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01/21/2012 00:18 #55951

look at these chicks!


01/09/2012 12:45 #55876

I love stories like this

paul - 01/09/12 22:57
That is so cute.
lilho - 01/09/12 19:55
i like that too.
metalpeter - 01/09/12 17:33
I had to share that story on the web.... Notice that Dad wasn't so tough with the Brother who is a wrestler now was he......

01/03/2012 11:24 #55843

Good job paul!
Category: paulsasickprogrmmr!
There are text boxes and I don't have to switch to mobile view!!!!
tinypliny - 01/03/12 21:36
Well... since 2010.
tinypliny - 01/03/12 21:34
LOL, (e:Paul), this is his first non-mobile post, I think. :)
paul - 01/03/12 21:14
I haven't changed anything.
KeithT - 01/03/12 17:07
Reg site veiwed on mobile device with normal web browser.
paul - 01/03/12 14:33
Are you talking about the android app or the normal site?

11/03/2011 18:38 #55434

Eating me alive
Category: andycisafuckinggod!!
Theres this documentary about DJ Andy C that I seen the trailer for the day terry, paul and myself left for WEMF. I can't find a single release date or any information saying that its still even coming out. I almost hate that I know its being made lol. Ive watched this video a million times because of how he mixes Sub Focus' song called "follow the light" in the back ground. Check it out

KeithT - 11/04/11 07:10
paul - 11/04/11 01:35
x03.23.12 / ANDY C : ALIVE TOUR ? Toronto?
paul - 11/04/11 00:51
I wish he was coning back to Town.

10/12/2011 13:02 #55283

bold new taste / ad?
Category: sexism
wellllll its dupposed to be funny, and it kind of is but I got a wang-doodle sooo idk

lilho - 10/13/11 19:34
this is so stupid, i wonder if it will actually sell. will we start to see handsome fit men everywhere drinking this? i think they will just stick to water....
metalpeter - 10/12/11 17:07
I thought I saw a TV ad for that the other day and some how missed that it is just for men......