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10/19/2010 16:55 #52980

Change My Userpics?!?!
To reflect my old age. Confirmed by an optometrist today. Bifocals. Damn.
leetee - 10/21/10 01:12
not sure, yet (e:Paul), they say it will take about a week (so, yeah, i didn't go to Lenscrafters then, huh?). I paid extra for the anti-glare (i hate bright sun, kills my eyes -- and it was soo sunny the day i got the dilated eye exam) and the no line bifocals. I reckon if this is my first pair of glasses in about 20 years, i might have some adjustments, so i might as well go for all the bells and whistles. All the old people i know say bifocals take some adjustments... like i am not clumsy enough!

(e:Timypliny), thank you for the info. I have had vision problems for longer than i have been a diabetic. And this is just an age thing. I went without for longer than i thought i would (i wore glasses as a child and the doc then said i might last 'til my mid 30's before needing them again). Also, the doc found nothing structurally wrong with my eyes that might have been caused by being diabetic.
paul - 10/20/10 09:09
What is it like to wear them?
tinypliny - 10/19/10 22:33
Hate to bother you about this - but are you sure this is not because of glycemic control issues?

Relevant Refs:
1. :::link:::

2. :::link:::

10/13/2010 16:58 #52943

Bird Brain
We have a bird feeder and get quite a variety of birds.

We hung the feeder right in front of a window in the kitchen so when we are sitting at that table, we can see them eating.

We have a big (ugly) evergreen in the yard not too far from where the feeder is and often, whether it is full, but particularly when it is empty, the branches of that tree are alive with birds.

We love the whole thing and my mother is always in awe of just how much activity we get at our bird feeder.

Since the weekend, we have been getting one not so bright, but brilliantly coloured, male cardinal. I wish he was eating from the feeder and he might be. However, he is also attacking one of the windows around the side of the house.

I can see him now because the room the computer is in juts out a wee bit into a bay shape and i can see the small trees and bushes he lands on before flying at the window. I assume he is attacking the other male cardinal he sees?

I just chased him away by drumming on the window with my fingernails. But he will be back. We tried closing the curtain, but we have a nice plant on the floor right in front of that window and don't want it to die either. He doesn't seem to like a particular part of the day.

Poor pretty bird, bless his heart.........
terry - 10/13/10 17:50
Cardinals are weird like that. (e:Paul)'s mom ad one that went crazy for her car windshield. He'd just continuously fly at it and left her something to remember him by all over her car. I think eventually she had to park it around the corner or something for a few weeks...

10/04/2010 19:39 #52898

It's The Pits
(e:uncutsaniflush) and i are in Pittsburhg for a few days. Just part of our ongoing rustbelt vacations tour. Oh, and its our 9th wedding anniversary on Wednesday....
metalpeter - 10/05/10 18:30
Congrats. Hope you two are having a great time.....
libertad - 10/04/10 20:09
Hope you are planning out your next year anniversary already!
paul - 10/04/10 19:51

09/29/2010 00:13 #52852

Fly Away!
Just picked out my spring vacation time. State of New York moves slowly, with lots of red tape. Plus, i had to wait for all other staff to pick, then it was my turn to pick from what was left -- 03 26 2011 through 04 11 2011. Might even have the chance to plan something, like flying away to some far away land. Any suggestions?
tinypliny - 10/19/10 22:34
Barcelona - go and see Gaudi! :-)
janelle - 09/29/10 11:13

09/26/2010 23:08 #52842

Facebook Fight
Ya know, sometimes, i am just a bitch and i can't help it. Someone who likes Lady Gaga getting all up in my grill about Neil Young being "garbage" is something i am going to put on my bitch suit about. Sorry. Can't trust the opinion of someone with such questionable taste. Pft!
lilho - 09/29/10 22:35
i like them both...
uncutsaniflush - 09/27/10 16:39
The funniest thing about all this is that Lady Gaga more or less covers (quotes extensively) Neil Young's "Out on the Weekend" :::link::: in her song "Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes". :::link:::

I wonder if (e:leetee)'s facebook friend knows that Ms. Gaga likes Neil Young enough to sing one of his songs inside one of hers. The music world often overlaps in surprising ways.

To me, music is music. Some of it, I love. And some of it, I hate. It's all just a matter of taste.
KeithT - 09/27/10 14:33
Hahaha how could even compare 2 different types of music that? Well thats putting fighting on the internet a side. Sure "southern man" has a bit more lyrical depth than "poker face", but you cant dance to it.

I try my best to love all music. Still cant get into classical very much but it has its place in my life. I just recently downloaded the new Sade album "Solider of Love" and its amaaazing! Its soo sensual and the main single is pretty catchy. From my knowledge sge hasnt made anything since the 80s though you'd never know.