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08/10/2010 12:46 #52405

Bitch & Moan
Don't continue reading this unless you're in the mood for yet another one of my bitching & moaning sessions. Hopefully, it will be short...

My doctor wants me to see a nutritionist and a opthamologist.

So, i call my insurance company for "in network" providers. Up until today, i have had amazingly helpful people at my insurance company.

Or, so i thought.

I found out today that i must be stupid, because today's conflicting information "is exactly" what i was told last time. I am NOT covered. Even though i understood that i was. I understood that my diagnosis opened a few doors to see specialists i was not covered for before it. Such is not the case. Diagnosis is not relevant.

Ophthalmology -- I am covered for an office visit... but... ready for this... not the exam. WTF? So, if i want to go and talk to a receptionist at a doctor's office, i can, but i can't have the doctor examine me?

Nutritionist -- there isn't one in the Buffalo area that is in network unless i go to a Diabetic Education Class at a Catholic Health hospital. Four 3 hour classes, most of which interfere with my work schedule, of course. To top it off, i do not have the correct referral and need to get back on the phone to be on hold and explain to someone else what i need and wait to find out how i cannot get it.

Pessimistic? Who me? Nah.....
jenks - 08/11/10 11:42
Grr, Lee I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. And THIS is a prime example of how healthcare is broken in this country. You, or your job, pays through the nose to give you health insurance. And you, as opposed to many people out there, are trying to do the right thing. You are trying to do what is good for your health, AND you are trying to check in advance to make sure it's all kosher with your insurance company. (as opposed to just seeing some doctor who isn't covered and then refusing to pay, etc). And they make you jump through hoops. Why don't they realize that if they would make primary, preventative care accessible and affordable, they would save so much money in the long run?? LET everyone see a doctor and get their blood pressure and sugar checked. So you find some hypertension and diabetes. Better to find it and treat it *now*, when it's a matter of blood pressure pills and fingersticks- rather than wait until people need cardiac bypasses and their legs amputated. But noooo. They don't see that spending $100 here saves them thousands down the road.

So infuriating. :(
tinypliny - 08/10/10 20:38
:( Please don't give up.
paul - 08/10/10 19:30
It's all so frustrating. I really hate it all too.
heidi - 08/10/10 13:26
Bitch and moan all you want, (e:leetee). you have to relieve the anger, frustration, sullenness and other byproducts of a broken system somewhere other than on the phone with unhelpful CSRs. I wish you mighty powers of patience and endurance.

07/21/2010 16:32 #52250

Black Bean Salad
Blood work is in. It's official. I have diabetes. I do not have celiac disease, but there is a small chance i may be allergic to eggs and lactose intolerant. That diagnosis, however, will have to wait 'til a later time.

I don't like getting diabetic testing supplies from the only place in which my insurance will cover 100% of the cost (rather than 80% after a $280 deductible), which is not medicare, despite the commercial.

I have made calls to go to a diabetes education center and wait for someone to call me back.

In the meantime, i do online research and a bought a big ole old fashioned book.

I require more thought on what to eat. Gone are the days of just picking something up or going out to eat lunch almost every day.

Today, it's black bean tomato corn salad. In a popcorn bowl.

Can't say i have a recipe, exactly. I just microwaved a bag of frozen corn, added a can rinsed black beans, some sweet peppers, some celery, green onions, parsley, grape tomatoes, the juice of a couple of limes, some dill, garlic, cumin, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar (which is reported to help lower the impact of sugar rich vegetables for diabetics), some Braggs liquid amino (to replace salt) then stuck it in the fridge to marinate.

Not sure what to serve it with... but, i may have to consider eating meat so i don't carb load as much and still get my protein.
tinypliny - 07/22/10 19:01
Beautiful salad, btw.
tinypliny - 07/22/10 19:00
Sorry to hear that! :/ On the bright side, being a vegetarian, you will find it easier to keep the blood glucose in control. Step up on your lentils, beans and grams for low carbohydrate high protein sources. Eliminate the staples (wheat, rice, corn) from your diet. Include alternative sources such as quinoa (complete protein and low carbohydrate) and keep a watch on glycemic indices of foods. I think this site : :::link::: and this linked blog might be helpful --> :::link::: Most of what she writes is balanced and well-researched. I would be most happy to help you out working out a meal plan. Let me know via email.
ladycroft - 07/22/10 05:12
what a pisser! i hope you can get a handle on your dietary needs quickly, and I hope it turns out that you are NOT allergic to eggs or lactose intolerant to boot. :(
paul - 07/22/10 00:54
Sorry to hear about your diabetes. It must be especially hard for a vegetarian.
libertad - 07/21/10 17:41
Sorry about your diagnosis. That looks like the cowboy caviar I make for parties. Your version is much healthier with your vinaigrette over my italian dressing.

I think that as far as meat goes there are many humanitarian and more sustainable options at least available if not expensive. Guess it probably should be expensive but the price of it makes it much easier to buy the not so great stuff.

07/09/2010 11:25 #52127

Small situation at work, mostly about me adjusting to the differences between an institutional setting and a community setting. I am strict. I follow rules to the letter of the law, because that is what i did in my old location. Doesn't always go over well in this setting. I am adjusting, but it is a bit of a difficult transition.

