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06/21/2010 21:32 #51989

Right now, until the next time i get blood work and urinalysis done, i am not allowed to eat the following:

salt, salt substitutes, sugar, sugar substitutes, dairy, wheat, anything high in potassium, anything high in cholesterol.

I am allowed to have one egg a week and one banana a week.

I am already a vegetarian, and i wasn't planning on eating meat any time soon. Unless, of course, my dietary restrictions must continue. Then, i may consider adding chicken to my diet, in as minimal amounts as i can.

Meal planning is interesting. Today, i made this stew:

In it there are onions, peppers, celery, a box of Pomi chopped tomatoes (everything else has salt or potassium added!!) a can of low salt black beans and some tempeh. With that, we had corn on the cob -- with lime juice and chili powder instead of butter and salt.

I miss you, potato chips.....
metalpeter - 06/22/10 18:17
I have no Idea how you could have no sugar or salt or diary or wheat it doesn't really leave anything.............
leetee - 06/22/10 18:12
You're both right: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, celiac disease, high cholesterol. (e:Matthew) didn't get the chance to guess or it would have been 3 for 4.

Medications and a very restrictive diet, then blood tests and urinalysis to find out for sure.

I also have B12 deficiency anemia, but that isn't much of a surprise to me since i have been a vegetarian my entire adulthood.
tinypliny - 06/22/10 12:28
paul - 06/21/10 23:01
High blood pressure?

06/16/2010 23:18 #51904

Yeah, Sorry, I Hate You
I realize, today, how much i hate doctors.

I am sorry, (e:Jenks).

I think doctors are all assholes who really do not actually care about the welfare of patients. It's all about "interesting cases" or how many appointments can i rush through in a day or who gives a shit if a patient waits 2 hours, my time is more valuable. Money is more important than people.

And fuck you if you are upset by a diagnosis. It must be a manifestation of the illness. No time for your tears. No time for compassion. Here's some meds. Take them. And no, i don't have time to explain why. Ask the pharmacy what they are for.

Oh, yeah, here, too, are some more lab orders. Nope, none of your business what they are for. No time to explain. Bye.

I hate doctors.
metalpeter - 06/17/10 20:29
There are some doctors like that (no idea the %). I do blame the doctors. But some of it is from the way our system works.
1. It is a for profit system
2. It is a we will fix you once you are sick system
3. Oh prevention what is that
4. Then you have surgeons (some of them) Who are cut Happy, that means that when ever anything is wrong there needs to be cutting, oh 2nd opinion on what you have or other ways to fix, um no not to them
5. Then you have this entire crazy insurance company thing

The Days of a doctor coming to your home and making sure you are Healthy is long gone.

Hope that if it is for you or who ever it is for that you find a doctor who cares, hoping you don't have to go to some place where profit is 2nd.
james - 06/17/10 19:02
Dr.Tessa Flores is the best. She works at a practice on Linwood and West Utica and I can't praise her enough. Once, she happened to be going camping with the same group of friends I was. She brought me a bag full of insulin "just in case I partied to much". When she found out I was leaving town she brought me a stack of scripts and insulin samples in case there was a laps in my insurance.

That is just the icing on the cake though. Everytime I have visited the practice they take their time and treat you right.
jenks - 06/17/10 16:59
:( Sorry Lee.

06/13/2010 23:36 #51881

What Are They Called?!?
A while back, (e:Ladycroft) used a term to describe fake vegetarian bacon -- facon, bacon with an f. Since then, i have co-oped that term for all sorts of things. Fake chicken, ficken; fake burger, furger. You get the idea.

Well, we all know about my obsession. My life is so boring, that's pretty much all i post about.

So, today, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were out shopping. At Marshals someone has fake chucks. Yep, from now on, i will call them fucks.

Thanks, (e:Ladycroft).
ladycroft - 06/15/10 04:10
Ha! Hahahahahahahaha! Brilliant!
libertad - 06/14/10 23:31
Very awesome!
paul - 06/14/10 09:34
That's awesome. I have a feeling (e:Mike) will use this too.
mrmike - 06/14/10 08:58
That tickles me, guess I'm still 12

05/27/2010 13:48 #51738

Back To Work


05/25/2010 20:54 #51729

What I Did On My Summer Vacation
I painted a room.

The previous owners let their 13 year old daughter paint a mural on the walls and ceiling.

Here are the before shots in all their glory. Glossy black ceiling, glow in the dark moon, trees, owls, suns and a sunflower... all on a blue backdrop.







I did not take pictures of each step... because even (e:Paul) would not want to remember every step of this torture.

I cleaned and scraped the sticky tack used to hang posters with brushes and used adhesive removers. I used non-phosphate tsp to clean the walls, i snaded, i cleaned again, i did a coat of primer on the black bits, then 2 coats on all of it (which meant the black had 3 coats). Then, i painted the ceiling white and the walls orange.

Here are a couple of during pics, one mainly to show you how disgusting the carpeting was...



Lastly, the almost finished room. It needs details like better flooring, window coverings, some artwork and some bibs and bobs.... but, i finished it. With one day to spare.



libertad - 05/26/10 18:02
Very beautiful color. I love the creamsicle orange. I even liek the matching bed linens. You and (e:uncutsaniflush) have such a beautiful home. What are you planning for the flooring? Are there hardwoods beneath the tile?
metalpeter - 05/26/10 17:38
I like the orange but will admit that I don't know as I could get to sleep with orange walls they would glow to bright through the night, HA, but they do look pretty nice.

In Terms of the people before:
1. I think it is a good to Let your child do up there own room.
2. It is a good way to let them be artistic
3. It Might also teach things like living with what you have done and that kind of thing.

But what I find odd is why wouldn't the seller paint over that? In any event it looks like how you want it to look, and that is good.
janelle - 05/26/10 09:52
Very nice!
paul - 05/26/10 09:27
Wow, what a difference. It looks amazing. Bright orange is my favorite color too.
mrmike - 05/26/10 07:37