my sister life is not very glamourous and this upsets me. she carries her laundry down the street like a common hobo... to the laundromat and back.
i'm hoping to change some of this for her, at least for a day. maybe i will treat her to a an overnight spa day for her xmas gift.
i am on the no spending money plan which includes me. sitting at home when i am not working, thinking about how i should get online and do my french assignments and then watching netflix and eating chocolate and mac n cheese.
by christmas i may not be allowed in the spa, you will need a crane to lift me.
the good news is my clothes still fit which means if i stop this now, i can be back in shape in just a month. must hike 4 miles a day.
(e:deeglam) is supposed to come soon, and she gets a spa day too. i am so sick of the lack of glamour everywhere. are we doomed to life a plain and sparkleless life?????
me likey, tre chic
The feathers and glitter creates a pretty look.
i painted my face. the feathers are glued to my eyebrows... well not anymore but they were. it looked so cool, but so uncomfortable and i am now so sick and allergic today from all of the feathers and glitter. surprised i didn't go blind.
Wow!!! How did you do that? I want more pix!
is that painted on your face, or some sort of applique with feathers