I am happily surprised for the first time since i started working for the WNYDDSO, to have co-workers that respect me. Enough to talk amongst themselves to say, "hey, she's having a hard time, what can we do to help her out... and how about if we step back a bit and let her figure out her own way".

Wow. Is this what it feels like to not be in highschool?

paul - 07/09/10 20:17
Sounds much nicer than the previous situation.

07/06/2010 12:45 #52112

Don't Beat Up Girls
Uhm, yeah, unless you're a girl?

Today, less than an hour ago, i was walking to my car when i saw two teenagers standing by their bikes. His was on the ground. She was still straddling hers. He was standing with her tire between his legs and his hands on her handlebars. He was screaming profanities at her. She looked at me, looked away, he turned to look at me, told me to fuck off, then went back to his screaming.

I put my recycled weggies bag in my prius (just trying to show what a fucking neo -hippie i am these days, i even became a member of the co-op. shit, i would have beaten myself up when i was 17.. but i digress), and when i looked up, he was slapping her around and punching her on the side of her head. She was just trying to block his fists. She looked at me and mouthed "help", so i called 911.

Of course, Weggies security was on lunch and could not be found. So i flagged down an orange shirt helping hands dude.

She tried to explain to me, and i told her she didn't need to, because no matter who's dick she sucked, he still should not be wailing on her in a grocery store parking lot. When i said that she cried. I hugged her and told her she deserves to be with someone who will treat her with respect. Simple lessons.

And ya know what? I don't care what kinda crack whore she might be, no one deserves to be beat up by someone 3 times their size.

I stayed with her until weggies security was with her and they said the cops were on the way.

He was standing out front of a bodega on Amherst when i drove by. Pussy.
ladycroft - 07/08/10 07:03
glad you intervened. too many people just walk away because they think it's none of their business.
metalpeter - 07/07/10 18:35
That is Crazy. The Thing I wonder is why she didn't try to run him over since she was on the bike? I can't help but wonder what the fight was over. But that is just me. I also can't help but wonder if they interact on a daily basis? I get that your blog has nothing to do with this really. But so many times this is a heated relationship of some kind that gets out of control. I admit I'm surprised she didn't fight back. In any event hopefully the girl is ok.
theecarey - 07/07/10 14:52
Well said (and well done), Lee.
paul - 07/06/10 23:34
That is so crazy. Its amazing no one beat the crap out of him in return. I fixed the hers->her's issue. It was part of an auto spell correction for display system that has also been part of estrip for 6 years. You are the first person to ever notice.

06/30/2010 20:49 #52068

More Than Hate?
Today, i not only think i hate doctors, but i think they are actively evil.

After much investigation, consternation and frustration, i have discovered this general turn of events.

First time i got my blood work done, unknown to me, my primary was on holidays. According to them, but my time line contradicts this, her replacement saw my blood work and WITHOUT meeting with me sent a script to Wegmans. I say i got the bloodwork done after they sent me the wrong script, they say before, that is why it was sent. I won't dispute the time line itself.

My alert to this was an automated call from Wegmans letting me know my script was ready. For something i had never taken nor would take since i do not eat shellfish.

Since i hadn't been to see my doctor, i was able to weasel from the head pharmacy dude the name of the doctor. One i had never seen before, nor heard of, except to say she was also at Lifetime Health on Main by Allen. Her name is Margaret Ebrel.

After several phone calls, it was discovered that script was sent in error. Lifetime says they do not know why someone did not send Wegmans a fax (or however they communicate) to say "hey don't fill this, it was an oops".

I made the grave error for asking for an apology. From ANYONE, but in particular the doc that made the mistake.

People make mistakes. The nurse i saw today made a big mistake, and immediately apologized. Because she said "oops, i'm sorry, i should have...." it was easy to shoe it away and move on.

It took a lot of time and effort for me to find out why i was sent the wrong script. I want to make sure it won't happen again. As in maybe my information is incorrect, or something super innocent. I got nothing but resistance from Lifetime Health in trying to resolve this.

Is it really so bad for me to want to make sure it doesn't happen again? Is it really so bad for a doctor to admit they made a mistake? Or are they really so superior and perfect that they do not make mistakes? Do they really think they are god-like?

On top of all this, i went in today for a follow up for my second set of blood work because LabCorp fucked up the last set. Despite a "note on my chart" to let me know when i checked in for the appointment that the labs are not in yet and to reschedule the appointment, i paid my co-pay and was seated in the waiting room. The other mistake i made was paying with a credit card. Lifetime Health does not know how to refund my money. Or can't. Who the fuck knows.

I left in tears of frustration. Busting my ass to make it on time for an appointment that should have been canceled. Trying in vain to have some sort of resolution for a mistake a doctor made. Paying for an appointment i didn't have. Not knowing if the appointment i made is still standing... or if i want to go.

The medical system in this country makes me feel like a piece of meat. Shit, makes me feel like a hunk of useless fat.

It matters nothing to Lifetime Health if i get moderately decent care, or care at all. I wish i could say i feel like a number, because at least a number has value.
paul - 07/06/10 23:38
Its unbelievable the way so many doctors and doctor's offices treat people. I have had a few I liked but many more jerk faces.
metalpeter - 07/02/10 16:34
That sounds awefull ..............
libertad - 06/30/10 21:44
That's awful.