncutsaniflush - 09/15/10 17:30
(e:paul) - I just used the mobile site to u/l the photo for (e:leetee). This box has firefox 3.6 I reckon the + makes all the difference.
paul - 09/15/10 17:23
What version of firefox are you using? It should work with firefox 3.6+ and chrome. You can always use the mobile site's traditional file upload inputs :::link::: on any browser. Well, any browser but the iphone and ipad.